» Fantasy » Young Guardian Trilogy, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [e book reading free txt] 📗

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of an eye, we disappeared. I figured my feline friend needed some time alone with her secret brother.


I found myself in front of Lord Guardian’s Castle Chamber doors. Kelly had run off to play with some Young Dreamers so I knew she was okay. I had a feeling Lord Guardian brought me there with his Magic, and I didn’t argue. I was more than happy to visit him again. Perhaps he had another lesson for me?
“My Lord?” I called.
“In back, Young Guardian.” I heard his voice from the back garden.
When he sensed me coming closer, he continued. “Is it not wonderful here, Young Guardian?”
I stammered. “Yeah, I guess.”
He turned his unicorn head toward me. I could see the happiness in his eyes. “Are you happy being my successor?”
I bowed to him. “Yes, My Lord. I’m learning a lot from your teachings.”
“Ah, but are you truly happy?”
His question made me think. “I grew up in an orphanage, not knowing who I was until I met you. I felt many things in my youth, from the hell of Mrs. Gertrude’s hand to the love I received from Aaron. Most of all, my friendships with both you and Katherine Hawk helped me find out whom I was meant to be. You helped me grow strong, and Katherine helped me grow wise, despite my youth.”
O’Dell grinned. “Are you happy?” He pressed, turning now into his human-male form.
“I’ve married my Earthly Protector, gave birth to Enchanted Child, later reuniting with her, and had two beautiful twin sons. My life now, my Earthbound life, has been almost perfect. To ask if I’m happy would be irrelevant. My Lord Guardian, I am truly happy.”
He stared for a moment. “You do not sound convinced, Young Guardian.” O’Dell came closer to me. I sat on one of the benches, with him beside me, a hand on my shoulder. “Tell me what bothers you.”
I told him everything. From Adrienne, to my Dark Magic almost taking us over, and Delilah’s warning to be careful. He understood.
“To lay such a burden on your young shoulders seems a lot, I know. I also know, if you look inside yourself, you will find all the answers you seek.”
I pondered his words. “What answers? To what questions?”
He only smiled. “Hidden inside your mind, Young Guardian, are many questions still about your lost youth.” He held both his hands up, as if to surrender. “Place your palms on mine.”
I knew what he wanted to do, but didn’t want to do it. I didn’t want to chance my own madness, as I had made Panther almost mad before. In his case, a Companion had changed back to his human self, even if for a little while. I didn’t know what would have happened in my case.
“Trust in me, my beauty.” He whispered, searching my eyes with his. The jewel around his neck glowed, telling me he didn’t mean to harm me.
Then again, in all my years of knowing him, O’Dell had never hurt me.
Cautiously, I obeyed, placing my hands on his. I closed my eyes, and immediately, I saw many Empathic images. All from my youth, and even one in the future.
I gasped; unable to hold in the hurt feelings I was made to remember. I couldn’t believe how powerful I’d become over the years, and I felt almost ancient.
Why O’Dell wanted me to remember, I’d only have to ask.
“My Lord?” I whispered out to him, but he didn’t answer. I knew he was still there, why was he ignoring me? “O’Dell, can we stop? It hurts too much.”
Still, I received no reply from my Lord Guardian.
I felt tears drifting down my cheeks as I thought of the many things I’d had to face.
The horrid hand of Mrs. Gertrude when she found out I could ‘do things.’ Being locked up in a room known only as that. The Room. In the dark, all alone, without my friends to save me, I cried myself to sleep many a time in the corner of that terrible room. Beatings came nightly, sometimes daily, with the tutors wondering what was going on. Not one said a word, though. That I knew for sure.
The day when Aaron and I locked ourselves away from the pain, hiding in the attic. We were barely teens then, but loved each other with our hearts. That was also the time I began dreaming of my Imaginary Romeo, Derrick.
I remembered the day I had Kelly, my daughter, only to be heartbroken over losing her. I had to give her up for adoption shortly before I was placed in another abusive foster home. I wished and willed the bad memories to go away. Finally, the light came, and I began to see a glimpse of the future.
There I was, standing in front of at least fifty Mystic Fighters. My own daughter, both of my sons – they were all grown up, fighting with their own powers. I saw another young woman with long blond hair and bright silver-blue eyes standing beside us. I saw my cousins and other Mystics I hadn’t heard from since the wedding, all fighting against the biggest menace this side of the Dream Realm.
The Darkest Magic of all: Our own.
That vision confused me. How could I see that when I didn’t even know half of those Mystics, or Fighters? Did my Clairvoyance make me think of them, or was it the Premonition?
When the pain began to come from the heart and soul, my heart skipped, thinking of a plan.
I wanted to be the best Young Guardian. I wanted to be the best at everything. In order for that to happen, I have to have everyone’s trust. That is, I have to become my Young Guardian self, my Dream Realm Crusader self, so I can stand up for what I believe in.
At that moment, O’Dell let go. I had a new sense of pride as I stared into his eyes.
“My Lord, I’m ready to receive your command.” I told him seriously.
O’Dell only smiled, knowing already. “Aye, Young Guardian. Go home and tell the world who you are.”
I stood, knelt to him, and waited. “Yes, My Lord Guardian.”
He stood up. “Rise, Ariana Moon.”
I hadn’t heard my first and middle names used by him in ages. “My Lord?”
“You truly have grown into a powerful Mystic. Your Earthbound sentence is over, and it is finally time for you to begin your nightly journeys. There will always be some force out to destroy us, but I believe you will not let them.” O’Dell replied. He hugged me. “Pleasant journeys.”
I nodded and disappeared, going home.

I woke up with tears in my eyes, and determination in my heart.
Derrick sensed my pain, sitting on the bed beside me. “Love, are you all right?”
I turned to him. “Oh, yes. Definitely.” I told him, looking into his brown eyes in the darkness. “I only cry tears of joy, my Love. I can finally say I’m truly happy.”
He kissed me on the lips, hugging me. “As am I.”
That night, we felt closer to one another, falling asleep in each other’s arms.
I felt a deep ache in my soul and a thought ran through my mind. There was still so much work for the Mystics to do in order to defeat the Dark Magic. One Mystic in particular would pay a deep price for her pain and sorrow. This time, I knew the one Mystic I'd felt so much pain over wasn't me. The face of my own sister came into my head, and I chanted a silent prayer for her safety. I didn't want anything to happen to her.
Little did I know just how much would?
Story: #2:
Horror in Hill View

Despite my last night's thoughts of dread, I had a new sense of duty to fulfill. I had a new sense of hope in my mind, and the Mystic Magic within me was growing stronger by the day. Little did I know, my best Magic would be my own twin's undoing?
I was playing with the twins at Aimee's when I felt something wrong.
Royally wrong. Painfully wrong.
The shadow stepped closer to me, a glow in his eyes. There was something different about him, something evil and destructive. Before I knew it, he was on top of me, but I couldn't move. I couldn’t breathe.
A shot went through my abdomen and Aimee noticed when I yelped in pain.
The twins stared at me, and Andrew had a hurt look on his face.
I doubled over in my spot, beginning to have visions again. They repeated themselves in my mind, with my head hurting over them.
Go away! I cried in my head. I don't want to feel this! Not now! Not ever! Leave me alone!
My cries did no good, for the feelings of pain shot through my body.
Aimee looked up from the twins and raced to my side, wrapping an arm around me. "Ariana, calm yourself. What's wrong?"
I didn’t know what to tell her. It was too painful, like being beaten in a spot where only pleasure was supposed to belong. My abdomen and stomach began to ache, as did my head, shooting its random visions of hell in my mind.
"Stop the pain!" I screamed aloud.
"How? What's going on?" Aimee whispered, holding my hand.
Since her hand was in mine, I gave her a glimpse of what I was sensing and feeling.
She gasped, taking her hand back. "There's nothing I can do, is there?"
Sadly, I shook my head. I never looked at her, still wishing in my mind for the visions to stop and the pain to end.
I heard her pick up my sons and head inside her house.
I tried to stand up and found I could, with little pain now. I hobbled into the house, stumbling over broken branches on the ground.
Make it stop, Lord Guardian. Please.
If this is a test, or a lesson, it's a very cruel one.
My pleas were gone unanswered. Little could I do but stand there and take it.
I held my stomach, hoping my own Mystic’s Healing Magic would work, but had no luck in that, either. I was helpless, hopeless, and hurt beyond repair.
I opened the door, shaking my head to clear the visions. I sensed Derrick was home and cried out his name. “Derrick!”
“Ariana – what happened?” Derrick’s voice was a comfort to hear once I found myself in his warm arms.
“A vision that won’t end.” I whispered, holding my head.
He immediately knew what to do. Derrick sat me down on the couch, hugging me close to him.
In my ear, he whispered a special chant I’d taught him for just occasions. It usually stopped the pains of a vision I couldn’t control, but didn’t work. The vision didn’t – wouldn’t end.
For a few moments, he just held me, wiping the tears from my eyes as I cried them.
Soon, I opened my eyes to meet his. I was calmed by his embrace, and the visions and feelings went away for now.
“Let me ask this again – What just happened?” Derrick smiled as he asked.
I leaned up against his chest, and began to tell him what I could explain.
“You don’t think it’s her, do you?” He asked, meaning Sabrina.
I shook my head. “Something much worse, and closer too.”
“Closer, as in what?”
I pointed to my forehead. “Close as this.”
His eyes widened.
That’s when we heard the door spring open and slam closed. We turned to see a very beaten, bruised, and pained Luna Morehouse.
My twin looked like hell.
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