» Fantasy » From Sunset to Nightfall, Shawna Whalen [good story books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «From Sunset to Nightfall, Shawna Whalen [good story books to read .txt] 📗». Author Shawna Whalen

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across and accidently touched his elbow, I couldn't breathe, for once again today.

If just being around him and barely touching him, I felt faint I wondered what it would be like to kiss him. I couldn't let myself get to far ahead.

He looked at me, there was something in his eyes, but I couldn't place it.

I was still staring at Daniel, breathless, speechless, like an idiot, once again. He probably thought I had some kind of brain damage, I wouldn't blame him.

"Are you okay? You still look sick," Daniel asked.

I gulped, "Why? I mean how do I look sick?" I said, not very confident.

Mr. Corona was starting to lecture so Daniel leaned his face in closer to whisper, I could almost taste his breathe.

I started to lean in closer as well. The smell was so sweet and invigorating, that it was hard to stop myself from tackling him to the floor, but in public

? I resisted.

"You're really pale," he said, looking down at the black-top table.

I let out a laugh and Mr. Corona glanced at me then continued talking. "I'm part albino," I laughed again.

He leaned back, smiling, "Okay."

For the rest of class, we kept peeking at each other; I just wish I knew what he was thinking.

Anytime I would glance at him under my eyelashes, he would already be looking at me, so I would turn my head, blushing.

I hated that about me. My face would always give me away to all of my emotions, especially my anger. When I would get mad at Billy-I hardly ever got mad at Sharon-when I was younger, my tears would betray me and slip over the edges of my eyes.

As I was sitting in my seat, I started to doodle on the front page of my notebook, absentmindedly.

While my right hand was doodling, my left was hanging of the edge, my elbow facing the students in front of my table. I went to stretch it when my hand accidently went too far over and fell onto Daniels arm. I noticed it was hard and cold, like marble.

I immediately removed my hand, but his caught mine and held it.

Then I noticed that everything became blurry, I was still standing by my seat; I had never sat down. It was all a dream, daydream to be exact. Damn it all

! I cursed myself.

Chapter 4-Dreaming

I shook my head and sat in my assigned seat. Daniel looked at me, “Are you okay? You sick look pretty sick,” he said. This couldn’t be happening, I thought. Déjà vu or something else? I turned to look at him, mistake. I couldn’t breathe as soon as I looked into his beautiful onyx eyes. I inhaled, mistake again; I could smell his breath, smelled like sweet honey with some freesia. I turned away toward the front of the room, that was better, I wouldn’t be distracted by his beauty, or his essence, “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m always this pale, I’m part albino.” I smiled. He chuckled, in a low whisper he said, “I knew that.” What did that mean? I was speechless, but I thought quickly-as I could-to respond and not look like more and idiot than I had already today. “Wh-what do you mean?” I said, confused and dazed, I inhaled. He laughed under his breath; he leaned in closer, “You look albino,” he whispered. I exhaled. “The obvious,” was all he said.
I did and I didn’t want my déjà vu to come true. I did only to see if his skin actually was hard and cold like marble, and to see if he really would hold my hand. I doubted that very much, and when I went to look over at the beautiful boy next to me, he looked frustrated; like he was concentrating hard on something. When he saw I was looking at him, he quickly looked away, as did I. Although he didn’t blush deep red. I wanted to touch him so badly, but just as in my daydream, I resisted. I hadn’t ever felt this way about anyone, ever. Not even back home. Thinking about home was a bad idea, it made me sad. I hung my head in my seat, then gave up and put it on my arms, folded across my notebook on top of the table. I could feel Daniels eyes on me, but I resisted looking. I didn’t want to feel the pressure of giving in to anything he would ask or say. Minutes passed by, I held my position, occasionally taking notes, we were studying something I already knew, that was good. The bell rang, I gathered my things, and I thought Daniel would just leave, but he waited on me. Today is weird day, I thought to myself. “Would you like me to walk you to your next class, Liz?” Daniel asked, ever so politely. I smiled, “Yes, thank you.” Forget weird, today was the best, I re-thought.
Daniel and I stopped at my locker to put my things away because I had Physical Education next, great. We walked through the school and outside, we walked a little more ways, went into another building and then we were outside of the school gym locker rooms. The entire walk to the locker rooms, Daniel was asking me questions about me. They were awkward questions, some I felt the need to avoid but every time I went to avoid them, I ended up looking into those beautiful dark blue looking eyes, and gave in; like always. He asked me about Sharon and Billy, and why I ‘chose’ to come to Washington. For some reason I couldn’t lie-I was never good at it anyway-to him, the way he stared at me made me feel like I had to be truthfully honest. It was the way he looked at me with those, piercing dark blue eyes and devoured the protective wall I was trying to keep up.
We stopped outside the gym locker room doors, I could feel my heart pounding; it felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. He smiled and looked down at the floor, as if he had heard my heart sputtering. I exhaled; I hadn’t realized I was holding my breath. The 1 minute bell rang, “I guess I have to go,” Daniel said with longing; as if he didn’t really want to go, I didn’t want him to go, that was a bad thing. My heart beat sputtered when he said go, “Okay,” I said weakly. I assumed he noticed my heart and my longing for him, that was also bad, “I’ll see you after?” I got excited, “Okay, I’ll-uh meet you by-” He cut me off with his hand, “I’ll be here,” he promised. He walked casually away, but looking back occasionally.
During PE, I saw some more familiar faces. I saw Jack Kindle from English. Jack noticed me observing the faces, and slowing started to walk toward me. He shyly waved his hand in the air, “Hi, I’m Jack Kindle. You’re Elizabeth, right?” Not again. “Liz, or Lizzy,” I shyly corrected, I was starting to like that nickname. He smiled, “Yeah, I heard Makayla call you that.” I laughed, “Yeah, it’s nice. My dad sometimes called me Lizzy when I was young, but I didn’t really connect to it.” He laughed now. “Well, welcome to Washington!” We continued to talk until the coach had us settled to tell rules for Mind Field. Apparently Mind Field was a game that we had to be blindfolded during. We had to work in pairs, Jack had asked me and I accepted because I didn’t know anyone else in the class. When the bell rang all of the students and I dispersed to the locker rooms, coach didn’t finish with all of the rules so I was happy that tomorrow would be another day of sitting, listening and me not hurting people with my uncoordinatedness.
I was rushing through putting my normal clothes back on just to see his face again. I’d missed it so much, and once again; that was bad. I knew I couldn’t-shouldn’t-be getting into something like this, at all. As I walked out of the locker room doors, I glanced to my right and just as he promised, Daniel was leaning against the brick walls; looking ever so beautiful. I forgot I was staring when he smiled; I quickly looked down so I wouldn’t lose my train of thought. He pushed himself off of the wall, whispering, “See, I told you I would be here.” I felt my cheeks get hot, shyly smiled, and said, “Yeah, you did.” We left the locker rooms and walked through the school, to my locker and got my things. Frustrated, I hurried to shove my books into my bag; I slammed my locker, and started to walk down the hallway when I realized Daniel wasn’t by my side. Had he decided not to walk with me now? I turned to find Daniel, and he was still standing at my locker. I looked at him, confused. I curled his finger calling me toward him. I walked to him, “What?” He chuckled and leaned into whisper in my ear, I felt his breath tickle the nape of my neck and I swore he sniffed my hair, “You’re going the wrong way, again, Liz.” He laughed again, feeling weightless.
Daniel walked me to my fifth period, and it was no different than my other classes. Daniel promised he would be at the door when class ended, just liked before. Soon, class was over and so was the day. Walking out of the classroom, I tripped. I wasn’t sure what had caused my klutzy move, but I had a good assumption it was my own feet, but Daniel caught me. He was always the hero and I the damsel in distress. That felt weird, for only knowing him a day.
I felt my face blush even deeper red than it had during the day. I looked down, my bag on the floor and my books sprawled out; everyone stepping around ignoring Daniel and I’s confrontation. “It seems like I’ve been saving you a lot today,” Daniel said, laughing and helping me to my feet. I blushed even more. “Y-yeah, s-sorry,” I stuttered. I knelt and started to gather my things into my bag when I felt him accidently brush against me, kneeling down as well. “No, I’ve got this,” Daniel said, pushing my hands away and cleaning up my books. I watched him pick up my books one by one and putting them in size order then placing them like that into my bag; just how I would do. Daniel then walked me to my truck. This was awkward. He was staring at me, his eyes boring into mine. I was instantly breathless. He then jerked his head toward his car as if someone had called his name. “I’ve got to go. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Daniel said as he was starting to walk away. I felt lifeless now, “Okay.” I stood at the driver’s door of my truck, still staring at Daniel walking over to his small, gray, Mini Cooper S and ducking into the driver’s side. His family glaring my way and one by one-except the tiny, dark-haired girl who was smiling- they slid into the back seat of Daniels car. I exhaled; I hadn’t realized I was holding my breath, once again. I slide into the driver’s seat of my truck, turned to key and jumped when the engine roared to life.
When I made it back home, it was quiet; Billy wasn’t home yet. I took my things upstairs to my bedroom and started on today’s homework. It was nearly five o’clock when

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