» Fantasy » I am The Keeper, Dale McMurray [best young adult book series .TXT] 📗

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the forest and they were cool against my skin as I put them on. The shift was a soft as clouds white with stitching in colors of red and yellow in the symbols of the ancient Wiccans circling the neck and ending in a Vee dangerousy low between my breasts. As I smoothed the fabric I could see that is was way above my Knees. Finally was the corset. It was a bright green the shade of new leaves in the spring. and had Wiccan symbols stitched down the front in the same colors as on the shift. The cords that I used to tighten it were made with gold and silver string. As I looked in the mirror I was suprised at myself. Copper hair framed my face and flowed over my shoulders. I looked quite nice if I do say so myself . Sitting down on the bench to put on my old leather boots I watched as the Pixies started to giggle and flutter about sending Pixie dust over the boots. They fluttered again to blow the dust away and my boots were now brand new. The color of the brown bark of the Aspen.
"Thank you! for all of this." I cried wiping my tears. " This is so wonderful." The Pixies said the clothes were none of their doing.
" Then who?" I wondered. Kayla was standing in the doorway of the wagon. " It was Momma and Me", with pride in her voice. I pulled her inside an increasingly crowded wagon and gave her a huge hug.
" Your mother came to Momma in a dream. She told her that she wanted her to make these clothes for your quest. She also taught her the symbols that we stitched so as to protect you." Geaina stood on the steps holding a leather riding cloak." This is Aldeen's I have fixed it so that you can wear it. If you meet him show him this clasp. He made it to open up. Inside are the names of our children. He taught me how to write them. This way he will know you are a friend." I drew the cloak around me
As I saddled up the horse that had been pulling the wagon I noticed that He seemed to change into a warrior's stallion. He held his head up and his coat seemed to glisten in the sunlight. I settled into the saddle and wished all well trying not to cry as we rode off.
After Nayla and I had been travelling may hours She flew up and stared at me. with her tiny hands on her hips she asked,
" So Wiccan, whats the plan? I mean everything cannot rest on just spells." I looked at her and blinked. I had not really thought out what we would do. Now little Nayla was staring at me demanding a answer.
"Well, Pixie to tell the truth I thought we would figure that out when we got there." coughing nervously.
" You have got to be kidding! Magi!" she yelled. "This could be a real mess you know!" Pouting Nayla flew off sprinkling pixie dust in my face and landed on a tree limb.
I got off the horse and let him wander as I tried to cox her back down. Tired I sat with my back against the rough bark of the tree and waited.
" What the ..." Nayla cried as she fell off the limb. I caught her in my hands and looked at her face. She seemed very confused. I thought maybe to much sun.
"Did you see that?" She looked at me with wide eyes.
" See what?"
" that glow!" she whispered. Shaking my head I began looking for the horse . Getting up I began to worry as I could not see him anywhere. As I approached a clump of bushes a young man,stepped out.
"Where did you come from?" I asked as I stepped back a few paces.
He just smiled a moment.
"I am called Duncan. The Guardians have sent me to help you on the first part of your journey." His right hand swept in a gesture that started at his left shoulder and cut across his waist as he bent down.
" How did you get here?"
"you brought me, remember?" He raised his eyebrows.
"I came alone so far except for Nayla and my horse."
"I am the horse." He stated as he walked to a place near the tree and sat down.
"I don't understand?" My hear was swimming.
"My people are called Pegars. We are a ancient shape shifter race." I took a breath ,this was to much to understand. I thought I was going crazy.
"let's see you are a Pegar. How come I have never heard of your kind before?"
" The Guardians have worked hard to keep our existance a secret. We answer only to them." Nayla was buzzing all over and it was getting aggravating.
"Please settle down some where while I work this out." I waved my hand at her.
" Nayla, calm down I am no threat." Duncan use a very calm voice that seemed to soothe her and me as well. Deciding to stay the night. I set about gathering firewood to give myself time to calm down and think. Then with a warm fire we settled down and talked. I needed to learn more about him before I could trust him. Working out the questions we had for Duncan and then the course of action we needed to take to rescue Nayla's parents and Geaina husband were our first priority.The next morning Duncan had already changed into the shape of a horse.I felt really uncomfortable as I settled on his back.
"Don't worry you are not hurting me."
"Yes really."
" O K". I answered.
"What?" Nayla called to me as she hovered.
"Sorry I was talking to Duncan."
"I Didn't hear him say anything."
" He was inside my head." I told her. Nayla frowned . I guess she felt left out by Duncan.
"Sorry Nayla, are you ready too?" Nayla's eyes went wide as she realised he was talking in her head now.
"Wow, That's incredible. Yes I'm ready." she seemed pleased that Duncan would use his magic to talk to her. We talked of his people and of his home, a sweeping plain of wild grasses and rich grain. The sky was a Robin's egg blue and the river that ran free was pure and clear. The grass was green and rich in flavor.His people roamed hidden by a deep mist from mortals eyes. His father Ironmore was a dark coal gray stallion that was as quick as the summer wind. And his mother a gentle white filly with long flowing mane and tail.She was wise as she was beautiful. Together they rule over the Pegars. Duncan was a white Colt with coal gray spots that were the best of his parents, His mane was long and white while his tail was coal and carried high. The Guardians ride them when they travel the mortal world when they are needed as war horses. His people also are Shapeshifters that are warriors for the Guardians.
As we headed in the direction of the Castle Kolmor the land changed drastically. We saw abandoned farms and small villages that were almost empty. The landscape turned dull. And those who were still trying to work the land seemed as though there was no hope. Most of farms were worse than Geaina's. The fields were dry and untilled. Nothing was growing. The wells and ponds had dried up. I becamecould not help but be saddened and knew That the Castle Kolmor was at the core of the emptiness. Around the next hill things were quite different. The land was green and the fields were bursting with corn and wheat. The manor house was next to a large pond that seemed ever so blue. As we rested for the night I decided that we must find out why they are flourishing while the farms and villages that surrounded them were dying.
"This is not the castle but somehow it must be connected. as this is the only green for miles." Duncan had returned to a human form and was setting the wood for the night.
" How are we going to get in?" he asked as he began to make sparks for the fire.
"Well I am a healer by birth. So I thought that We would use that to gain entrance."
" sounds good but you are a little young to be traveling alone"
"I could use a aging spell so we would look older. like brother and sister."
" What am I suppose to do?" Cried Nayla.
"you my dear little Pixie must stay hidden. I do not want to risk your safety just yet. I might have need for some Pixie dust later."
" So far all I do is hide!" Nayla pouted as she fluttered about.
" I must protect you so that you can help rescue your parents." wiggling my finger at her with a stern look upon my face. With that taken care of I asked
" Can you stay in mortal form for a long time?" Duncan paused,
" For two or three days at the most." We talked and listened to each other about our fears and our hopes. Our faces were illuminated in the flickering fire. We were so different but yet we were the same. Imprint

Text: all words are mine
Images: all photos and artwork are mine
Publication Date: 02-03-2011

All Rights Reserved

To my Husband. Who has put up with my ever changing hobbies. I love you .

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