» Fantasy » Teentopia, Stephanie95 [most inspirational books of all time .TXT] 📗

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on their dresses. Queen Rose, Queen Rosabella, and Queen Ruby come to help them out. Queen Rose brushes out and curls Lila’s brown hair giving it a bounce while Queen Rosabella applies her make up. As for Lily Queen Rose has curled her blond hair and put it in a cute ponytail while Queen Ruby applies her make up. “Well here are your bouquets pink roses for Lila and Blue Lilies for Lily.” Thanks we look like angles” They say as they see their reflections in the mirror. “You’re welcome now stay there while we go change into our bridesmaid dresses.” “Alright.”

Meanwhile with the boys they are almost done freshening up. “Ok now to fix this tie.” Says King Sky fixing Joe’s Tie. There we go now you boys are ready from the wedding so get down their.” King Gabe and King Sky command. “Yes Dad” they both say running to the ball room where the wedding and reception are being held.

This time when the Moms return the dads are with them. “The wedding march is about to start are you girls ready?” “Yes” “Okay then lets go.” As they head out Lila says “I need a moment to get over the nerves Lily you go ahead.” “Alright but be right out.” “everyone says.” “Don’t worry I will.”

Once everyone is out of the room Lila chants this spell “To Teentopia send my family now on my wedding day but it will be their choice to go or stay.” Within a few short seconds her entire family is in the room with her. “Mommy, Daddy, Dustin, and Jade you’re here!” She says running to them and hugging each one of them. “Yes we are here but where is here?” Lila’s Mom asks. “Oh here is a magical world called Teentopia.”

“Okay are you getting married?” Jade asks looking at her dress. “Yes I have gone through a fairytale and fond my Prince Charming.” “Well at least I can walk my daughter down the isle.” Lila’s Dad says. “But honey none of us are dressed for a wedding.” Lila’s Mom says. “Oh I can take care of that” Lila says snapping her fingers. Within seconds her Mom and sister are in pink bridesmaid dresses and her father and brother are in black dress pants, white shirts and black dress shoes.

Then Lily comes back in the room wondering what was taking so long and sees her family. “Um Lila who are those people behind you?” “Oh hey Lily this is my Mom and Dad as well as my sister Jade and Brother Dustin.” “Well the wedding march has started so come on.” “Okay Dad will you walk me down the Isle. “It would be my pleasure. “ So he takes her arm and joins Lily and her soon to be father in law in the march.

Following the bridesmaids Lila’s family and the two brides head to the ball room. As soon as they reach the door they hear the wedding march. The bridesmaids and the rest of Lila’s family go in first to take their places. As the girls take the long walk down the Isle they can feel the stares of everyone on them. But then they reach the end and in a symbol just about as old as time Lila’s father and King Gabe place their hands into the hands of their grooms. Queen Rose is the one who is marrying them.

“Our friends and family we are here to witness the marriage of these happy couples if anyone objects speak now or forever hold your peace.” There were no objections so the ceremony continued. Their vows were the same as had been repeated by people for centuries. Lily and Lila said a stuttered “I...I do” through happy tears. When it was Joe and Ryan’s turn they said with complete confidence not crying at all “I do.” Then I now pronounce first Prince Joe and Lila as husband and wife as well as Ryan and Lily.” “You boys may now kiss your brides.” With that sacred kiss their marriages were sealed.

The reception was incredible beautiful pink and blue flowers on every table, pink and blue lights shining on the dance floor. The two cakes were on a long table surrounded by cooked ham, green bean casserole, and mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet potatoes, finger sandwiches, a salad bar, punch, ice tea and water. Love Story played for the first dance. Lily and Lila were swept into their husbands arms for the customary first dance.

Next was the father/daughter dance. The dad’s tapping on the husbands shoulders ask if they can cut in. As the fathers take their daughters in their arms the song Daddy’s girl starts. With Lila her Dad is dancing the waltz with her. “I can’t believe you’re already married Lila it seems like only yesterday you were a toddler who just learned how to talk.” “I know Dad but I still love you and always will.” “I love you too baby girl.”

With Lily she is dancing with her father-in-law King Gabe. “Welcome to the family Lily.” “Thank you sir.” “Now what did I tell you call me Dad.” “Okay Dad thanks” “Your welcome Lily.” “So how do you like your and Lila’s wedding so far?” “It great and we are so happy being with the ones we love.” “I’m glad to hear it.” Then the dance ended.

After dancing to two more songs you are the music in me and May I have this dance with family and then their husbands. Lila and Joe went to talk to Lila’s family. “So do you guys want to stay here?” “Yes we want to stay here in Teentopia with our daughter and new son.” “So Joe you better treat our little girl right.” Lila’s Dad says. “I have every intention of doing so sir.” “Good than welcome to the family son.” “Thank you.” “Oh and don’t call me sir call me Trey and my wife Tea all right?” “Of course thanks Trey, Tea I am happy to know you.” “You too well you guys better get going don’t want to miss your honey moon.” Lila’s parents said seeing Ryan and Lily leaving. “Okay bye Mom by Dad, see you later.” Lila said running to her carriage.

As both couples left in their carriages to their honeymoon detestations they waved good bye to their loved ones. In their pink carriage Lila and Joe shared a loving kiss. The same was happening in Lily and Ryan’s blue carriage. After everything they finally live happily ever after.

The End or is it?

Publication Date: 05-27-2010

All Rights Reserved

To my Mom for believing I could write a book.

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