» Fantasy » The Search for the Fallen Angel, James Gough [black books to read .TXT] 📗

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that he realized that he had just made a wrong decision, and before he knew it he was standing at the gates of the Shelter, as if coming to a new home. As soon as he stepped through the silver doors a pair of hands grabbed onto him and was pulling him up the stairs and into a large room.

When the person let go of his hand he noticed his kidnapper was the girl from earlier. She looked out into the hall as if to see if anyone had saw her dragging him into the room under his will, she then gently shut the door and looked at Damon with sparkling blue eyes. “I knew you would come back,” she then said as she cut across the room and shut the blinds until the only light that filled the room escaped from a series of candles that lined the walls. She then turned on her heels, walked toward Damon and offered her hand, “I’m Alice,” she greeted with a smile. “Nice too meet you……. Um how exactly did you know I was coming back?” Damon then asked eyeing her suspiciously. “Well, that’s obvious of course….. I can see the future.

Chapter 3: A Night of remembrance

Okay so maybe it is a little weird liking a girl that can see the future out of what someones thinking, but who cares. Ever since he had came back, he has never got a break. He spends most of his day in the training room, and the rest studying the life of a Shadow Hunter. However, the best part about it is he spends every minute of it with Alice.

 It has been almost a month since he had found out information stating he was half-Shadow Hunter, and it feels as if he has only learned one thing..... This isn't for him. 

 Alice has been acting weird lately, she never stops moving or worst of all talking.  And since that day in her room she has been acting as if their a thing.  "So there's a party this Friday up town," she said as she twirled a lock of her luscious black hair between her fingers. she waited for a moment and then spoke up again, " Would you like to go with me?" she asked leaning up on her elbows to get a better look of him.

 Damon let his mind sink on this. Was she asking him out on a date? If he wasn't mistaken males usually did that.

  "Wait-you mean like on a date?" he asked shutting the book he was skimming through, and placing it on the nearby dresser.

“Um…..yeah I guess it could be considered a date, unless you don’t want to,” Alice put out, as if trying to make him reconsider. “Oh no it’s just…. I really don’t like dancing,” Damon muttered in a low voice as if fearing she would make fun. “Well there are other things to do other than dancing,” Alice pointed out. “I mean it’s a party not a dance smart one,” she clarified purposely adding the sarcasm to her voice. “Fine, I’ll go,” Damon gave in trying to find hope that it will end the conversation of dancing.

“Okay well it’s a date then,” she squealed excitedly jumping up from the bed. “Yeah but only if you quite reading my mind,” Damon made clear as he rose to his feet. “I’m not reading your mind, I read the future out of you mind,’ Alice protested rolling her eyes in annoyance.  “Yeah mind, future whatever just promise me,” Damon said giving her a hard stare. “Are you serious?” “Yes, I’m serious,” Damon snapped back feeling a slight pinch of anger crawl up his body. “Okay, okay, damn I won’t read your puny little brain, now is that better?” Alice retorted smartly.   “Much better,” he replied with a smile on his face.

They sat there in silence for a minute listening to the sound of passing cars as they flew past the window of her room. A second later Jace’s voice sounded from the bottom of the stairs, “Damon, it’s time for your training! Stop sucking face with my sister and get your little weak white ass down here!

Alice turned back and smiled at her brothers use of words before she spoke, “ Well you heard him,” she laughed as she leaned in and placed a quick kiss on the side of his cheek before skipping out of the room and disappearing down the hall.


The training room looked like a half prison house gym. The floor was matted; and the foam on the sides was worn from old age. Weapons of all sorts were spread out on the shelves that lined the wall. In the corner of the room sat a very old podium. The stone was breaking off on the sides giving it an ancient look. Damon glanced along the shelves until his eyes landed on a weapon that looked quite familiar.   When he stepped closer to the weapon, Damon became aware that the weapon was the small white dagger he had seen Jace use to kill the vampire that had attacked him in the alley.

“It’s called a seraph blade,” Jace said coming to a stop beside him before reaching for the blade. “Years ago when the Great War was arising the clave made the bounded sisters create a weapon that only Shadow Hunters were allowed to grasp. Therefore, they gave the weapon the name seraph meaning “Angels Guardian” The weapon then became the Angel’s weapon of choice,” Jace added handing the white dagger to Damon. “What, you want me to have it?” Damon asked staring down at the blade as if unsure whether to take it. “Yeah, take it, it’s yours,” Jace said in a voice that was so calm it made Damon shiver.

Damon looked down at the blade; its bright gleaming blade sent shimmers of light through his eyes. The blade was long and jagged, the hilt fitting perfectly in the middle of his palm as he gripped the blades hilt tightly. As he looked closer, he noticed there were symbols engraved on the blade and hilt. They reminded him of the marks he had studied in history class but with an older look.   “What do these symbols mean?” Damon asked sliding his finger across the rough black marks. “They are old ancient runes that were used over 1,500 years ago by the East Goths. They say that the symbols grant beings with various supernatural abilities, with both Angelic and Demonic runes known to existence,” Jace explained darkly. “So how do they work?” Damon asked suddenly feeling interested in the topic. “Well Shadow Hunters engrave them in their skin. Once on the skin they absorb the power that the rune created for,” Jace explained rising up his sleeve to reveal a series of marks up his arm. There are for example runes that enable ones speed, strength, vision, sound, fearlessness, and then the Angelic power which is the mark of the Shadow Hunters,” Jace informed quickly pulling up his shirt and striding across the room.

   A long pause filled the mildew covered air as they stood there silently waiting for someone to say something. It was Jace who then broke the silence, “So what’s this I hear about you and my sister?” Jace asked. Damon figured Jace knew this topic wasn’t up for discussion, but then again that was Jace’s hobby; getting into other people’s business. “Nothing,” Damon snapped back in a harsh tone. “Oh come on, I see the way you two act around each other, and trust me it’s noticeable,” he pointed out sarcastically, with a little pinch of harshness in his voice. “I said nothing, now drop it!” Damon hissed feeling the fiery anger flame up inside at Jace’s steady annoyance. “Okay, okay, I was just asking,” Jace muttered throwing up his hands in surrender. “Damn, must be a strong relationship,” he muttered under his breath s he turned to make his across the room.

Damon finally feeling the fire rage inside him flung himself toward Jace, knocking him to the floor. But Jace was a lot faster than he was, because he brought his arm back and locked Damon’s elbow behind his head. “Easy there little warrior,” Jace said jokingly pulling Damon up to his feet. “Looks like my training have paid off,” he added with a smirk on the corner of his face.   “You managed to take me off my feet, Congratulations,” Jace pointed out clapping his hands together creating a loud echo through the room as if they were in a cave. Jace peered down at his watch and frowned, “Well sorry lover boy but trainings over,” he then said throwing a bag over his shoulder and walking toward the door. “Now get out of here before I consider the fact that you put your grimy little hands on me and smash the pulp out of you,” Jace then threatened as he opened the door and moved to the side so Damon could get by.

Before Jace could say another word, Damon dashed out of the room and ran into the hallway, without even looking back to see the frown on Jace’s face.

The hallway was long and narrow. Pictures of men and women covered the walls making the place look even older than it already had. Damon thou8ght it felt like it took hours to get to his room. When he finally stepped up to the door, all the week’s worth of training and walking hit him like a brick wall to the face. He was ready for bed.

   When he opened the door, a shock wave hit him taking the exhaustion feeling away and replacing it with a wave of relief. The only word he got out was “Oh” Alice was sitting on the corner of his bed with her legs crossed; she had his drawing book in her hand and was streaming through the pages. When Damon shut the door, she looked up and smiled up at him. “Hey boyfriend, why didn’t you tell me you could draw?” she asked putting the book back on the shelf and turning back to face him.  “Um, I guess you didn’t give me a chance,” Damon said taking his eyes off of the book and glancing down at what she was wearing. She had on a white tank top, and a pair of short jogging shorts.  

   “What are you doing in my room?” Damon then asked shaking himself awake from his mesmerizing stare.   “I just came to give you your tux for the party,” Alice told him with a high pitched tone to her voice. “Wait, I have to wear a tux?” Damon asked sharply. “Well of course, don’t you want to look handsome?” Alice asked. I mean what else are you going to wear at a party?” she added. “Well I was thinking about a pair of jeans and a flannel t-shirt,” Damon informed. Alice walked up to him and placed her hand on his cheek, “You’re so funny,” she then said in a soft voice. “Well it’s in the closet,” she paused and looked him up and down before frowning. “You look exhausted, get some sleep before the party,” she said patting him lightly on the cheek before walking out of the room

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