» Fantasy » Weapon in disguise, Maddie Koschel [e book reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Weapon in disguise, Maddie Koschel [e book reader .TXT] 📗». Author Maddie Koschel

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but still arrogant much."Well while you recover from my statement that will be very much true, I expect you to come an join my pack as you are my mate you will also take on role of alpha female"I jumped in surprise no way was I joining his pack they would be better off without me if they found out the truth? "Yes you will be joining my pack they have gone 125 years without a female alpha I think it's time they have one don't you an what are you hiding Lexi whatever u tell us we won't judge we have all don't stuff that we regret" "Get out of my head you ass an ill think about joining now leave me alone" I shouted through the connection who does he think he is first of all trying to Hunt me down then going all mojo on my ass then demanding I join his pack if he thinks he can control me he's got something coming his way. As I tried to forget about jake I lay still in amongst the flowers looking around at the beautiful colors I grabbed a purple an white flower lifting it above my eyes so that my hand also covered the sun. It wouldn't hurt to look at him I mean would it really be bad joining a pack he did say I wouldn't be judged as the thoughts kept running through my head I saw two birds, flying swiftly an chirping it looked they they where dancing, I watched as they landed on a tree branch an they snuggled into each others feathers. a feeling of loneliness washed over me I sighed an said "fine if he wants me to come ill come" as I got up determined I changed back into my werewolf form an took off at a trot which soon turned into a jog. In no time I was at a clearing which opened to a worn out field I could tell this was were they would meet before a hunt I herd someone coming I jumped onto a tree branch high enough to see who it was as the bush gave way as beautiful man walked into the clearing he looked around as my gaze slid up his body I looked towards his shirtless chest an looked in shock this man was not only tall an strong but his abs an chest where just perfect they looked like they had been chiseled by god himself with not being to buffed but defiantly not skinny his 6 pack was perfect an anyone would be drooling just as i was. As I continued up towards his face I could feel my excitement growing I looked at his hair an stopped in shock his hair was white like pure white it held a shine to it an it defiantly didn't make him look old in fact in made him look dangerous all the while keeping him sexy as fuck. I looked down towards his green eyes that were distracted on something else they shined so bright with excitement, his jaw was well defined giving him a wild look an his mouth looked delicious. I licked my lips I was about to show myself until the man shouted desperately "Lexi, please show yourself I know your here I caught images of our hunting grounds I promise I won't hurt you I just want to see you an maybe introduce u to some of the pack members" of course it was jake I smiled thinking nothing could compare to his beauty but snarled at the last bit,I got over it as I jumped down from the tree an landed 10 meters away from him.Jake analyzed me like I had just done to him after abut 5 minutes he said " well come here" I walked slowly but happily over to him my body just reached his waist which was saying that he was tall. He slowly went to touch my fur as soon as his hands touched my fur I gave in to his touch relaxing, I rubbed up against his legs an started rubbing my face against his waist I sighed an in the moment realized I would do anything for him even if it meant joining his pack or dying for him or bearing his children I would do it. he crouched down to my level an hugged me it looked kinda childish but it didn't matter cause it was jake my mate. New pack, new home

He pulled away an looked into my eyes an smiled saying "oh Lexi i have been searching for you for so long an just when I was starting to give up I found you" I snuggled back into him returning as much as I could in my wolf form he quietly said taking a breath "so will you Join my pack an become the packs alpha female?" I didn't hesitate as I licked his face, my tail wagging a bit he looked at me shocked an let his breath out. He suddenly moved away an within second there stood a white magnificent wolf I smiled at jake who walked back over to me he spoke through our mind links "we will go to the entrance of the pack village everyone will look at you as a threat at first if anyone growls at you growl back an show them who is boss then we will go to the main pack house were 10 others including me are staying, then you will change into human form understand" I took as much as I could in, breathing steadily until I finally said back "will I always have to be in human form its not that I don't like it, I'm just so used to my wolf form that it will take some time to get back into an old habit?"   He smiled a toothy grin well as much as a wolf could smile "of course u can usually all of us spend at least half the day in our wolf forms that is Why our pack is one of the strongest an most powerful cause of the freedom they are allowed, as long as they respect me, other citizens an my rules everything is peachy" i smiled at his kindness "come on let's get u home" my breath hitched somehow I liked the way that word sounded I smiled as he turned around an trotted off I followed him keeping in sync my nerves increasing getting faster he bolted off leaving a trail of his scent. I let him have his moment until I speed up running behind him he looked at me shocked until he went even faster, I did have to hand it to him he was pretty fast he had me panting by the time we got there while he looked cool an calm I look at him confused until I looked ahead through the big iron gates an my jaw dropped as I saw a big double sided road leading down until it disappeared on I looked to my left an saw open grass fields with hills an massive rocks as I looked closer I could see wolves well werewolves to be exact lounging around on the hills an rocks I smiled maybe I would like it here. I turned to my right an saw thin trees lined up about half a kilometer away making a wall of trees an then as it got further away it started to get thinker an darker as I listened more closely I could hear the pads of wolf paws running around an jumping I could hear the excited yells of the young wolves. I couldn't say anything I was in to much of a shock as happiness took over "wow so this is all yours wow they are so lucky they have a place like this to call home" jake looked at me with question but quickly covered it an said "well now you can call it your home an your pack everyone will love you come on this is just the start there's heaps more" jake walked over to the side of the fence an put his big white paw to something an with a click the iron gates opened. As we walked through it I could see everyone had stopped doing what they were doing an looked over as I stepped forward I could hear some of the closer wolves growl I snapped my head to their direction and growl a low but hearable growl they immediately backed off, they  bowed there heads I also bowed my head in greetings an In thanks. Jake walked next to me an all of the wolves that were in sight bowed he held his head high an walked proudly ahead I kept up to him for about 10 minutes until I saw the big beautiful mansions lining the sides of roads that broke off with the main one, 2 went right it broke off into 4 more roads or as some might say streets which all had dead ends. Then looking back over to the left it was the the exact Same except instead of 4 it was 7 roads that broke off from the main one, 3 of those roads ended with a dead end while the others broke off into another 4 roads they eventually ended with dead ends. every single road had somehow packed as much houses together yet somehow still managed to look spaced out an roomy, they where all lined with perfect hedges an trees even though they look like a new residential area with the same boring house they all had different features an colors that set them apart . She could not believe how privileged these people were jake continued forward on the one road she hadn't noticed it was straight ahead an as we got closer I could tell it was the pack house, but mainly it was jakes it was massive  about 3 times the size of those other houses she had seen an was painted in an all white with stairs running up to the front door as she walked up the stairs her as silent as she was she looked to the sides an saw to wolf statues howling up into the sky she looked back towards the door her happiness had now been taken over by nerves she waited as jake reached the top an opened the door with his shoulder she could her other people among the house she took a breath an steeped inside

Some introductions are easier then others
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