Mystery, A.L. P.D [debian ebook reader txt] 📗

- Author: A.L. P.D
Book online «Mystery, A.L. P.D [debian ebook reader txt] 📗». Author A.L. P.D
I turned around, and took off my shirt then put on the P.E shirt, then took off my jeans and put on the shorts. I got a strange feeling that Josh was watching me, and what scared me is that I really didn't mind.
When we walked out of the locker room, and into the gym. A woman that was heavy set and had a whistle around her neck was yelling at people to go take three laps around the gym. I sighed and followed the command seeing as how I was in this class.
"Kid!" the woman yelled at me," was' your name,"
"Tristan Night ma'am," I said.
"You're de' new kid arencha'," She said, I nodded, she was using bad grammer, and it was like nails on a chalk board. It was horrid, I figured I didn't like her that well.
"Okay," She looked at everyone else as they started surrounding us," Ever'one do twenty push-ups now!"
Everyone dropped down, and started to do them, she looked at me," New kid do wha' I say got dat?"
I nodded and started doing push-ups like everyone else, they were easy, but looking at everyone else they looked like they weren't in good shape. I finished mine before everyone else, and started walking around the gym court.
I was thinking back in the locker room when i started thinking Josh was cute, I'm a boy not a girl , and I can't be gay. I've always liked girl like in the movies or whatever, and have always thought that they were hot.
Then why did I think that boy in English was cute and some with Josh? I then thought of something, Castle has never said anything about people being gay or straight he'd always said everyone practically was the same.
Now I'm making no sense what-so-ever.
After P.E and I was in the locker room with everyone else I caught myself looking at a boy with red hair and light blue eyes. I could tell he was well muscled, and he also finished with the push-ups a second after me.
No one was really talking to him; I didn't think any one liked him because everyone kept staying away from him. It was kind of like that kid in English that morning, no one wanted to sit by him, yet I did.
The red head looked up and his eyes widened as he stared at me, it was like I was intranced by just the color of his eyes.
They were beautiful, it was such a light color of blue the most interesting I have ever seen. I have seen many different colors of eyes while I was on my adventures with Castle.
We kept staring at eachother until the bell rang, and we both jumped. The boy got up and walked out of the locker-room. I felt a tap on my shoulder.
It was Josh," Hey, why were you staring at Derek?"
"That's his name?" I asked, Josh nodded," I-I don't know,"
"Are you gay?"
"What? No of course not," I said curtly , I turned grabbing my back pack.
"Hey Tristan,"
I paused.
"Even if you were I wouldn't mind being friends with you,"
"Nice to know, but I assure you I am not gay," I said, when I said that I felt like I was lying to myself, I have never thought this way before so why now , why when I go back to high school I start thinking like this?
I walked out of the locker-room.
When I got home Castle was gone, he had left a note on the kitchen table saying that he wouldn't be home until tonight.
So I thought that I would go to the library, and get my work done there.
I got on my bike and started riding to the library, I had always loved going the library as a child, and Castle always liked when I left the house as a kid. I was a loud kid whan I was little , and if I had a sibling I'd probably be bossy too.
When I got there I parked, my bike and locked it to a bar.
I went inside.
I walked up stairs to the teen section, and sat at a table. I brought my homework out, and started it.
It was about fifteen minuets later when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I was so emeresed in my homework that when that happened i jumped, and almost shouted.
I looked to see who it was. The boy with redhair was standing there.
"May I study with you?" he asked, I just gave a slight nod, and went back to my work, but now I was distracted by the boy.
"So what's your name, " I asked," I'm Tristan Night,"
"Oh, uh I'm Derek Sound," He said, giving me a smile. I looked down , and blushed.
"Nice to meet you," I said in a shy voice, why was I acting like this. As much as I try not to I end up acting like this, before I changed I never acted this was toward other boys. Could there have made a change inside me that is making me acting like this? I didn't know.
"You're a Night?"
I nodded looking down at my English book that was exteremly boring, it was (The Adventers of Huckleberry Finn) I think I've read this once, I hated it. I put down my book, and looked at Derek who was also reading the same book.
Derek looked up from his book, and stared at me
"What are you anyway?" He asked," I'm a Siren... or Crooner what ever you like?"
I shivered, I knew what they were , and what they were capable of doing.
"I'm a half-breed," I shrugged," Of a vampire and a werewolf,"
He raised an eyebrow,"Really?"
I nodded.
" You know this now because you've started changing right?" He asked, I just nodded," Well, I've heard that most of those who are like you have a strange to what they like,"
"In what way?" I asked curiuos.
"Well, some say, some half-breeds turn gay, or they start turning hostile, and what they only eat is rare meat and drink blood," He shrugged," There could be many other cases too where they get both, they can also stay straight ,and just be hostile,"
"How do you know this,"
"My older brother had a friend that was a half-breed like you,"
"Yeah, they're married now," He said.
I just stared at him with the most blank look I've ever given anyone in my whole life.
"Are you serious," He smiled," Nope that whole thing was a joke,"
I closed my eyes, and almost growled at him. I had always hated when people play jokes on me, speceilly when they sound so seriuos.
"Can I kill you now?" I asked, his eyebrows shot up as he stared at my burning green eyes.
"No you can't , though I'm pretty sure you're capable of killing me," Derek said.
I calmed myself down, and gave him a smile.
"Asking as a friend, are you attracted to guys or girls," I asked.
He paused for a moment.
"Why?" He finally asked.
"just answer the question,"
"No, why?"
"why were you staring at me in the locker-room?" I asked.
"'Cause I was curiuose of you," he shrugged," plus you have pretty green eyes,"
My jaw dropped slightly.
"Derek are you gay?" I asked .
"Maybe," He said," Are you?"
"No, I'm not," I said," Asking what does maybe mean?"
"Means yes," Derek shrugged," Don't tell anyone kay? no one else knows,"
" I wont tell then," I told him and smiled.
"Thank you." He smiled,"But you know you are cute."
I looked at him for a moment then smiled,"Um thanks."
"No problem." Derek said," Do you have a problem with me being gay?"
"No." I looked at him, I glanced down at my watch."Hey want to come over?"
"Sure." He smiled," where do you live."
"We'll walk there, a block down." I stood up.
We headed to my house.
Chapter 8When we got to my house I showed him around, he seemed to like the place. Though it was odd having someone look at me the way he did. He was kind of cute, I have to admit.
I blinked and looked at Derek, what was I thinking? I liked girls, or maybe I like boys too. I was confused.
"So Tristan." He looked at me, with a smile."Are you sure you don't like boys?"
I shrugged and sat down on the couch, we were in my living room."I don't know, I'm kind of confused right now."
Derek sat beside me then looked at me," Let me help you with that." He moved in before I could even move, and he kissed me on the lips. My eyes went wide, but then for some reason i kissed back. I was enjoying this, 'What was wrong with me?'
He pulled away then smiled,"You liked it." he chuckled.
I looked down and blushed,"No. no I didn't."
"Yes you did." He scooted a little closer to me then wrapped his arms around me. I looked at him innocently.
"Okay maybe I did." I said in a small voice, then looked at him and smiled.
"You're so cute when you blush." Derek said and hugged me closer to him. I giggled and looked in his mixed colored eyes. I felt like I couldn't really think anymore. I closed my eyes then opened them.
"Alright maybe I don't mind this." I sighed and leaned into him.
(That was the day I found out I was Bi)
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