» Fantasy » Young Guardian Trilogy, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [e book reading free txt] 📗

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me. I was still frozen, stuck in a clairvoyant vision I couldn’t shake myself from.
“What do you see?” Marie’s gentle voice called me out of my thoughts.
“Kelly’s face.” I said softly, slowly gaining what power I’d needed to get me out of the horrible vision. “Her arms reached out for me, and her eyes were crying in pain.”
I heard Katherine sigh in my ear.
“This is what I was afraid of.” She whispered sadly, standing. She helped me stand once the vision was over. “Now I have to show you my Crystal.”
I saw we were already at Stargazer Castle. Marie, Destiny, and Celine were silent behind me. As we stepped inside, I could see a pulsating rainbow-colored light.
Definitely Mystic, I knew. A round Crystal ball stood on the tip of a staff. I recognized it immediately, but didn’t get the chance to say the words.
“It were my mother’s Mystic Staff.” Katherine smiled proudly. “She saw and heard what good I were doing for the Province from Lord Guardian. That was when she gave it to me.”
“Mistress Sibylline tells that Staff were the very one to foresee her own death.” Marie told me.
“It was her destiny.” Destiny smiled, her violet eyes sparkled. “In order for the Wars to end, she had to die in them.”
“I know the story, thank you Destiny.” I smiled back at her. I turned back to my friend. ‘Can you answer my question, Lady Katherine Hawk-Stargazer?”
To call my long-time friend by a title seemed awkward, but I had to get her full attention.
Katherine took the staff and stared into it. “Sister Aluna has already warned you of danger, correct?” She didn’t take her eyes off it as she spoke.
“Yes, but—” I started.
“Marie and Destiny, you may excuse yourselves. Celine, my daughter, go with them.” Katherine’s gaze was still on the Crystal atop the staff. “This is a very delicate matter between Young Guardian and me.”
“Aye, Lady Katherine.” They obeyed.
Celine caught my eye as she passed me. She knew what kind of hell her mother was to put me through, giving me a sad look and soft purr.
All was silent, with both Katherine and I staring into the Crystal. The staff was at our eye-level, with her silver-blue eyes staring into it. She wanted me to see something, and I wanted to know just what?
I stepped closer to her, so we were side by side. “Kat? What’s wrong?”
No answer.
She was in her Balinese-human form, which she took often. Her eyes glowed another color now --- pure yellow. Bright as the noonday sun, but scarier.
“Why have I been brought to you?” I asked in a whisper. I didn’t want to disturb her much.
I felt my own form changing. A white wind blew around me, changing my clothes. I soon found myself in a flowing white gown. A multi-pastel-colored wrap hung over my right shoulder, with a pin shaped like my new Jewels Amulet. I noticed the gown’s top was partially see-through, and I wore a rose-colored slip underneath. The gown went down to my ankles, making me look and feel older and more sophisticated.
“Katherine, what’s going on?” My voice shook as my eyes stared at what I wore. Whatever was going on, it was beginning to scare me.
“Our Lord Guardian wishes a word with you concerning your teachings.” Katherine whispered. I could hardly hear her.
“I don’t care about teachings right now.” I snapped. “Why was I brought here?”
Her eyes shifted from the Crystal to mine. “What did you feel in the vision?”
I sensed she was in teacher-mode. I respected that right away, remembering she knew much more about the Dream Realm’s secrets than I did.
“I told you already.” I replied. “Kelly --”
She interrupted me. “Crying out for you to help her.” Katherine finished. “Yes, but what did you really feel and read from it?”
I thought about the vision once again. In the Outer Realm, once a vision is seen, it cannot be seen again, unless whoever was in it was with me. But in the Dream Realm, it not only can be seen again, it can be felt as well. A vision can be reborn, as if it were never seen.
My eyes closed to witness the vision again. “She’s in trouble somewhere.” I whispered.
This time, I saw more. No demon was holding her hostage, but it was the same type of feeling. I still tried to find her in the Dream Realm.
The vision started differently this time. This time, I witnessed as she was sleeping in her bed, peacefully. I wanted to get a closer look, but the image changed, as did the feeling. I felt her going out of her body, looking first over to it, then to me.
My hands grasped the Amulet pin, and I began to see more.
I had no choice but to follow her through a portal, which took us to a place we hated the most.
The Abyss.
My daughter took my hand, but didn’t say a word as she pointed ahead of us.
The Abyss was dark, but a little light shone on two figures. I realized when we were.
That’s right, when. The two figures were of the two of us – Kelly and I – when we were trapped in the Abyss. That was shortly after we’d reunited with her.
Why are we here? I found myself thinking to her.
Her hand went down, and her eyes looked at me.
To see the bond we have for each other. I noticed my daughter looked older. Remember that as I’m forced to leave your side.
I told you I wouldn’t let anyone take you away from me – ever again. I convinced her, trying to hug her.
Kelly shook her head and ran off, disappearing from sight.
“Kelly!” I called to her. No answer.
That’s when I felt someone tapping my shoulder. I snapped out of the vision, opening my eyes to see my feline friend leaning over me. I was lying on a cot, with her sitting next to me.
“Katherine?” I whispered. “What – How did that happen?”
“Your Magic is powerful, yes, but not all Magic can heal a broken heart.” Katherine sat me up, handing me a small bowl.
“What are you talking about?”
Katherine paused before speaking again. “The vision with the Enchanted Child – Kelly – has your heart yearning to know what Sister Aluna really meant by her warning.”
My eyes looked down to the bowl.
“Drink.” She playfully commanded. “It will make you feel better.”
I smelled the potion, knowing its magical properties, coming from her. It smelled of autumn leaves with a hint of carob root. As I took a sip, it tasted like maple syrup and brown sugar mixed. The first taste was enough to make me feel better.
“How do you feel?” She asked, anxiously waiting. “Did my potion do some good?”
I smiled at her once placing the bowl on the table next to me. I hugged her. “Yes, Kat. It did wonders.” I pulled back from her. “What do you call it?”
Katherine shrugged. “It has no name, but its ingredients come from the Canine Wood. I had been collecting herbs for a while, just to practice my Magic.”
My attention stirred out the window. I felt a hand on my cheek, and a soft purr in wonder.
“What bothers you, my friend?” Katherine whispered, noticing I hadn’t been listening.
I turned back to her with a tear in my eye. I thought back to the vision, and Luna’s warning.
The thought came to my head, but its words sprang from my mouth. “Lu’s right. Kelly’s going to be in grave danger, and there’s nothing I can do but stand aside.”
Katherine lowered her head, knowing my words rang true. When she looked up at me again, she whispered. “Go home, Young Guardian. The dawn of a new day has come.”
The last words I whispered before waking up were “Thank you, Katherine.”
My eyes stung with tears, for I didn’t know why. Derrick sensed I was awake and hugged me from behind. Not one word was said between us, for we didn’t need to utter a sound. The gestures of love alone were enough to comfort my aching mind.
Adrienne’s Revenge

I came across Darlene Bennington’s card one day, and thought about my conversation with her. As soon as the twins were sleeping and the main housework was done, I called her.
“Hello?” A girl’s voice answered.
“Is Darlene Bennington there?”
I heard the girl cover the receiver and scream, “Mom! It’s for you!” She then uncovered it and asked. “Who is this?”
“My name is Ariana Reading. I’m a friend of your mother’s.” I told her. “You wouldn’t be her daughter Rhiannon, would you?”
“How’d you know?”
I smiled. “Lucky guess.”
“Thank you, Moon.” I heard Darlene’s voice say, taking the phone from her daughter. “Hello?”
“Darlene, it’s Ariana. You were right.”
“Do explain.” Darlene replied simply. I told her everything that had happened from the day we met.
“Sounds serious.” Darlene replied. “Visions, dreams, this thing you call Dark Magic, it’s all a part of you.”
“That I know. If my sister’s visions are right, and my dreams are right, my daughter Kelly is going to be kidnapped soon.” I replied. “By who, I don’t know. When, I don’t know. All I know is to be afraid of Luna’s clairvoyance.”
“Calm down Ariana.” She told me. “First of all, listen to your dreams. They are an important clue to solving the mystery.”
“You sound like a detective.” I told her.
“Well, I am sort of a mystery-lover.” Darlene told me with a laugh. “Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys always kept me out of trouble.”
“I’m a trained detective, and even I’m having a hard time figuring it out.” I replied. “Take the dream with my Companion friend Katherine for example. I fell into a faint, where I imagined myself in the Abyss.”
“The Abyss.” Darlene interrupted. “The veil between the worlds, right?”
“Right.” I supplied. “To me, the Abyss is dark and gloomy. I imagined myself being taken back there by an older version of my daughter. When I tried to hug her, promising not to let anyone hurt her, she pushed away and ran off. That’s when I woke up in Katherine’s castle, laying on a cot. Do you think it means anything specific?”
“The love of your daughter for one.” Darlene said. “That in itself is a very strong force. Remember that when it actually happens.”
“Okay. Thank you, Darlene. I appreciate the advice.”
“I’m not finished yet, young lady.” She commented sternly. “Next, what is the message your sister is trying to tell you through her visions?”
“That Kelly is going to be harmed; only, neither of us knows when.” I replied. “When she came over that day, I could sense something was bothering her. When she hugged Kelly, she gave my daughter a feeling her aunt was afraid for her.”
“All you can say is interesting?” I asked, raising my voice. “Don’t you have some kind of spell for this? I know we don’t, yet.”
“No, no spells.” Darlene replied. “The only thing I can think of is to keep a watchful eye over her.”
“I can’t watch her twenty-four hours a day.” I told her. “I have my twin sons to take care of, the house to keep clean, and homework to do for school.”
“Don’t you have some kind of...oh, what is it...connection device?”
“What are you talking about?”
“A talisman or charm that keeps you psychically in touch with her.” Darlene explained. “If you do, use it every now and then to keep tabs on her.”
I thought for a moment. The
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