» Fantasy » Fabeth, Cerenberger [reading well TXT] 📗

Book online «Fabeth, Cerenberger [reading well TXT] 📗». Author Cerenberger

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Addie's P.O.V

Everyone has dreams, whether they admit it or not. There's the oh-so-famous dreams where you're falling or you're naked in class. Unfortunately this wasn't one of those dreams, I would have welcomed one of them now.


Standing at the edge of the lake I stared into the eerie waters. I looked around at my surroundings there was nothing but forest. Glancing back at the water I saw two hideous yellow eyes glaring back at me. I felt terror enveloping me. I tried to look away, but its eyes were so entrancing as if I was I were drowning in his eyes. Everything was going black when suddenly everything started shaking.

"Ms. Johnston, Ms. Johnston, are you even listening to me?" Someone shouted. Oh my god that thing knew my name. The shaking suddenly intensified. Then out of nowhere I felt a sharp pain in my leg, almost as if someone had kicked me. Hold on that wasn't possible, a lake with yellow eyes can't kick me. Another dead-on kick to my other leg woke me fully. I was in English class. My teacher Mrs. White was looking at me disdainfully, great I can feel another detention coming on.

"Ms. Johnston, my classroom is a place for learning. Not sleeping. You will accompany me tonight after school for a two hour detention. I gasped, Not fair! I only fell asleep there was no way I deserved a two hour detention. I looked over at my best friend Elizabeth St. James she smiled at me apologetically. Then it dawned on me she was the one who was kicking me earlier. I gave her a pleading look. I couldn't miss the game tonight, Mark would kill me if I did.

Elizabeth raised her hand. "Yes, Ms. St. James? What is it?" Mrs. White inquired.

"Well Mrs. White I just had a question, are you going to the baseball game tonight?" she asked innocently. I frowned where was she going with this. Apparently the teacher was suspicious to for she frowned as well.

"Of course I 'm going, I have to show my school spirit. Why wouldn't I go?" Mrs. White stated matter-of-factly. I snorted yeah right like she wanted to show school spirit she just wants to go in hopes that she'll find 'Mr. Right'. She must have heard me laughing at her because she turned to me and glared. She's always hated me. The main reason I'm pretty, I don't me to sound snobbish but with my straw blond hair and my intensive green eyes I'm not exactly dubbed ugly. Anyway the reason is that I'm a straight A student. Even though I sound stupid and play the 'Dumb Blond' act I'm not really. I mean yeah I'm no genius but I am not that dumb. Beside even if I was an idiot Lizzie would always help me keep my grades up. Whether I wanted help or not.

"Well I was just wondering how Addie could have detention when there isn't a teacher. If your planning on going to the game who is gonna be in detention with Addie? I can grantee you won't find any one willing to do a Friday night detention let alone a detention on the night of the Big Game." Elizabeth replied sweetly. I grinned. Oh this is why I love my best friend. I could totally not live without her.

Mrs. White looked lost for words for a few minutes and Lizzie put on her best confusion face. "Well," She replied haughtily, "I suppose that we will have to delay Ms. Johnston's detention till next Monday."

"Oh, okay then," Lizzie said nonchalantly. Mrs. White was about to say more when the bell rang suddenly ending second period. Gathering my books as fast as I could I practically ran out the door before the teacher could yell at me. I waited out in the hall for Lizzie. She was the next out the door the instant she saw me she started laughing, I started laughing too. After a few minutes of laughing our butts off and some very strange looks from passers-by we finally sobered up.

"Come on, let's go to lunch I'm starving," Liz said.

"Lunch, is it that time already? Yes!" I shouted

Lizzie giggled, and we headed towards the cafeteria to see what was for lunch.

Getting our food we walked towards the football table and towards our other friends Mark Dowes and Layton Mckee. They were both on the football team hence the "football table" well Mark's on the team, the quarterback, Layton is more of the mascot for the team. Taking a seat next to Mark and Layton we had a quiet lunch listening to Mark and the other football players talk about sports and girls. After Lunch we went our separate ways, me to history, Liz and Layton to advanced biology, and Mark to Spanish. The rest of the day passed in a blur. When the bell finally rang I couldn't wait to get to the baseball finals and watch the Spartans, us, dominate the Raiders, our school rivals.

Elizabeth's P.O.V

Walking out to my car, a silver convertible, curtsy of Addie, or more like Addie's parents. Driving up to the school I pick up Addie who was waiting by the door, the lazy ass.

"You know this car is great but I still miss the 'Red Rocket'."

I gave her a look that could have frozen ice, but it didn't seem to faze her." Yeah," I said sarcastically " I miss the Red Rocket too, unfortunately you drove my loyal rocket into a lake. Now it's six feet under and never coming back."

"What! It's not like I did it on purpose. How was I suppose to know there was a lake there?" She asked in a disbelieving tone.

"Well its not like the lake magically moved itself just so you would drive into it," I said in exasperation.

"The lake totally moved!" Addie exclaimed although I could see she was trying hard not to grin, because we have had this conversation/argument before.


The day the Red Rocket was murdered was a cold late February day. It wasn't freezing out but it was no where near warm. A few days before we had a semi-warm front so the water on that particular lake wasn't completely frozen. It was Friday night and the basketball team had dominated yet another one of our rivals, the River Beavers. And of course Mark was throwing one of his famous parties. So after the game Addie and I decided to carpool there together because I would have had to be the designated driver anyway. When we got there the party was in full swing.

"Oh, come on we're late again," Addie complained

"Adds how many times have I told you, there is no possible way to be late to one of Mark's parties, so stop complaining, besides us being 'late' was totally your fault this time." I stated in a tired voice, "I don't even want to be here."

"Oh, come on Lizzie, Mark's parties are always the best. Let's go have some fun." And with that she jumped out of the car and ran towards Mark's house.

Sighing I followed. When I got inside I went to the fridge and got a blue Mountain Dew. Sitting next to Layton I noticed that he was studying for our advanced math class.

"Layton what are you doing? You know Mark will kill you if he finds out that your studying at one of his parties again. You're suppose to be having fun." I said.

"I am having fun," he stated indignantly, "Did you know..." He never got to finish his sentence, which I'm extremely thankful for because he tends to ramble on and on about different facts. Instead we got to watch Addie start table dancing, yep she was totally drunk tonight. It was about three in the morning when people started going home, or just passing out on any surface in Mark's house. The only people who were still conscious were Mark, Addie, Layton, Dillon, Ryan, Hayden( Mark's basketball teammates/friends), and I. "Hey lets let's all go to the school and TP the principal's office" Ryan slurred. Great everyone's drunk but me.

"No way, I'm going home, I've got stuff to do tomorrow that doesn't involve being stuck in a jail cell." I said.

"But jail is fun, besides we need another driver, you can wait outside if you want to. Please Lizzie, " Mark begged.

I sighed, "Fine I'll drive Addie to the school but there is no way I'm going in there with you okay!"

"Yeah all right let's go," the guys shouted.

Ten minutes later

"Come on Lizzie you know you want to come inside with us," Mark cajoled.

"No, I'm 100 percent certain that I want to stay in my nice warm car while you trash Mr. Anderson's office."

"Well Lizzie you give me no choice in the matter," and with that Mark signaled Dillon and suddenly I was lifted in the air and over Dillon's shoulder. I started yelling, hitting and kicking but to no avail. Once inside I was dumped on my ass on the stage. Around us were what was left of the props for the Winter play. Glaring at everyone I got to my feet.

"What are we doing here? Anderson's office is at the other end of the school."

"Were here to have some fun, " shouted Hayden.

Sighing I went and sat at the end of the stage while my very wasted friends messed around with the drama clubs props.

Suddenly there was a shout, I don't know from who, but I whirled around to see a giant board swinging towards me. I didn't even have tome to scream before it hit me. The impact sent me flying off the stage and into the chairs. Luckily after board the hit me I fell into black nothingness.

Addie's POV

"OH MY GOD LIZZIE" I screamed as I ran towards where she was laying unconscious. "Is she dead", I ask Mark who had gotten there before me and was now feeling for a pulse. "She's alive" Mark said relieved, "Just knocked out we should probably get her to the hospital" Carefully he picked Lizzie up bridal style and headed for the cars. Setting her in the passenger side of Lizzie's truck I hopped into the drivers side and started their engine. "We'll be right behind you okay Addie. Don't go to fast, and be careful."

Elizabeth's POV

It's amazing what can wake you from the deepest of sleep or for my case unconsciousness. For me it wasn't Addie's scream as we plunged hood first into Silver Lake five miles from the hospital.

What woke me was the ice cold water seeping into the Truck as we sank into the lake. I gasped as the water enveloped my body and looked around, everything seemed fuzzy when I looked at it. The water was quickly rising it was already to my waist. Addie sat frozen in the seat next to me. I crawled over to the drivers window and started pounding on it where the crack from last

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