» Fantasy » From Sunset to Nightfall, Shawna Whalen [good story books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «From Sunset to Nightfall, Shawna Whalen [good story books to read .txt] 📗». Author Shawna Whalen

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not want to be seen with me?” he asked in a glum tone. I felt the need to comfort him. I was already shaking my head, but he took it wrong; I had to speak. “No, I’m mean…” I steadied myself, and sighed. “I…it doesn’t bother me to be seen with you, it’s just I don’t like the stares. That’s what bothers me.” I wasn’t looking at his face when I talked; I was staring at the floor, fumbling with my things. He sighed then chuckled. I stared at him, incredulously. “That’s all?” he asked, laughing again. “So you really do wa-” he was interrupted by the final bell. We were both oblivious to the real world when we were together. “I’ll see you after class,” he said as he walked away quickly. I didn’t want him to leave, but we were in school.
I turned toward my classroom and opened the door. Ms. Donald had already started teaching and eyed me as I walk swiftly to my seat and sat down. Everyone was staring at me as I sat into my seat; I already knew what they were all thinking.
Class ended and of course Daniel was waiting outside the doors. I felt the need to see his beautiful face; I was nearly tripping over myself just to get outside the doors. He smiled as I exited the door. I smiled back. He placed his hand on the small of my back once again, and I didn’t care. I was starting to like being with him; even more than normal. Not like any relationship where you want to be with them, but to need to be with them.
We walked to our next class-the only other one we had together-and sat in our seats. The bell hadn’t ringed yet so Daniel thought it was a good time to ask me more questions. “What’s your favorite color?” Daniel asked in a whisper, as class started. I hadn’t ever really had a favorite color. I liked all colors, except all of this squishy, wet green stuff outside. Daniel was still waiting as I contemplated my answer. I shrugged, “I don’t really have one in particular.” He chuckled in a whisper. “How do you not have a favorite color,” Daniel asked. “I don’t know. I just don’t. My colors vary from day to day basis,” I said, whispering. He seemed puzzled by my answer but composed himself quickly. His questions on my answer and then some, continued throughout class.
It surprised me when class ended so quickly, when the bell rang, I jumped out of my seat. Daniel laughed and rose from his seat. He held out his hand, waiting for me. I was nearly screaming on the inside. Finally I would get the chance to hold his hand. I place my hand gently into the palm of his. When our hands touched, it was like a spark of electricity ran through my body. When we touched it was like fire. I could feel it running through me. Daniel gripped my hand and pulled me from my seat. His hands found my cheeks; I could feel the fire more now. I hoped no one was in the room right now, this would be embarrassing. He hands held my face only inches away from his. I could feel the heat coursing through me, about to explode. He eyes were boring into mine; it looked like he was asking for consent. I hoped mine were saying yes. He understood and brought his face gradually closer to mine.

Chapter 6-The Fire

His hands were still holding my face as he leaned in. His lips gently touched mine. The fire exploded. One of his hands then slid down from my face and around my back; pulling me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, stretching to reach; trying not to break the kiss. I thought I’d heard him groan with pleasure in the back of his throat but I did at the same time, so it’s could have easily been me.
He pulled away, leaving his hands on my hips and mine on his shoulders. I was gasping for air, as was he. He smiled the beautiful crooked smile at me. My breathing was coming easier and easier with each breath. I smiled back at him. I bit my lip and looked down. Then I remembered we were in a classroom. I glanced around noticing that we were the only ones in the room, thankfully.
I turned back to the beautiful face, he was watching me carefully. When we locked eyes, I smiled and he smiled. We stared and smiled at each other for what seemed to be a long time. Once again, my stomach gave away the time. My stomach purred, I sighed. I looked down and looked back up at Daniel. He smiled, reached around me, pick up my books and took my hand.
We walked to the cafeteria in silence, I hoped it wouldn’t last very long, but I was content with holding his firm and cold, but soft hand. I shuddered slightly when he gripped my hand tighter, firmer. He was still holding my hand when we walked into the cafeteria. As soon as we walked in, all eyes were on us, literally. This time I gripped his hand tighter, looking down at the floor. He noticed and pulled me closer to whisper, “It’s doesn’t matter what they think, Liz. It’s just you and me.” I looked up at him when he finished. My heart stuttered. I nodded.
We went through the line and Daniel picked out some food for us. We walked through the tables surrounded with other students, some glaring at us and others not. Daniel led us to an empty table next to a table with his family. I blushed as he held out a chair for me. I looked down and took the seat, my back to other Collins. I kept eyes down on the table as Daniel walked behind me and sat in the seat to my right.
I didn’t hear her approach but Daniel’s sister, Clara was standing next to me. Daniel sighed as she beamed her beautiful smile. “Liz this is Clara, my sister. Clara, this is Liz,” Daniel said, gesturing again. I looked up and smiled slightly. She smiled even more and said, “Hi there! I’m Clara! Well, you know that now. It’s so nice to finally meet you.” He voice was high-pitched and girly. Her hair was long and smooth, with a tint of blue to it. She was also beautiful, just like the others.
I laughed quietly and smiled. “Yeah, um, you too,” I said, looking down occasionally. She laughed and touched my shoulder lightly. I could see this bothered Daniel; he was glaring at her hand. “Well, it was nice meeting you, Liz. I’ll see you some other time,” Clara said as she patted my shoulder awkwardly, glanced at Daniel slightly and gracefully walked back to her table.
Daniel sighed again when she sat back down. I quickly looked away as I noticed Katherine glaring at me again. I thought I heard another low hiss coming from Daniel, but I wasn’t sure. I sank into my seat, glaring at the table under my arms. Daniel reached out and placed one of his hands on my arm gently. The fire was back but simmering. Daniel rubbed my arm for a second then slid the tray of food toward me. “Here, pick something. Eat,” he said, gesturing toward the food. I sighed and picked up the apple.
I started to nibble on the apple when Daniel sighed. He looked frustrated, like something was bothering him. I was concerned so I put the apple down and he looked up. “What’s wrong?” I asked. He shook his head, “Nothing, I just…” his forehead furrowed deeply. I was worried, “What?” He sighed once more and looked at me; suddenly his forehead unfurrowed and he was calm.
“It’s nothing, I promise,” Daniel said. I sighed as the bell rang. The rest of the day went by quickly. By the time I knew it, Daniel was walking me to his car. Daniel walked me to the passenger door and opened it for me. I slid in and buckled my seat belt. Daniel was already in the car before the tongue met the buckle. “How do you do that?” I asked, stunned. He laughed, “Do what?” Maybe I was imagining things, maybe I’m just slow. “Never mind,” I said, looking down at my hands. We left the school parking lot and went down the street.
If I wasn’t looking out the window, I wouldn’t have noticed how fast we were going. “Daniel! Slow down!” I screamed in hysteria. He looked at the meter and at me, “What?” What was he doing, “Watch the road! Slow down!” I was still yelling. Daniel was as calm as ever. “Liz, calm down. It’s okay. I’ve never been in a car wreck. You’ll be fine. Do you trust me?” I started to calm as he started to slow from 100 to 80. “Yes. Yes, I do trust you,” I said, looking at him.
We were at Billy’s house now, it seemed like only seconds had passed. I wondered what he was thinking. I was thinking about the kiss from this morning, I wondered what he thought about that. I sighed, looking out the door window, wishing that could happen again. He touched my arm, which sent the fire and electricity sparking. I turned my head quickly toward him and gasped.
He retrieved his hand quickly and placed his on the steering wheel. I touched his arm now. The fire was going wild inside me. He looked at me as if he could feel it too. He removed his hand from the wheel and placed it on my cheek. “Liz…I-Billy’s coming.” Daniel said, abruptly. He removed his hand from my face, but I left mine on his arm. “How do you know?” I asked, curious. He looked back at me. “I-I just do. Am I allowed to be here?” he asked. Would Billy allow him? No, probably not. “I-I don’t know.” “Well, another time then,” he said. I was afraid I wouldn’t see him again, since it was the weekend. “When will I see you again?” I asked quickly. He placed his hand on mine on his arm. “Is tomorrow okay? I would like to show you something,” he said. I nodded quickly reaching for the door handle with my other hand. “Okay, I’ll be here in the morning then,” he added.
I didn’t want to but I did. I got out of the car and watched Daniel drive down the road. Just then, Billy drove up and pulled into the driveway. “Hey, Liz! You just get home too?” Billy asked as he shut off the car. I nodded, “Yeah, truck was slow today. It’s fine though. I’ll go start dinner.”
Billy never cared for anything big for dinner. So I made fried ham and macaroni. During dinner Billy asked about school. “It’s good. Going to have a study session with…Makayla tomorrow, if that’s okay?” I asked. I hope he didn’t notice my pause. He held up his hand quickly, “No, no. You go ahead. Hang out with your friends. I’ve got to work all day and I don’t want you alone, so go ahead.” I did the dishes and headed upstairs.
My room was too quiet. I grabbed my iPod and headphones. I turned it on and turned the volume up. I kicked off my shoes and layed on my bed. It was, according to my clock, three in the morning when I woke up. I took out my headphone and turned off my iPod. I sat up and placed my iPod on my nightstand. I picked up my clothes and headed for the bathroom.
After I finished with my shower and headed back to my room, it

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