» Fantasy » The Silver Secret, Rachell Keahbone [the best books of all time .txt] 📗

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I'm going to kill her I thought as I walked to the office. The reason why is because Brittany Webb the most popular girl in school. She hated me for god knows why I think it might be the fact that I'm dating the star football player and I'm not a cheerleader. I don't let that get to my head though since it nerve wracking to try. My name is Silver Moon i know funny name but my foster parents gave it to me. There last name is Moon, when they saw my eyes they decided my first name would be Silver.
I am beautiful you could say since I have silver eyes, long black hair, pale, tall,and a perfect complextion.I am a vampire so I can run 60 mps, I'm strong, and I drink blood for pleasure. I also have a short temper but that has nothing to do with being a vampire. That is another reason why I am heading this way and hating every excrutiating minute.
"Silv!Wait up" called my friend Silence.We have been friends the minute she arrived here in town in fourth grade. At first I was intimidated by her bouncy looks and personality. She had strawberry blond hair, sparkling green eyes, tall, and tan unlike me. Silence came lunging at me and I staggered back a couple steps ramming into somebody. "Ewww watch out will ya." I turned around and saw Brittany looking at me in disgust. "Shut up Brittany." replied Silence as she jumped off me and glared at her. They glared at eachother for awhile until I pulled her awy she muttered under her breath "Prep." Brittany heard her so she tripped her saying "Whatever Matt is already telling everyone you and him have slept together slut." she giggled so did a couple people that were watching.
Something snapped inside me and I turned around and tackled her, she didn't notice me and fell to the ground. I punched her a couple times before feeling someone wrap their hands around my waist. Looking up, I stare into deep brown eyes and notice it was Jonathan my boyfriend. Jonathan had blond hair, medium height, buff, and is tan. The expression on his face asked if I was crazy, but his eyes were full of lust."That was hot but are you crazy why did you just do that?" "Yes I am hot and a little crazy. I did that because she said some really mean stuff then tripped her I snapped and punched her a couple times then you pulled me away." He fell on the ground laughing and I blushed and looked away remembering Silence I looked for her.I saw her sitting and crying where Brittany had tripped her.
I walked over to her and picked her up carrying her to the girls' bathroom I grabbed a couple papertowels and wiped away her tears."Why are you crying?" "You didn't have to gte in a fight for me." "Umm yes I did your the sister I never had I would do anything for you including beat some prep bitch's ass. Now whats the real problem and don't lie your terrible at it." "I know its just that she said Matt is telling everyone that we slept together." "Well if he did say that he will be regretting it real soon." I sat up after hearing my named called on the intercom. I walked out of the bathroom and headed towards the office. On the way I saw Brittany getting a clue of why I was headin this way.

Where Did She Go

Walking in the office I see the secretary Rhonda."Just to warn you darlin'try not to smart mouth him he is not in a good mood."I smirked and said,"Sure."She nodded and smiled turning back to ehr computer.I took a seat in one of the purple office chairs and rubbed my temples for my headache."Come ini here Ms.Moon."I heard Mr.Green,the principal,call from the other room.I stood up and walked towards the closed door.Feeling nervous not because I might get in trouble cause Brittany but more or so because Mr.Green is a part of the supposed 'vampire council' sent to watch over the vampires in the community.I only had a couple vamp friends if Robin and Harley.They are blood cousins from their mothers side of the family their mothers are sisters.Anyways I walked in and just stood in the doorway while he said"Sit."I didn't and he just stared at me "Are you going to explain to me why you did this or do I have to beleive Brittany?"So I told him everything that ha dhappened.A flicker of amusement flashed in his eyes"Silver you are going to have to learn to contol your temper."
"I know ts just she gets on my nerves and when I'm around her I can't control it."
"Okay well I will let you go this time but if there is a next time I won't make an exeption and I'll have to do something about it."YES!I thought to myself "Okay thank you it won't happen again." I turned to go and he started laughing.When I walked out Rhonda looked shocked"You got him to laugh." "No I didn't he is laughing at himself." Oh well he is laughing none the less that's the point have a good day sweety." I waved bye and walked out of the office.When I got out to the parking lot I see Silence,Robin,Harley,Leon,and Louis.Robin had red hair,light blue eyes,pale,and is tall.She a real perv and laughs when she heres something that sounds perverted to her even if has nothing to do with it.Harley has black hair with purple highlights,dark blue eyes that have a white tint,tan,and is also tall.She is the sporty one of our group she plays tennis.Leon is Robins boyfriend he has blue hair,red eyes(I know wierd color for eyes but he was born with them.),medium skin tone,and is tall.Louis as you can guess is Harleys boyfriend and Leons brother.He has black hair,red eyes,tan,and is tall.Well anyways they were standing in the parking lot by benches.Robin and Harley came up and Robin high fived me saying"Finally we were wondering when someone was going to beat her ass."We laughed and wlked back to where they were sitting I saw Jonathan walking towards us so I ran towards him and jumped on him.We kisse then I looked in his eyes and asked"Wheres Matt at and don't try to proect him I'm not going to hurt him I just want to know if he did say that."
"Well I wasn't going to try and protect him he's not my friend I don't know where he is though you might want to ask Leon or Louis."
I sighed and unwrapped myself from his embrace and walking over to them."Hey guys wheres Matt at?" they looked at each other and said at the same time
"The gym with the rest of the football team."They were also on the football team
"Okay thanks."
Robin came up to us laughing"What?"
"Silence said she was going in." I laughed and so did the guys
"You are such a perv"
"I know oh ya by the way what did Mr.whats-his-name say?"
"Nothing just to watch my temper."
"Ugh I think Silence went to go find Matt."
I sighed "I better go get her before she gets herself into something."
"Hahaha you just said gets herself into something."Leon and Louis laughed as I walked away muttering "such a perv" she shouted back "Thank you."When I passed Harley and told her I'd be right back since she was riding home with me.She nodded her head in agreement.

Oh Hell Nah

I walked into the school and retrieved my stuff frm my locker heading towards the gym.When I got there rage filled me.Matt had his hand raised about to hit Silence she looked scared but still stood straight.I ran over and grabbed his hand.
"What is going on here?"
"I came in here to ask Matt if he really did say those things he said yes and so I kicked him in his groin he fell on the floor then after a minute or two he stood up his hand and raised it at me then you walked him now we are standing here".
"Umm okay now you Matt what the hell were you thinking trying to hit a girl."
"Well I wasn't thinking of doing it I'm doing it."With that he snatched his hand away and slapped Silence in his face.She fell on the floor from the impact.Without thinking I grabbed Matt's wrist and snapped it "That won't be the only thing I break if you ever come near us or any of our friends again." He nodded his head then I noticed the football players were standing around us."What?You going to go tell the principal cause I don't think he will really care since he hit a girl"
"Well he is one of are best players but since he did hit her we won't say anything."
"Well I think you might have to take him to the ER but I think he'll be fine as long as he stays away from us."A couple guys laughed and I glared at them "What you don't think I can damage him just cause he's a guy and I am a short girl?"One of the guys stepped up and said "How much can you lift I bet you a hundred bucks you can't lift three hundred pounds."Another stepped up and said "I wouldn't bet on it Josh she is pretty strong did you see what she did to Brittany"
"Oh that was her.It doesn't matter Brittany probably doesn't know how to fight"
"Umm hello I'm standing right here and deal." Silence bumped in and said "Silver don't succomb to them it will be really heavy and could fall on you and choke please don't do this!"
"Silence calm down I have lifted way more than this before."She looked reluctant but nodded I stepped up to the bench and took of my sweatshirt.Some guys whistled and some hooted I ignored them and layed back "Load it up guys when they had everything I laughed and lifted it with no effort.All the guys stood there shocked so did Silence but after a second she went to stand

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