» Fantasy » My Changed Life, Nilea Lewis [best love novels of all time .txt] 📗

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blood seep into my mouth. After I was done I sat up and looked at him. He looked at me with a worried face.


"Why did you think I did not love you? You could have died. I was so worried. You lost a lot a blood, and it will take a while your body to replace the blood you lost. But until then, I will help you around the house." He said as I gave him a kiss on the cheak.





"I do love you. I just thought you had saved me out of pity, or that you knew I was the daughter of a rich man, and would be payed for it. I don't know. After my father practicly told my brother that he didn't care that I was gone, it was like what little hope I had left was gone. I can't promise it won't happen again, but I will try not to hurt myself." I told him with a slite smile.


He nodded and kissed me. He picked me up and carried me out of the room. He took me to a room that was all black. He sat me down, and left for a minute. He came back with a plate of meat. 


"You do have to eat real food once in a while. Our blood is only when nesasary." He said as he gave me the plate, and sat next to me on the couch. May came into the room, walking up to me.


"My lady, would you like to take a shower? Or perhaps a bath?" She asked. 


"That would be nice. I haven't had one since the night I was attacked." I said looking at may with a smile. She nodded.


"I will get it ready immediatly. And dinner will be ready with in an hour." She said and walked out.


Vale took hold of me, and kissed me.


"Promise you'll tell me if you are depressed or anything. I don't want anything to happen to you. You should know that your life is valuable. I love you." He said kissing all over my face.


"I love you too. And I promise. I will tell you if I am having doubts about my life." I said with a smile.


"Thank you my love. Now lets go to your room so May can give you a bath."


He picked me up, and spun me in a circle. He carried me to my room, and to the bathroom. May was standing there, waiting for the water to get hot. He set me down on the floor.


"Ready for your bath, Miss?" 



Chapter Nine

After May had gave me a bath, I felt refreashed and happy. I walked to Vale's room and knocked on the door. 


"Come in." I heard him say. I opened the door and walked over to his bed.


"You didn't have to knock, my sweet. We are mates. What is mine, is yours. Speaking of that, we need to talk about our marrige." He said picking me up and tworling me around.


"We can get married Saturday." I said laying on his chest.

"We should tell your father. I know you don't want to, but we at least need to tell him, you are alive." I froze and tensed up.



"Alright. We will go later today. I just hope it goes well." I said.


He kissed me on my forehead."Thank you. I will be with you the entire time." He said hugging me.


"I know. I'm just nervous as to what he will do." I said.


He called in a servent, and told them to ready the car. As we drove through the town, I leaned on his sholder.


When we arrived in my house, the driver opened the door. I steped out and walked up to the door. May knocked on the door. A few minutes later, my father answered the door.


"Oh, your back. I thought you were kidnapped by someone. Now you have some strangers bring you back." He said not even leting us in.




I hugged Vale tighter. "We only came here to tell you that I am geting married, and to tell you that I don't need you. I heared you talking to my brother about my dissaperance. You told him you didn't care, and that I shouldn't have gotten kiddnaped. I got attacked that night, and almost died. I tried so hard to please you, and it didn't work. So, now i'm done."



I paused for a minute.
" I found someone who actully loves me, and will protect me. And u'm geting married this Saturday." I continued.




 "Well you don't live here anymore, so why should I care that your geting married. Did you think I would put off work to come to your wedding? I don't think so." 


At this point I was in tears. I buried my head into Vale's chest. 


"Alright, I have had enough. Why do you treat your daughter this way? DO YOU LIKE TO SEE HER CRY!! Well I don't. You are a horrible father for saying something like that. All fathers should walk down the aile with their daughters when they get married.The fact that you won't because of work is stupid." 



Vale had completly snapped. My father just looked at him.


"And who might you people be." He asked not completly careing.



"I am May. I am Miss.Tasoro's personal maid. I would be pleased if you would not make her cry." May said looking upset.


"I am Vale. I am you daughters soon to be husband. I love her with a passion." Vale said steping tword my father.


"That is enough. I am okay. We should go now. I won't bother you again father. I'm sorry." I said and turned to walk to the car.


 "Misaki wait up." I heard Vale call. We got in the car, and drove home.


While in the car, everyone was completly silent.


When we arrived back at Vale's mansion, I headed tword Vale's room, with Vale following me.


"Are you sure you're alright?" Vale asked as we sat on the bed.




My eyes were starting to water again.


"Please Vale. I don't know what to do. I've always done as father has said. I have never disobeyed him. Why does he hate me so much?" I said crying into his chest.




"Everything will be okay, my sweet. Everything wiill be okay." He replied as I fell into a deep sleep.



Chapter Ten

It had been a couple days since I cried myself to sleep, in Vale's arms. Vale had taught me how to use most of my powers. 


Vale and I had just left the mansion for a vampire ball in Transivania. He had agreed to take my, on one ccondition......that I stay by his side the whole time.


I didn't want to...but I also wanted to go. So I agreed. I mean I can protect myself.


I as much as I hate to admit it, there is always someone strongerWe arived at the ball room, with a few minutes to spare. I had on a dark blood red strapless dress. It had perals on the lining. 

The skull designs on it made it even more awsome. 



As people started to arive, we stood and waited for it to start. People would come up and greet Vale, with respect and poise. He was treated like a Prince. Because he was one.


And now......I was his Princess.


His father was the king of Pure-Bloods, but he passed away. 


I stood there with Vale, as he had his arm around my waist.


There were vampires prouwling around, and he didn't want me getting caught up in it. As soon as everyone had arrived, Vale took the stage dragging me along with him.




"Good evening everyone. I would like to entroduce my mate, and bride to be.......Misaki Tasoro. She is a newborn vampire, but already has controle of her powers. Please welcome her into our pack."


He nodded to me, his arm still around my waist. 


"Helllo everyone. I am pleased to meet you. I will try my best to get to know each and every one of you." I said, with a little wave.


Vale took back the mic that I didn't know I was holding, and began to talk.

"Let the party begin!" The hall erupted in cheers. The lights were dim, and everything was a low light color. For vampires, they sure can throw a party. I had only every been to business banquets, and I hated them. But this was way better then networking, about a stupid buisness.


We actully had fun tonight. That is until the party was crashed, quite literaly, by hunters.

Chapter Eleven

     The night started out quiet, and calm. However about an hour into the party, there were loud banging noises outside. Everyone in the hall completly stoped what they were doing.


The doors flew off there hinges, flying in oppisite directions. Steping inside the doorway, were men and women, in black hoods, and with wepons.


They started attacking people, and everyone was either running away, or fighting for their lives. I didn't notice when one of the hunters snuck up behind me. I had felt a someone behind me, and I thought it was Vale. I turned around, and the man stabed me in the stomach. 

I held my stomach with one hand, and used my powers to get him away from me.



I saw Vale running tword me, trying to get to me. There were black dots dancing in front of my vision. By the time Vale got there, I was half way sleep. I was so tired.


"Misaki hold on. I'll get you some help." Vale said picking me up. 


"Vale...i'm tired. I sleep. It hurts.....I want it to stop." I said griping his shirt. 


I choked on my blood. Vale wiped the stream of blood driping down my chin.


"Just stay awake for me till we get home.Okay?" Vale saiid and started running with his vampire speed back to the house. 



As we arrived May took me to my room. After awhile Vale came

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