» Fantasy » Teentopia, Stephanie95 [most inspirational books of all time .TXT] 📗

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smile you know you look beautiful tonight Lila.” Blushing Lila replies “And you look Dashing Joe.” “Why thank you dear lady.” “You’re welcome kind sir.” So they did the waltz for a while before they get tired.

“Oh Lila there are my parents come you have to meet them.” “All right Joe I’ll meet your parents.” Lila responds. As they walk towards his parents Lila takes the moment to look at them. They both have the same hair and skin as Joe but his dads eyes her hazel while his mothers are sky blue. His mother is wearing a sky blue ball gown, with white trimming, a gold crown with sky blue jewels on her head, and her blue and ocean green fairy wings were fluttering in excitement. His father was wearing a sky blue tuxedo, black dress shoes, a plain gold crown, and his blue and ocean green fairy wings are staying still with how tense he was.

“Mom, Dad this is Lila the beauty who stole my heart.” “It’s nice to meet you dear I’m Joe’s mom Queen Rosabella and this is his father King Sky but you can call us Mom and Dad.” “Really I can call you Mom and Dad?” “Yes” Both Queen Rosabella and King Sky answer. “Thanks you guys.” “You’re welcome dear.” Queen Rosabella says hugging her; King Sky and Joe join in the hug.

“Wow Joe your Mom and Dad are really cool” Lila says. “Really I always that that they were embarrassing.” Joe says in complete surprise. “You’re silly Joe all parents are embarrassing.” “Oh good I thought it was just mine.” “Nope my parents embarrassed me all the time but I still love them.” “That’s good to hear.”

They meet back up with Lily, Ryan, and Dylan. “Hey guys!” Lila says happily as they approach the group. “Hey Lila, Joe, you look happier Lila” Lily says. “I met Joe’s parents and they said I could call them Mom and Dad.” Lila answers happily hugging Joe’s arm. “That’s awesome Lila!” they all answer. “Um speaking of parents mine are coming over here.” Ryan says looking uncomfortable.

As Ryan’s parents walk toward them everyone gets a good look at them. They both had lion tales, human hands, and two lion ears on top of their heads. Only his father had a lion mane for hair it was his mother that had normal hair the color of a female lion’s fur. His mom was wearing a red ball gown with gold trim, a large gold crown with pure
Chapter 6

rubies on her head, and black high heels. His father wore a red tuxedo, a plain gold crown on his head, and black dress shoes.

“Hello Ryan aren’t you going to introduce us to your friends?” His parents say as they near them. “Hey Mom and Dad these are my friends Lila, her boyfriend Fairy Prince Joe, Pixie Prince Dylan, and his sister who is also my girlfriend Pixie Princess Lily.” “It’s nice to meet you all,”

They say kindly and turning to Lily they say “especially you Princess Lily we finally meet the girl who stole our sons heart and we must say you are beautiful.” Blushing Lily replies “Thank you.” “You’re welcome dear oh yeah my name’s Queen Ruby and He’s King Gabe but you can call us Mom and Dad.” “Okay well see you later Mom and Dad” Lily and Ryan say leading the group away.

After that each couple goes their own way and Dylan goes to stay with his Mom. Joe has taken Lila to a beautiful waterfall to watch the sunset. “Oh Joe the sunset is so beautiful!” Lila exclaims happily hugging him. “Not as beautiful as you my flower.” He says loving tightening his hold on her. “Oh Joe you’re such a sweet heart.” She says cuddling up to him. “Ahh Lila I love you” he says.

Then shocking her before she can say anything he gets down on one knee and asks “Lila I love you with all my heart will you marry me?” There is an awkward silence and then “Yes yes yes yes I will marry you Joe!” “I’m glad.” “Did you think that I would say no?” “Kind of” “Silly boy I love you.” “I love to too Lila now lets head back to the party.”

Meanwhile with Ryan and Lily on the beach. “This sunset is beautiful Ryan.” “Not as beautiful as you are Lily.” “Awe you’re so sweet.” “Listen Lily I’m going to cut right to the chase I love you will you marry me?” A very awkward silence and the “Yes a million times yes I will marry you I love you!” “Really you’ll marry me?” “Of course silly I would not say no to you now.” “Well we need to get back to the party love.” “I couldn’t agree more.”

After a short while the couples meet up and walk back to the party together. All of their parents were waiting. “So what’s the news? All of the parents asked. “Well Lila and Joe are engaged and so are me and Lily.” Ryan answered. “Well let’s announce this happy news to our quest.” Queen Rose says her pixie wings fluttering in excitement.

“My dear quest I am happy to announce two royal engagements tonight first my dear Princess Lily to Prince Ryan of the Lion Demons and her new friend whom I now consider a daughter Lila to Fairy Prince Joe.” “The double wedding will be in two days.” Every one of the groups parents that are there announce. After the announcement everyone clapped and wished the couples well. Then the party broke up leaving the soon-to-be brides and the parents to plan the wedding.

“So what type of wedding cake do you girls want?” Queen Rose asked. “We each want a cake of our own.” The girls answered. “Okay just give me the designs you girls made.” Showing her design Lila said “I want a white round staked cake with pink trimming and flowers and a pink heart as the cake topper.” “Okay I can do that Lila how about you Lily?” “I want a white square staked cake with ocean blue trimming and flowers with a blue heart as the topper.” “Okay I can do that I’ll ask the cooks to get right on it.” “Thank you.” “You’re welcome girls.”

“So Lila what are we going to do for wedding dresses?” Lily asked as they headed to her room which they were sharing. “Don’t worry I have it covered I have designs for two wedding dresses that I drew while I was with my parents and I had the servants send up a sewing machine and, white, pink and blue silk.” “Oh and what are you going to do with that?” “I’m going to sew our wedding dresses and veils using a little help from my magic to speed up the process sound good?” “Yes get to it.” “Yes your highness.” Lila says sarcastically. “Oh shut up and get to work.” “Already did.”

With the help of her magic she finished both dresses in within four hours. “So what do you think?” Lila asks holding them up. “They’re gorgeous how did you do that?!” Lily says looking at the dresses. Lila’s has a beautiful ball gown design with intricate pink silk flowers sewn in along the neck of the dress and in little heart shapes through the bottom and the train, her veil had a crown of pink silk flowers followed by a small bit of white silk flowing behind it. Lily’s was just like it but in blue. “I did it Lily using my skills the magic just sped the time up in sewing.”

“Try in on and see how it fits just in case I need to make a few adjustments.” “Okay” Lily says slipping on the dress and at the same time Lila was doing the same. “Wow it fits perfectly.” Both girls say together. “Great job Lila you should be a fashion designer.” Lily says. “Well that is what I want to do as a career.” “Then do it girl you can do anything here.” “Okay I will after the wedding.” “Oh yeah that reminds me we need to plan the food, drink and music for the reception.” “Already on it.” “You are a lifesaver Lila.” “Here you go, how is this.” “Let’s see Love Story, Daddy’s girl ,You are the music in me, May I have this dance , and Fearless for the music list and cooked ham, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet potatoes, finger sandwiches, salad bar, punch, ice tea and water for the food and drink list.” “I like it Lila nice job.” “It was easy so no big.”
Chapter 7

They head over to Queen Rose’s room and show her the dresses, music list and food list. “Oh those dresses are cute who made them?” “Lila did Mom.” Lily answers feeling proud of her friend. “Really did she also come up with the music and food and drink list? “Yes she did.” Lily answers simply. “Oh Lila you’re good you should really be both a fashion and wedding designer.” “Well I do want to be a fashion designer.” “Take my advice Lila do both of your talents they should not be wasted.” “I’ll consider it Queen Rose.” “Okay Lila but do remember in Teentopia you can do anything.” “I will.” “Oh girls keep those dresses with you I’ll get the servants right on cooking the food and setting up the wedding area.” “Of course.”

“Well you girl’s best go get some rest these last two days you have been working hard to plan the wedding and you need to be well rested for tomorrow.” “We know we’re getting married tomorrow.” “Yes you are so go get some sleep tomorrow is a big day.” “We know.” As the girls were walking back to their room Lily asks “Hey Lila can you believe we are getting married in the morning?” “Actually Lily I can hardly believe it in fact I’m kind of nervous.” “Oh I’m a little nervous too Mom says it’s just pre-wedding jitters and that everyone gets them.” “She’s right well let’s get to bed.” “Yes let’s.”

Once they go into the room they found that one of the servants had cleaned up Lila’s mess. “Well look at that less work for us.” Lila says smiling. “Yeah now we can go to sleep good night Lila.” “Good night Lily.”

Meanwhile with the boys. “I bet the girls are really tired they have been working non-stop on tomorrows wedding for two days.” Joe said worried that the girls will be tired tomorrow. “Speaking of tired buddy we need to sleep and I’m sure the girls are already asleep and tomorrow’s a big day.” “You’re right well good night Ryan.” “Good night Joe.”

In the morning the girls and boys are both eating separately in their own rooms. After eating Lily and Lila went into the bathroom to freshen up and put
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