» Fantasy » Falling, Paige Cunningham [best large ereader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Falling, Paige Cunningham [best large ereader .TXT] 📗». Author Paige Cunningham

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of the year we preferred to sit inside. Our school is split up into blocks for each subject and the Art block is desolate at break and lunch, so we decided to go there. We started off just sitting on the floor but eventually we all congregated around the stairs that lead to the class rooms, hence the name ‘the stairs’.
“Yeah, OK then. See you there,” I replied just before the bell rang indicating that we had five minutes to get to our first lesson. I would have waited to say goodbye to Michael properly but I didn’t have time as the English block happened to be at the other end of the school. I didn’t think that he would really mind that I didn’t say goodbye as I was going to see him again in two hours anyway. So I rushed off to English ready for the torturous hour I had to endure with Mr Burton.

Strolling into the class room, I noticed that the entire class was already in their seats. I started to panic; my mum would kill me if I got a late mark on my first lesson back. I glanced to the front of the room to Mr Burton’s desk and was filled with relief to find that he wasn’t there. I walked over to my table that was located at the back of the room. Everybody was sat in two’s, everybody that is except from me. I liked that I wasn’t forced into sitting next to anyone, that I didn’t need to rely on anyone because, like I said, I am better by myself.
Mr Burton came in two minutes after I did. He walked, as ever, with his shoulders hunched. His eyes were bloodshot and he had an expression that looked like someone had just slapped him. I noticed that his bald patch had grown over the summer and now a majority of his head was naked. Two girls, who were sitting in the second row, giggled when his head caught the florescent lights and it shinned like he had polished it. Mr Burton wasn’t that old, he was in his mid thirties however he looked as if he were in his late forties. He had just had a baby and I had once read somewhere that stress causes premature aging. I felt sorry for the man, he was a really good teacher and he was really nice too but his late nights with the baby had caused him to look withered and old, he also sounded tired and lifeless.
Mr Burton’s entry was closely followed with a boy’s. He was tall; I’d say at least six foot. He had perfect olive toned skin and his hair was the same light blond colour as mine and Michaels. His plump lips were the perfect shade of pink. His straight, squared jaw made him look more manly than boyish. It made him look lean, strong and incredibly, impossibly, irresistibly handsome. He was wearing a plain white tee-shirt. Through the shirt I could see his toned torso and muscular arms. He paired his Tee-shirt with light blue jeans. His outfit was ordinary, simple but then again, with a body like that he didn’t need flashy clothes to make him look good. Clearly the rest of the girls in my class agreed with me, as when he entered most of them gasped. Some whispered and others like me just stared, not believing that a god like him could possibly be in our school, let alone our class.
When Mr Burton looked around to finally acknowledge the boy he just said
“Ah, Mathew isn’t it?” The boy nodded and then Mr Burton introduced him to the class
“Class, this is Mathew Azariah. He’s new so please be nice and show him around” My thoughts went straight to his name, Azariah, what kind of name was that? Maybe it was a hot guy thing because Michael’s last name was Moroni and I thought that was quite weird too. I liked how Mr Burton said ‘please be nice and show him around’, as if he had to ask. I mean could Mr Burton not see him? Didn’t he notice the girls’ reaction when he walked in the room? Trust me the girls were going to be nothing but nice to him and as soon as the bell rings all of them will flock around him to see what lesson he had next. After that all of the ones that had that lesson too would be asking, no begging, him to walk to class with them. I felt pity for him; he looked so unprepared to what his first day would bring. He didn’t look ready for a group of deranged girls to follow him around everywhere. However, on the plus side, he was on the fast track to popularity.
“Umm, where should I sit?” I was surprised by how Mathew’s innocent question hit me so hard. The only available seat in the whole class was the one next to me. No, I liked being by myself, I didn’t want a partner. That, right there was when I realised what a total freak I was. What normal girl in their right mind wouldn’t want the ‘fit’ new boy to sit next to them? I didn’t, I really didn’t. Good looking boys are usually jerks, players and bullies, with the exception of Michael of course. Not that I was judging him before even meeting him, its just I didn’t want to meet him. I could hear Roses voice in my head shut up he’s fit and you get to spend four hours a week sitting next to him. You’re crazy not to think yourself lucky. Just shut up!
Mr Burton eyes scanned the class room, I new it was only a matter of time before he realised that there was a seat next to me. So I did the only thing that I could do, I thought. I thought of Mathew not sitting next to me, I thought of Mr Burton making him sit in Jamie Hudson’s seat. Jamie was never in school so I wouldn’t mind if he sat next to me on the odd day that Jamie decided to show up for class. I pictured Mathew sitting next to Sarah, who, judging on the blissful expression on her face, was picturing him sitting there as well. I imagined those two would have a great time together. I know it was a strange thing to do, to think, but it always sort of worked. If I thought of something, then it usually happened.

The first time it happened I just put it down to coincidence but it happened again and again. It was freaky, this one time I was shopping with Rose and I found a really nice top. It was a turquoise blouse and when I tried it on it looked great on me. Rose said that it complimented my eyes and that I looked like a supermodel. I knew she was just being nice but I really did like it. Unfortunately I made the mistake of falling in love with the blouse before checking the price tag; it was £40, well out of my price range. I only had £10 as I didn’t think I would find anything I liked. I felt a lot more comfortable in a Tee-shit and a pair of jeans than I did in a frilly, girly blouse. The truth is, I only came into these shops to humour Rose and I never bought anything.
Even though the price tag was right there in front of me, I still didn’t want it to be true. What was the harm in double checking? I went to the checkout to ask what the price was and all through my mind I just thought, be £10. Tell me its £10. Please say that it was supposed to be on the 75% off rack. She eyed the price tag and I knew what she was going to say. To my surprise she looked up and me and said
“Oh. This price tag is wrong it’s actually only £10,”
“What?” I asked shocked
“Yeah, it’s supposed to be over there” She pointed to the 75% off rack. She turned away, puzzled by my dazed expression. No, I thought. No, that was just too weird. What were the chances that it would be the exact amount of money that I had with me? What were the chances that this blouse actually was supposed to be on the 75% off rack? Then I realised that the chances were too slim, that it wasn’t chance at all. It was me. That because I thought of it, it happened.
Ever since then I tried not to use my unusual gift. I didn’t think that it was fair that I should get whatever I wanted and besides all I wanted to be was normal. My gift was the opposite of normal and so, I ignored the fact that I even had it.

But, at this moment, I couldn’t help it. Someone was going to force me to work with someone that I didn’t want to. Force me to give up my spare seat. It may not seem like such an ordeal to anybody else but to me it was a major thing. So, I thought. Mr Burton’s eyes drew nearer to me and I held my breath and looked down. Maybe he wouldn’t notice me if I didn’t make eye contact. After Mr Burtons eyes moved past me I knew that my thinking had worked and I let out my breath. My sigh of relief was louder than I had meant for it to be. The whole class turned around to see who had made the noise. My face turned red with embarrassment, my cheeks burned and all I could do was look down to hide my shame.
“What about there?” I looked up to see Mathew pointing at the vacant seat next to me. Damn, I had blown it. Why did I have to be so stupid as to let out a loud sigh whilst trying not to draw attention to myself?
“Yes, go and sit next to Miss Cole” To my annoyance, Mr Burton agreed with his suggestion and Mathew started towards my table. As he made his way down the aisle I saw Saffron Maxwell and her group of brainless followers ogling at Mathew. I glimpsed at Sarah who didn’t hide her clear disappointment very well. I envied her, she had an empty seat next to her nearly every lesson and now my empty seat was no longer empty.
Mathew continued towards his new seat, not even noticing the group of girls staring at his backside. When he sat down he gave me a polite smile. His gleaming teeth were as pearly white as a Hollywood movie star’s and his infectious grin made me smile back. It was an impulse, I didn’t think about it I just smiled. His smile filled me with warmth and I felt unexplainably happy.
“Hi. I’m Matt,” he held out his hand.
“Hey. I’m Angela but everyone just calls me Ang” I reached out to shake his hand but as our hands touched
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