» Fantasy » The Search for the Fallen Angel, James Gough [black books to read .TXT] 📗

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and down the hall.

Once she was gone, Damon got undressed and stepped into the shower. Once he got out, he felt even more exhausted and when he crawled into bed, he was automatically in a deep sleep.

Damon woke up to a loud pounding noise that came from outside the door. “Get your ass out of bed, it’s time for your training,” Jace yelled through the door. 

Damon got to his feet so fast that he suddenly got light headed. He quickly shook it off and got dressed. When he opened the door, Jace was leaning on the wall with his arms crossed over his chest in a sign of irritation. He was wearing all black from his shirt to his jeans, giving his skin a darker appearance. He had a belt around his waist that had pockets and holsters that were full of weapons. “It’s about damn time,” Jace swore as he leaned off the wall. “I’ve been pounding on this door for so long I was afraid I would knock it down,” Jace then added nodding toward the dents in the door.   “Let’s go, we have a long day ahead of us,” Jace added as he quickly turned and headed back down the stairs.

   Training was a little different. Jace had Damon stand in a ring and fight with boxing gloves. “It’s important to know how to fight without weapons,” Jace explained as he threw a punch making Damon jump back a couple feet.

Jace had made it a little more interesting, by adding a score of how many times you put your opponent on the ground. And at the end of training, the score was tied up 10-10. But knowing Jace, he couldn’t lose. Catching Damon off guard, Jace kicked his legs out from under him sending him to the floor. He then walked up and smiled down at him, “I win,” he then said happily. “Wait that’s not fair,” Damon protested as he got to his feet and ran towards Jace. “I didn’t see you coming,” Damon added.

Jace turned around and glared back at Damon with dark eyes, “Life isn’t fair, so you’re just going to have to deal with it until you die. Which for you won’t be that long if you don’t know how to watch your back, especially in your situation,” Jace said matter-of-factly.   He then turned and walked up to one of the shelves and grabbed a dagger off of it. “Here,” he then said handing Damon then jagged blade. Damon stared at the blade in awe and looked back up, “What’s this for?” he then asked still staring at the blade with curiosity. “For the party tonight, just in case anything happens,” Jace said with calmness in his voice. “Oh well thanks,” Damon added. “Don’t thank me, it’s your safety not mine,” Jace said strongly before turning and walking out of the room. 

Damon was dressed and ready to go twenty minutes later. He had got in the shower and even got a short nap in. He was just about to walk out of the room when his phone beeped. He picked up the phone off of the dresser and scrolled through the messages until he came across a message from Alice. “Why would she be texting me when she’s two doors down,” Damon said to himself as he opened the message and began reading it, “Damon when u r ready to go, come into my room.” Damon sighed, stuck the phone in his pocket, and left the room.

   When he got to her door, he turned the knob and walked in half hoping she was dressed. When he stepped inside the room and caught sight of Alice his body seemed to freeze from her beauty. She looked so beautiful. Her hair was slightly curled at the tips making her hair look so lush, and smooth. She had on pinkish lip-gloss that glistened in the light. She wore a sparkled dark blue lacey dress that clung tightly to her curves. When she saw Damon she smiled and twirled as if showing off her gorgeous appearance.

“How do I look?” she then asked putting out her arms so he could see the angles more clearly. “Um…..Stylish,” Damon said throwing back the other thought he had. Alice looked at him as if she was trying to read him and then her face lightened with delight, “Why can’t you just say what you wanted to say?” Alice asked with a joyful smile on her face. “What do you mean, I just told you what I thought,” Damon reciprocated in confusion. It had taken him a couple of seconds to realize what she meant, and when it all came together he stared at her in dismay, “Did you read my mind?” Damon then asked. The smile that was on Alice’s face suddenly dropped and a frown took its spot, “Why can’t you just say it?” she asked placing her hand in the middle of his chest. “Please,” Alice then pleaded softly. “Okay fine, you look…. Sexy, is that better,” Damon said quickly feeling slightly annoyed at himself for giving in on her gentleness with words. Alice smiled up at him and turned to grab her coat without uttering a word. “Let’s go,” she then said as she walked out of the room.

   When they reached the bottom of the stairs they were greeted by Jace, Collin, Lisa, and Jace’s biological brother and Sister, Justin and Sabrina. “Oh Alice you look so beautiful,” Sabrina said in awe.

When they were just about to leave Jace reached out and grabbed Damon’s shoulder and looked at him. “You hurt my sister in any way, and I’ll kill you myself,” he then threatened. Damon noticing the seriousness in his tone thought it was better not to reply smartly, “Okay,” Damon replied shyly. Jace’s frown then turned into a smile, “Have a good time,” he said giving Damon a gentle push toward the door. They then walked outside and got into the limousine.



When they arrived at the party, it had started raining. They ran inside the building and stopped right at the entrance.   The place was a lot bigger than it had looked from outside. The walls and the floor were covered with balloons and confetti. Thousands of people ran around, dancing, and chatting with one another. The fact that they weren’t human made Damon nervous.

Damon walked toward the back of the room and sat down in one of the booths. Alice had taken off as soon as they had got in, so that left him by himself with nothing to do. A few minutes had passed and there was still no sign of Alice. Damon had downed a couple of shots before she finally emerged out of the group of wild dancers.

“There you are, I’ve been looking all over for you,” Alice sighed in relief as she quickly made her way toward him. “What are you doing back here alone?” she then asked looking around for any sign of company. “Nothing really, just….Chilling,” Damon replied trying to sound as if everything was just okay. “Well why don’t you come and dance with your girlfriend,” Alice told him putting out her hand for him to take. Damon didn’t even get a chance to deny her because she just rolled her eyes, grabbed his hand and pulled him up to the dance floor.  

“I don’t know how to…Dance,” Damon yelled through the loud music and excited partiers. Alice just stared at him for a moment as if trying to make clear if he was playing with her or not. And when she realized he wasn’t, she jumped in surprise. “Oh well first you take my hand and then you put the other one on my waist, and then you just rock back and forth,” Alice explained softly.

They danced for a while laughing and playing around like well a couple. Alice then led him off the dance floor and to the bar. “What can I get your two?” the bartender asked. “I’ll have a coke,” Damon told him. The man just stood there giving Damon an ugly look. “Babe, they only have alcohol here,” Alice leaned over and whispered in his ear. “Two bloody maries,” she then said shooting the man an apologetic smile.

At the end they ended up having a contest on who could down the most. Alice had got 8 down and Damon sure as hell wasn’t going to get beat by a girl especially in this. He sucked in his gut and downed the last one with a swift flick of his wrist.

A moment of silence passed by before Alice spoke up, “I think it stopped raining. Would you like to take a walk with me?” she then asked as she rose to her feet and glowered over him. Damon feeling the need for fresh air nodded, before tangling his fingers around her hand and walking out into the night.

They walked silently for a moment listening to the soft sound of the cascading water as it crashed together on the shore. “So did you have fun?” Alice then asked breaking peaceful silence that fluttered around them like free flying birds. “I had more than just fun,” Damon laughed happily as he twirled her in the air as if they were dancing in the moon light. “You know Damon, I really like you,” Alice then put out. “I know I have said this to many boys but I really do mean it,” she added with gentleness in her voice.

Damon was about to reply when it suddenly started raining. They both laughed as they ran back toward the house. Damon suddenly caught a glimpse of a cliff out of the corner of his eye. He then without hesitation grabbed her hand and ran towards the edge. “Damon what are you doing, it’s raining out here,” Alice squealed in excitement. “Having some fun,” he then replied as they came to a stop at the edge of the cliff. When they looked out over the edge they both gasped in awe. The scene was beautiful. It looked out to a large waterfall that fell into an open sea. Damon then turned and faced Alice with thoughtful eyes. “Alice I like you too. I can’t even find a word that explains how much I like you,” as Damon talked their eyes sparkled inside each other’s as if they were looking into a mirror.

The moment sent a spark up both Damon and Alice as if trying to pull them together and that’s exactly what it did. “I have been holding this back for quite some time now and I can’t seem to hold it back any longer,” and with that he gently grabbed her arm and pulled her up against his chest, before leaning in and pressing his lips against hers. When their lips met another spark shot up their bodies in realization of the love that they really shared of one another. The feel of her lips against his was electric. Their bodies pressing up against each other eliminating any space that was between them.

As much as he hated it Damon pulled away and started walking again. When they finally got to the house, Damon opened the door and let Alice in. Alice turned around with a smile on her face, “Good night,” and with that she turned and started up the steps. “Wait!” Damon yelled softly. “I just want you to know that this was a night of remembrance I will never forget,” Damon made clear. Alice’s eyes suddenly sparkled with appreciation. “Mine too.” And with that she walked up the stairs leaving Damon staring back at her wishing that their time together would never end.



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