» Fantasy » Weapon in disguise, Maddie Koschel [e book reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Weapon in disguise, Maddie Koschel [e book reader .TXT] 📗». Author Maddie Koschel

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smoothly messaged it through my hair an combed my hands through the ends I let it sit for about 5 minutes until the water was going cold I quickly washed it out an emptied the bath I found 2 plush towels. Grabbing one I wrapped it around my hair an twisted it over my head I then got the other one an dried myself off. I finally felt like a human an clean for that matter I wrapped the towel tightly around my body it showed off my curves, I opened the door an peeked out no one was there but I spotted some clothes on the king sized bed an snuck over to them I looked left to right I snatched the cloths up greedily an ran back to the bathroom I shut the door sighing I let the towel fall around me as I put my bra and undies on the kinda made me look good they were matching with black as the main color I looked at the jeans that were a light blue I slid into them. They sat perfectly on my hips, they hugged my legs, I slid the black t-shirt over my head it was a bit tight but it would have to do. I got hot very easy so I got creative with the jeans I smiled an made my nail turn into what would feel like a razor blade an cut the leggings, as the long jeans slid off the remaining of the material went 3cm under my but,I breathed out as I took my hair towel off an rubbed it over my hair to get The last drops of water out it fell down my back in a tangle of waves looking at the mirror again I sagged in relief 'that's much better'. I was now dressed in a black t-shirt that showed off my curves as well as my boobs an with light blue shorts I smiled an gathered up my courage an walked out the door looking around at the big room I continued onwards to the main door I opened it slowly it was quiet so I tip toed out into the big hallway my stomach rumbled a I caught the scent of chicken I licked my lips an walked deadly silent down the hallway. following the smell till I came to stairs I crept down each one until I came to the bottom but instead of going of going right which lead to the lounge room I went left I came to the opening as I looked around I gasped it was the kitchen an it was bigger then the lounge room everything was new an any chef would die for a kitchen like this on I looked to the island bench which was massive an sitting there was a massive plate of chicken that had hot air steaming off it I grew excited I reached it an grabbed a piece an hoofed it down I grabbed another an another the hunger consuming me I could feel my eyes glowing 'damn calm down Lexi' I thought as I heard a squeak as if a door was opening. I looked just in time to hear the sound of plates smashing I saw that a very pretty girl with dark brownish hair that was cut in a pixie shaped way, with green eyes staring at me wide eyed in terror she was about to scream "please don't scream I'm not a threat, promise" I rushed words at her, she's shut her mouth quickly "but you are the one that killed me omg, stay away I can smell your horrid scent" she backed against the wall shaking in terror she's till managed a glare at me I looked at her dumbly but smiled 'she's got attitude' I sniffed her scent an recognized it instantly it was Sasha the she wolf I had killed an brought back I put my hands up in surrender an spoke "you got me look I'm deeply sorry I acted on defense I should never have killed you but I did have the curtesy to bring you back I'm really sorry an just no I will never ever hurt you again no matter what, also I did not mean to scare you" she didn't move but she did stop shaking I sighed an relaxed, she said quietly "so what is your name an who let you in" I smiled a warm smile at her "well I'm Lexi an well jake did he's my" I hesitated an smiled sheepishly at her "my mate" she looked at me as if I was eye candy until she ran at me I was about to stop her until she done something I was not expecting she hugged me an not just a small hug it was tight, so tight I was going a bit red in the face she let go an her cheeks went a rosy red "sorry It's just I'm so glad we finally have a alpha female so now you can look at problems from our point of view also it's good that jake has finally found his mate he nearly lost it if you no what I mean". I looked at her an smiled a true smile "of course if you have any problems you no where to go, so does this mean I'm forgiven" she looked at me "of course, I can tell we will be the best of friends" she looked towards the chicken an saw me eyeing it. Sasha grabbed the plate an handed it to me "eat up its all yours an you must be starving" I took it an sat on one of the stools an ate as much as I could in about 3 minutes I had just eaten a whole plate full of delicious chicken I saw Sasha smiling I asked confused "so where's jake " she stopped an thought for a second "well I'm pretty sure he's getting everyone seated for the pack meeting I should actually take you over, come on" she stated in a bubbly voice an grabbed my hand my worry started to sky rocket "I can't they won't like me, they will freak, no I can't go in its to much of a risk what if you get hurt cause they can't control there instinct, no, no, no" I stared having a panic attack until something hard an slick hit me on my face "ow" I growled in shock an soreness I looked up to see Sasha holding her hand she turned to me her green eyes turning gold "you listen to me Lexi you could kick every one of those wolves that dare to challenge you an you smell of alpha so if any one of them even dared to challenge or growl at you, you whoop there asses until they get that through there thick skulls that you are not to be disrespected especially when they are lower then you, so you will toughen up an get your ass over there if you don't you will face me understand" I looked at her flabbergasted I tried to speak but the words weren't coming "now come on or we ill be late" I nodded an followed her. She led me back through to the entrance of the house we missed the lounge room an continued down past the stairs instead of going up we stayed on the floor ground I looked around an saw huge paintings of wolves I looked at them closely I could see one that looked like jake I smiled Sasha grabbed my hand an forced me to follow her. I swear we walking for what seemed like hours but in reality only 5 minutes she stopped at a door, my breathed hitched as I heard a loud booming voice "everybody be seated please" it was jake no need to worry, Sasha looked at me an smiled encouragingly she opened the door to a massive room it was literally the size of a ball room but that's not what amazed me what really amazed me was that about 200 pair of eyes were all looking at me I couldn't even try to focus on one person because there were so many Sasha squeezed my hand an took me up to the front where jake was sitting he growled a low growl then looked at me I heard his breath hitch he was staring at me wide eyed an his jaw had dropped "wow Lexi you look stunning words can not describe you" I smiled sheepishly at him an stepped up onto the stage like platform that had 2 seats that where just bigger then the other ones as I got seated jake held my hand


Challenge accepted

As I got seated I could see at least 200 or more eyes on me I held my head high just to show I was not scared, showing any signs of weakness to this pack would get me nothing but disrespect I looked around as Jacob begin to spoke an saw one females eyes roaming across jake an his body, I growled low in my chest an looked straight at her she slowly turned her head an locked eyes with me she didn't look away I growled at her my eyes going a brighter I could tell Jacob had stopped talking an was now looking at me he tried to get me to stop but I spoke up as loud as could all the while never loosing eye contact with the female "anyone who wants to dare challenge me or even so much as look down upon me with disrespect please stand up I would gladly be happy to kill you other wise keep your eyes below mine an away from what is mine or I will tear your body to shreds" I said while pointing at jake giving a clear warning to not only the one female but to all. She finally looked down an showed her neck I nodded in appreciation I looked towards jake he smiled proudly at me I returning the gesture until I heard a female voice speak "I challenge you" my head snapped in the direction the voice had come from an there standing in the place was a red head women with green eyes an freckles with a body that clearly showed she worked out,I sighed jake tried to protest but I stood an spoke "fine I accept but if I win you will be exiled from this pack an if you win the same shall go for me" she nodded looking confident I smirked an changed on the spot feeling my power growing I growled as the pack made a big circle. 'Do well my kitten, I no you can kick her ass' I looked over towards jake who's was walking to me 'why did you call me kitten do I look like a kitten' 'yes you actually do when u become pissed no one else my have noticed but I have an when you are ready you can tell me about it an just remember you can beat her by a mile' 'oh so you noticed well looks like I'm gunna

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