» Fantasy » Fabeth, Cerenberger [reading well TXT] 📗

Book online «Fabeth, Cerenberger [reading well TXT] 📗». Author Cerenberger

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Missy ran bawling her eyes out and straight into Mark's arms. Mark glared at us and mouthed, "What did you do this time?"

Shrugging, I looked back at Addie and Layton, "Wow she sucks at acting. I mean how can he be so stupid to believe that."

"You guys are so mean, I know she said some hurtful things to you but you two were just down right cold." Layton said in a disapproving tone. "Cold and heartless," he said again. Before walking away towards where Mark and Missy were, no doubt apologizing to Missy for our 'unexcusable' behavior.

"You know what, screw Missy. Let's through Layton in the lake instead" I said to Addie.

"I'm cool with that, no one will miss him anyway" Addie reasoned. Laughing we walked back to my car to get the radio and snacks that we always bring.

"Yo Mark instead of flirting with that thing, why don't you bring the drinks and get the fire started" shouted Addie as we carried the food and radio.

"Right I'm on it" Mark said as he headed back to his truck.

"Wow, he didn't even defend Missy when you called her a thing. Must be back to normal now" I mused.

"Yeah I figured that I better get him away from the toxic fumes she's wearing, I mean really there is a little something called to much perfume."

"Yeah hate to be downwind of her now, I think it's about time for her to refuel." And sure enough when we glanced over at Missy she was spritzing herself. Laughing to ourselves we laid out the food on a blanket and sat down to watch Mark attempt to light the fire.

"You really think that it's a good idea to let him do that?" I asked, gesturing towards Mark and his lighter. "Don't you remember what happened last time he tried to start the fire?"

"Aww Lizzy your being to serious, relax. What could go wrong?" Addie said. I raised my eyebrow at her, she just said the words no one ever wants to hear. " Your right" she said more seriously" Go get the fire extinguisher out your car."

"Mark are you sure you don't want my help with the fire?" I asked for what must have been the hundredth time. It was starting to get colder and Addie and Layton had begun shivering ten minutes ago.

"No I don't need your help" Mark refused again "I'm not incompetent."

"I beg to differ" I muttered to Addie.

"Hey Mark wern't you a boy scout when you were younger?" Addie asked.

"Yeah why?" Mark answered suspiciously

"Hey, aren't they suppose to have like a fire making badge or something" I chimed in

"He must have been a bad boy scout" Addie answered.

"I will have you know that I was an excellent boy scout. One of the best actually, there was nothing I couldn't do" He replied haughtily.

"Except make a fire" Addie whispered to me. I snorted and unsuccessfully tried to cover it up as a cough."

"Fine Miss perfect you try and start the fire and I'll watch you and giggle about your fails with Addie" Mark said throwing his lighter at me.

"Watch and learn Marky" I replied and grabbed the stone and flint out of the tinder box I brought with me. A few seconds later and Mark was wallowing in self pity as I stroked the newly made bonfire making it bigger.

"And that is how it's done Mark. Not only did I get the fire started on my first try but I used stoned to do it." I said smugly.

"Oh don't feel to bad Mark she's an Indian. She's just naturally good at starting fires, it's in her blood." Addie said jokingly.

"I'm not an Indian Addie. Any idiot can start a fire. Especially if he has a lighter." I stated in an annoyed voice. If you can't tell, we've had this conversation before too.

"That's what they all say" Addie said mysteriously.

"Oh shut up or I'll throw you in the lake instead of Layton"

"What! You were going to throw me in the lake what happened to throwing Missy in the lake them leaving her there top die?" Layton questioned.

"Uggg, Layton! Your not suppose to say our plan out loud, especially when the victim is sitting five feet away." I said while nodded my head in Missy's direction.

"WHAT" Missy screeched" You were planning on throwing me in the lake? How dare you!"

"Can you blame us?" I asked

"Besides we should get some credit. I mean we didn't actually go through with our plan. Yet." Addie added. Missy just glared at her. Then went back to flirting desperately with Mark. I glanced around and noticed Addie shooting death glares at Missy and she was holding onto her drink so tight her hand was white. To avoiding an another vicious outburst from Addie and a possible chick fight that Mark and Layton would enjoy way to much. I grabbed Addie's hand, snatched another drink for both of us, cranked up the radio and started to dance to Lady Gaga's Born This Way.

About an hour of dancing I was starting to wear out. Taking a break I went and got myself a Mountain Dew Voltage. I walked to the edge of the lake next to a collapsed Addie. Flipping off my sandals and rolling up my blue jeans. I sat down beside her and dipped my feet in the lake.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing," Addie shot back with venom and glared at Missy again.

"Oh, please don't tell me your jealous! Come on, it's Mark! He's a man whore." I said, exasperated.

Addie sighed, "He is a man whore, isn't he."

"Yup, but don't worry by next week he'll have dumped Missy and moved on to a different chick. And then Missy will make the other girl's life a living hell instead of ours!" I said dreamily

"Yeah right dream on Liz yo know she'll always make time to torture us."

"This is a very depressing conversation Ads. I mean were suppose to be celebrating the all mighty god of baseball and all other sports." I joked while nodding my head in his direction. That got Addie to smile for about two seconds until she actually looked over at him, then she started scowling. Turning I groaned in disgust at the image before me. Missy sitting on Mark with her shirt half off violently kissing Mark.

"Can you spell desperate?" I asked not even trying to hide the disgust in my voice. Addie huffed in response.

"I need another drink."

"You just had one." Addie stated

" Yes, yes I did, but now it's gone and I need another one." I heard her mutter something that sounded suspiciously like freak, but chose to ignore it. Standing up to get my drink. I was wiping my feet off on the towel I brought when something happened. Addie tells me later that I just took a step towars the cooler near the fire and stepped on uneven part of the ground. Suddenly I was falling and it wasn't that graceful kind of falling that you see in movies. I shrieked as I hit the frigid water. I surfaced choking on water frantically wiping water from my eyes. To see that everyone surrounding the edge of the lake staring at me.

"LIZ! Are you okay? Addie asked while trying to hide her smile "What happened?"

"Gravity" I mutter" It's cold, help me out will you." I asked her as I swam towards the edge and reached out to grab her hand. I was half way out of the lake when I saw Missy lightly nudge Addie. With the uneven weight we both toppled back into the lake, but to my immediate satisfaction Addie decided to grab onto Missy's arm and dragged her back into the water. Missy emerged sputtering.

" You Bitch" Missy screamed. And that was the last straw for Addie.

"Oh I'm the bitch your the one who shoved me into the lake, and now I'm gunna kill you" Addie said in a deadly voice. With that she grabbed Missy and shoved her head under water and kept her there.

Great just my luck I have to break up the second chick fight for today. Missy must have done something to Addie because she suddenly emerged coughing. Then they started attacking each other. And I mean hitting spitting hair pulling kicking and the whole shebang. Swimming over I heard a splashing and saw in my periferal vision Mark swimming towards the fight.

"You grab Addie and I'll get Missy." I nodded and headed towards Addie. It took abouut five minutes to seperate them. In that time Layton got in the water and tried to reason with the girls. Let's just say it didn't work and he is now silently sulking.

I was looking down at the water praying that they woldn't try to attack again when I noticed that the water wasn't as calm as it was when I had first fallen in. the water was swirling almost like a whirl pool. Suddenly I felt something grab my foot and pulled me under. I screamed but soon my mouth was filled with water and I concentrated on not drowning.

The water started swirling faster. I didn't know where anyone else was. Heck I couldn't even tell what was up from down. I was starting to see black dots because I was basicly out of oxygen when there was a searing pain above my left eyebrow. Everything was getting hazy and that's when I saw them, thoes malicious yellow eyes glaring at me. I wanted to scream, shout in fear with my last breath but then abruptly everything went blissfully black.

The Cave

Addie's P.O.V

Agony. One word that describes how I feel. Everything hurts. Moaning I pushed myself up into a sitting position. Squinting I looked around me, I was in some kind of dark room with walls that emitted a gentle bluish glow. The ground was hard like rock with jagged pieces sticking up in different places. Standing up I took a step towards what I hoped was a door, only to trip over something lying two feet away from where I was standing.

"Fuck," I muttered as I banged my already severely bruised arm against the wall. "Damn rocks!" Suddenly the rock moaned and twitched. I shrieked, "Oh my God, It's alive and ugly."

"Shut up, Addie! And what are you talking about being ugly, you can't even see me." The rock yelled it sounded strangly like Lizzie.

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