» Fantasy » Rogue Legacy, Jeffrey L. Kohanek [best pdf reader for ebooks .txt] 📗

Book online «Rogue Legacy, Jeffrey L. Kohanek [best pdf reader for ebooks .txt] 📗». Author Jeffrey L. Kohanek

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Upon reaching the gate to the Citadel, Garrett whispered to the guards on duty and they opened the gate without argument.

He led them across the plaza, up the stairs, and through the door with only a nod to the guard posted there. Torches in sconces lit the dark receiving hall, flickering and creating orange islands of light that illuminated the doors and tapestries adorning the walls.

Garrett crossed the hall and led them down a dimly lit corridor with two guards stationed at the next intersection.

“Mandrick,” Garrett said to a man with a shaved head. An angry scar ran across the man’s cheek, up to his forehead, interrupted by the black patch over his eye. “I need you to go wake Hamilton. I have orders to report to Tallinor upon my return.”

“Yes, Sir.” The guard nodded, turned, and disappeared down the hallway.

Garrett nodded to the other man, a massive brute, tall and muscular. The man gave a nod in return, but his hand remained on the pommel at his hip.

A minute later, Mandrick returned. “Go on. The Kings’ Advisor went to wake him. You are to meet in his chamber.”

As Garrett led them down the corridor, Lyra examined the tapestries hanging on the walls, finding herself in awe of the detail woven within them. She wondered how much they were worth. In her previous visit, she had been too overwhelmed to pay them any attention.

When Garrett reached the third door, he stopped and knocked. A moment later, it opened.

“Come in,” Hamilton said while holding his dark red robe closed with his free hand.

Garrett nodded and led them inside.

King Tallinor sat at his desk, writing on a sheet of parchment. Garrett, Cal, and Lyra stopped in the middle of the room and waited in silence, the moment seeming far longer than it actually was. Once finished, the king set the pen into the well and stood.

His hair was a mess, his rising-sun crown nowhere to be found. Like his advisor, he wore a floor-length robe made of rich red velvet. As it was the middle of the night, the man seeming tired was understandable. However, Lyra expected that there was more to his weariness than the late hour.

“Thank Issal that you returned alive, Captain. I pray you have good news?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Garrett bowed. “The immediate threat has been…dealt with.” He gestured toward Cal. “This man…and this girl, acted with selfless bravery against a nightmarish enemy led by powerful magic users and backed by five thousand giant soldiers. They would have been unstoppable. Even worse, they did something to their voices…when these giant men spoke, their voices would evoke an intense fear. I’ve never seen anything like it.” Garrett shook his head. “I’m afraid that nothing short of a miracle could have saved us, Sire. Thankfully, these two provided one.”

Tallinor turned toward Cal. “I owe you my gratitude, Master Arcanist. The entire kingdom of Kalimar owes you thanks – as do Vinacci and Hurnsdom.”

Cal nodded, not any sort of bow. “Thanks, but a threat remains until the men who hatched this scheme are dealt with as well.”

The king shifted toward his desk and scooped up the sheet of paper. “This is a writ, one of several copies that will go out to every city within Kalimar tomorrow. It declares the Ministry as outlaws, the church as an enemy of the state. Along with it, my army will depart tomorrow for Sol Polis. We will take the city from the Ministry and arrest any members who remain.” He slammed his fist on the desk. “I’ll not be subject to their duplicity again!”

“But, it is not the Ministry at fault,” Cal argued. “It was The Hand of Issal, one of numerous sects within the Ministry. They are more aggressive than the other groups. They believe that the Ministry should be both church and state, governing people’s lives while also guiding them in the ways of Issal. In recent years, their movement gained momentum, a majority of Ministry members siding with them. They’re the ones who brought me to Sol Polis. While I agreed to go because they offered to fund my research, I had no idea they would use it in this way. My dream was to use magic to enrich people’s lives. Their goal was to use it to enslave them.”

“That may be so, but your argument does nothing to convince me to change my course.” The king shook his head. “How will I know which Ministry members have a traitor’s heart and which have a benevolent intent, like yourself?”

“I made you a throne.”

The king’s brow furrowed. “A throne? What does that have to do with anything?”

“I Infused magic within the throne. With it, you’ll be able to discern truth. Any false statement will become immediately obvious.”

Tallinor nodded slowly. “That would, indeed, be useful. Where is this throne?”

“You’ll find it within my manor, about three miles east of Sol Polis.”

“The throne helps our cause, but it will only help to ferret out conspirators who present themselves within my court.” Tallinor shook his head. “I cannot take the chance of this type of aggression taking place within my kingdom. The writ will go out tomorrow, as will my army. The Ministry will have to find another place to operate.”

Cal stared at Tallinor for a long moment, appearing unhappy.

The king put his hand on Cal’s shoulder. “This is nothing against you or Issal. It is simply the most effective means to protect my kingdom.” He lowered his hand and shared a sad smile. “Kalimar owes you a great debt for what you’ve done. What can I do to repay you?”

Cal looked at Lyra, their gazes connecting. An uneasiness arose within her when she saw the sadness in his eyes.

“If the Ministry has no place here, then neither do I. Issal granted me magical abilities, and I must do what I can to use those abilities to help mankind and to spread his message. While I must leave Kalimar, I want a better life for Lyra.”

“What?” Lyra blurted.

Cal ignored her, focusing on the king. “My wish is for you to take her in and treat her as one of your family.” He turned toward her, sharing a sad smile. “If anyone has ever deserved to live in a palace, it’s Lyra.”

The king turned toward Lyra and nodded. “Very well. I’ll welcome her in and treat her like my own daughter.”

“What are you doing, Cal? You can’t make decisions for me. It’s my life.”

Cal took her hands and stared into her eyes. “You’re right; it is your life. However, my life will now be dangerous. I crossed The Hand, and their network runs far deeper than you might think. Anywhere I go, I’m a risk to those around me. Do what you wish, Lyra. However, I won’t allow you to do it with me anywhere near you. I’m sorry.”

Lyra’s lower lip quivered. Deep inside, something within her cracked. A tear streaked down her cheek as she struggled to find the words. No longer able to bear it, she turned and fled from the room, running down the dark corridor, past the guards, through the receiving hall, and outside before collapsing on the stairs. No longer caring who saw it, she cried in earnest, allowing her emotions to run freely, driven by the devastation of her broken heart.


Lyra opened her eyes, blinking and rubbing the crust of her dried tears away. She stared up at the pale yellow canopy above her, at the sheer cloth hanging down all four sides. The soft bed hugged her body in a pleasant embrace. After thinking her bed at Mystic Manor was amazing, she realized that this bed put that one to shame. Until now, she would have doubted such luxury existed.

When she sat up, her gaze swept across unfamiliar surroundings. The bed was in the center of a room many times the size of her room at Mystic Manor. A sofa and a table stood to one side of the bed, a nightstand, a vanity, a chair, and a tall mirror were on the other. There were three entrances to the room: a door beyond the sofa and table, a narrow door beside the vanity, and a pair of glass-paned doors that led to a balcony lit by the morning sun. Looking down, Lyra realized she was in her shift. The last thing she remembered was crying on the stairs outside the Citadel. She must have fallen asleep outside, and someone had carried her in.

Swinging her legs off the side of the bed, she pulled the curtain aside and padded across the room, toward the vanity. A curled note was tacked to the narrow door beside it. After tearing the note from the tack, she read it.

Good morning, Lyra. I expect you might desire to wash away the grime of your travels. A hot bath awaits you. –Hamilton

With the note in one hand, she turned the knob and opened the door.

“…be interesting having someone new to talk to.”

The girl speaking turned toward the door. Sunlight streamed through a high window, its warm rays shining down upon a goddess.

Without a hint of modesty, the girl stood from the soaking tub and smiled at Lyra. Her eyes shone the color of emeralds, her smile lighting the room as much as the beam of sunlight highlighted the golden tones within her brown hair. Although she appeared to be about Lyra’s age, the girl had blossomed into

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