» Fantasy » Rose-Homebound-update 6/13/2015, Tremeill Sparks [read my book .TXT] 📗

Book online «Rose-Homebound-update 6/13/2015, Tremeill Sparks [read my book .TXT] 📗». Author Tremeill Sparks

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it on your daddys cut and whisper desinefola." I said and she nodded and I handed her the hanker chif I used to wipe Siobhans tears she turned and ran back up the hill I laid down my head spinning and leaned against the new oak tree her branches leaned down cressing my cheek I smiled and looked up into the window where someone is standing watching me I looked closer Ilana was standing watching me she havent changed over the years she turned and walked away I laid my head back and closed my eyes. That night I dreamed or did I, I was sitting in a meadow on a rock a soft stream ran down hill I sniffed the Air it smelled like the ocean I looked to my left the sun was rising the crimson dawn above I picked up a Lilly and sniffed it it was fresh but felt so light in my hand and thats when I noticed the whispering  I looked around for it but couldn't find anyone I looked to the sun again and a blinding emerald light flashed the sun turned to ashes and I gasp I couldn't breath I fell to my knees I looked up as a Lich came crawling out he was giant with hundreds of trapped souls circling him his dark rasp voice rung out as he laughed at me he waved his hand over the meadow of lilies and they caught fire he laughed as the lilies screamed out before he turned to me and grabbed my chest and started to rip my heart out of me. "malumdiúltaigh" I screamed and his hand was ripped off of me and he was pushed back screaming as he was sucked back into the ash wait no not screaming laughing. a small light apeared above me and I reached for it willing to go through it I gasped as I awoke in the guest bed sweating breathing hard. someone had changed my clothes I looked around a empty room except for the bed and a chair. I got up and walked to the bathroom I took off my shirt and pants heading to the bath I waved my hand over the tub faucet I was risking it not knowing how much power I had but I didn’t feel the magic pull as the tub begin to fill I was about to sit in the tub when I looked into the mirror and noticed claw marks above my chest I gasped and tried to calm myself I sat into the tub. "Edmund." I whispered and waited I didnt have to wait long because he trotted into the room. "You summond me ?" I nodded and lifted out of the tub showing him my chest "What happened." he asked me and I sanked back in "I had a premanition last night." he shook his head "Mia blocked that sense it must have been a vivid dream you..." I looked at him "I know how a dream feels like and I also know that dreams don’t leave scars It was the Lich we fought before..." I was saying this and I thought back I never stripped the ashes of the lich he's not dead. I jumped up Edmund stepped back hissing at the water around him "Edmund I never stripped that Lich did I?" I asked him he was about to say something when his eyes widened "We must hurry." I walked back into the room and looked around. I couldnt find any clothes I sat him on the bed and "Did you see where they put my stuff?" I asked him and he shook his head to the side. Ok so I need my bag I dont know where it is I need it to come to me with everything inside not just the bag. "How should I word this?" I asked Edmund he closed his eyes thinking "how about personal possession with a simple summoning phrase one where you can visualize what you will be bringing." he said I nodded I raised my hand up, "Perathoghairm" I felt the air above my hand vibrate and become warmer and like forcing two magnets together my hand hovered over my emerald green bag. I sat it down and pulled out my cloak, it would be simple to conjour some clothes but my cloak had alot of protection wards sewn into it just touching it I could feel a soft humming vibration I focoused and closed my eyes imagioning dark green pants around my legs until the smooth breeze disappered my bare legs covered by pants I did the same with a shirt before I wrapped my cloak around me. "Come on lets go." I said to Edmund and he leaped into my arms and I instantly spun on the spot my body leaving the room as time and space warped around me my feet hit the ground and I looked around Edmund jumped out of my arms we were back in the cave where we killed the Lich yesterday it was still dark and cold but it felt lighter with the Lich dead I walked over to the spot where his Ashes should be and froze the spot was empty no ashes this can't be he is dead but his ashes... "Edmund it’s gone the Lich ashes are gone!" I yelled and he came over "Calm yourself maybe the wind carried them off." he said unconvinced I looked down at him "this far into the cave no Edmund something is wrong." I said and he tensed up his black and silver fur rising he spun around and hissed. "Oh now keep your kitty under control." I turned around Three elves stood behind us Adrodunous like all elves their beauty was striking faintly pale silver skin long white hair in ponytails illuminstic yellow eyes all standing seven feet. they wore white leather and silk armor and carried long bows and silver epee swords the who I assumed to be the leader of the group step forward smirking. "The little witch Rosalie how do you fair?" he asked I knew it was a male now that I could hear the slight masculant wisp in his voice. I smiled and nodded "A little far away from France huh or are you lost, just take the northwestern wind and you should be home guys. "Child dont insult my intellegince why are you here?" he asked me I shrugged nonchaluntly "I dont know thinking about a winter home here what about you?" his hand slid over his hilt and he slowly walked to me Edmund hissed and his form shivered and he walked in front of me in the form of a black lion. "Oh im so afraid. now unless you dont want a problem child I suggest you leave." he said I looked behind him the other two elves had drawn their swords the tips encased of a white crystal. "Im here to boil th ashes of a Lich I vanquished yesterday I..." I was saying but disgust crossed his face "We have been holding this place for over three moons no Lich has been hiding here child the only intrusion that we have come across is you child." Edmund swiped at him but he dodged it swiftly and I grabbed his fur and pulled him back. "You dare attack..." he started but I cut him off still clinging to Edmunds fur "Im sorry for intruding upon your claimed land excuse us I will escort myself and my family out goodbye." before they could reply I time warped us back across the world and into the garden, Edmund was back to his normal form he turned on me teeth bared I raised my eyebrow. "That was three elf warriors edmund im strong but not prepared for that and we really don't need to strike a war with the elves with the witch community in disarray." he huffed but he didn’t argue I sighed and sat down under the Oak tree she bent over a bit to shade me I smiled "Ok so the elves have claimed the cave but why?" I asked edmund he was curled in my lap purring "Do you think they are working with the Lich?" he asked me lazyly but that doesnt make sense elves hate imperfection and the Lich is imperfect by nature. "No that cant be but im not getting a good vibe here.. I think im going to force a premonition to see if that will help." I said edmund purring hesitated but he continued he hated when I used my seer powers once when I was fifteen I was lost in a trace for a month he worried about me. I scratched him on the side of the neck just below the ear and he purred more twisting around to softly biting on my finger I closed my eyes letting my mind calm my body becoming numb my senses heightened just for a split second before nothing I was nowhere I am no where i am no one... white light, pure white light cold white light light should be warm welcoming but instead it’s cold... my eyes popped open I gasped for air and looked around the sun had fallen to set "Anything?" Edmund asked he yawned he must have fallen asleep while I was searching "Too damn cryptic why can’t the Source just spit out what it have to say why does it like riddles so damn much?" edmund laughed and said “It’s ancient and bored.” I stood up and looked at the house a dull red aurora was in my mother's room the rest of the house was empty. "Im bored now and no one's home." I said and edmund smiled wickedly "You know maybe this is a perfect time to reintroduce yourself to the town." I smirked why I do love this cat so. I turned and walked down the garden to the fountain "first let’s set some things up, this is suppose to represent our magic and protect us." I looked around to the garden and the house "are you going to cast a spell on it?" Edmund asked me twisting through my legs "No magic already flows through this place im just going to awaken and energize it." I spreaded my arms and summon magic from the source my body filled with it it became as golden and crimson aura surged out of me "Awake!" I screamed and the magic burst from me engulfing the whole land everything became brighter the house started to shake and groan but that was all.. "I. Said.. Awake!" I screamed and released even more power like a helicopter landing in a feild everything leaned away and back the plants and trees became lusher the ground sucked the weeds back down and trimmed themselves. the house started to repair itself and the white paint wasnt dull anymore. sweet blue water raised out of the foutain and birds and squirls and rabbits came trotting and flying into the garden. "Now listen up animals enjoy the garden but don’t dare eat the veggies poop on  the house we promise you will have seeds and nuts to your hearts content enjoy those if not I will deal with you." they all became silent in acknowledgement. I turned around and looked up into the window my mother was watching me when she saw that I was returning the favor she swung the curtains close. "Edmund your room is returned to normal I will see you later im going into town." before he could say anything I emit warped to the town entrance. I was still pumped up on source magic and I felt the need to show off. I did a simple summoning spell and a ruby red glossy Motorcycle my style I looked at my cloak and snapped my fingers emerald green flames erupted on my clothes it didn't burn just like
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