» Fantasy » I am The Keeper, Dale McMurray [best young adult book series .TXT] 📗

Book online «I am The Keeper, Dale McMurray [best young adult book series .TXT] 📗». Author Dale McMurray

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The Beginning

center>Part one

The coven/font>

My name is Magi and I was six withred  hair that was as free as I was When my mother and I joined the Eastern Coven. The leader was a wise old Wiccan named Kamilana, with long siver hair skin  a shade of bronze colored by the sun. Her eyes were the color of a deep dark blue  that could look right in to your very being. Those years the land was lush with so many shades of green, crops were  bountiful and the children grew up healthy. The Oak trees seemed to form a protective ring around My home. My Mother was a pale dark haired beauty with eyes the color of fire. Her name was Floara ,and she was the keeper of the spells and the covenents of the Coven.
I was was the youngest girl child. At first My days were filled with butterflies and flowers of Red, yellow, pink and so many other colors. All the girl children played happily together . We had great fun along with scapes and bruises and formed friendships that I thought would last forever. As I grew older The Elder Wiccans began to teach us to find our own spells and how to master the magic we had been born with.
When I entered my fourteen summer my mother told me of a secret society of Wiccans that were warriors. Mostly Wiccans are gentle women, These warriors defended the earth from Evil. They helped keep eternal darkness and chaos in the Under Realm. She started to teach me how to use a sword and how to defend myself with special spells that even the most practiced Wiccan did not know.
Of all the girl children that lived in the community there were two that no one ever said a word about. Their names were Tontra and Bethra. Tontra was as cold as she was cruel. her black hair was wild and tangled. Her eyes were like black holes. Tall and thin, Her Aura was dark and gave off a sour acrid scent. Bethra, her cronie was short and carried more weight than most of the coven. She had dull brown hair and a flat round face that her lifeless grey eyes seemed to sink into. You could always tell when they were around as they gave off a smell like sulphur.
There was not a time I remember when they were not cruel to the smaller girls and rude to the adults. They were cold and vengeful if crossed. Tontra and Bethra would change the direction of the coven and my life. During my sixteenth winter a strange illness came to our Coven and it took our beloved leader, Kamilana and some of the older Wiccans including Tontra and Bethra's mothers. Soon after Tontra started to insinuate herself into the lives of those who kept the coven's laws. Before anyone knew it Tontra had taken over the Coven Mother's role. Anyone who tried to get in her way was bullied into silence or worse. It was whispered that she born of dark magic and was dangerous. Laws were changed to suit her needs, and the ways of life here changed, but Not for the better. Mother and I continued our lessons in secret. We had to be careful so that Tontra did not find out. This was a dangerous time.
In the summer of my 21st year Mother called for me. "Daughter," she whispered. "It is time for me to leave here and go on to the next life. Perform the Last Rite." I began crying.
" Do not cry Magi. It is time to find out your true destiny. Now be a good girl and call the coven." I could not bear to see her leave. I wanted her to stay forever. But I was a dutiful daughter and did as she asked.
The funeral rite was performed that night under the stars. Just as the prayers were ending The sky turned a bright gold and out of a stream of White light stepped three pale yet wonderous beings. They were bathed in a bright Aura and floated above the funeral alter. They had white gold hair and a beauty that was so pure. They spoke as one and their voice commanded attention. "Magi, We are The Guardians here to guide your mother Floara to her place in the next life. We also have come to give you a gift. This crystal we place it deep within your heart. We have chosen you to keep all earth bound magic left behind when magical beings cross over. Hence forth you are the Keeper. This crystal will hold all remaining magic after the death of the earthly body". With the touch of their hands to my heart a bolt of fire raced thru my body. I was lifted off the ground then as suddenly I was on my hands and knees. My breathe came as if I were on fire. Tontra had been watching all of this. She was in a rage, "HER?. She never relly belonged here! I am The Mother Of this Coven! This honor should be mine!" She screamed flayling her arms . Raising their hands,
"Silence! We have chosen!" The Guardians kept their eyes on me. " But why?" as I struggled for air. I watched still unable to move.
The Elder Guardian stepped forward and looked straight into my eyes " You are our choice. We decided long before you were born." She then looked at Tontra. " She will not be harmed or caused trouble in any way. There will be no more talk of this! We know you Coven Mother so beware!. It is done."
They took my hand and placed it over my mother's heart. "Feel the magic still remaining?' I could only nodded. It was like there were a thousand bees beneath the skin. "Now call it forth."
I closed my eyes and suddenly I was in agony. I could feel the crystal glowing hot like molten glass as it took in the magic left by my mother. Just as suddenly it was gone and I had an incredible feeling of peace even as I felt exhausted. As I looked up from her body I could see her spirit smiling, standing next to the Guardians.
"You are under our protection. It is your destiny." and with that they were gone. I was weak from the strain caused by the magical exchange. Tears came to me as I touched her empty body.
Tontra looked at me with disgust and pure hatred. " You are no longer needed or wanted here. Be gone as soon as possible."
She turned on her heels and quickly left the funeral rite her dark purple robe billowing like a thunder cloud behind her. Most of the Wiccans Sisters gave their condolences but a few hurried after her. afraid of any retributions. Soon I was alone with her remains. The tears I had struggled to hold back flowed hottly and finished the rite alone. Lighting the pyre I watched the flames as they comsumed the body of my mother. As my tears touched her ashes they vanished in the mist. I promised to follow my destiny.
I was numb for days. As I went through the motions of packing our belongings my mind was suddenly filled with fear of being alone outside the coven's comforting forest. Mother's scent of flowers was everywhere just as strong as when she walked this earth. I could feel her in every corner of our home. Each item seemed heavy with memories. Some brought fond memories of late nights huddled in her bed and the silly stories she told to get me to sleep. Many brought back the times spent following the waters that ran along side the coven grounds and the treasures we would find. Like the small stone shaped like a star that she had kept.
I remember walking along holding mother's hand. The waters were so clear you could see the pebbles on the bottom. As we walked along the shore mother spied a stone in the shape of a star.
"Ha, a good luck sign for you Magi.I will sew it inside your protection talisman."
She never got the chance so I put it in my pocket.
I left the trunk beside her bed for last because that was where she kept her private things and the rules of the coven. When I finally opened the trunk there were many books and a key along with her robes. I put the key on my chain with the talisman she made for me. Wrapping the law book in her duty robe I placed it back in the trunk .That last night as I sat by the hearth I wondered. "Why me, what would happen if the crystal filled up? Where was I to go?" I slept fitfully. In dreams I saw The Guardians smiling at me. Their words echoed in my head. I WAS CHOSEN. So what was I to do with My Gift? Mother's voice whispered that I was doing the right thing I had a destiny to fulfill.SO MANY QUESTION AND NO ANSWERS.
I took the sword off the wall. I was a daughter of a warrior, and I was determined to continue the tradition.
As I placed the sword on the bed it seemed to glow. I wrapped it in a green satin sheet and hid it among the items I was leaving with.
When I awoke I found that the wagon was packed hitched and a horse was ready. Strange?

The Key
"Did you find it? Did you find the key?",Tontra stood there with a scowl on her face. Nothing angered her more than not getting her way.
"No and I looked every where. That Brat of hers must have it!"
Tell me what was left behind. Is it anything we can use to secure our hold here?" Tontra whined.
" I heard tell she had a Warrior sword. Was it there?"
"All that was left were some old robes and a few scraps of papers. nothing of any real value so I left them there."
Bethra, you Idiot go get those papers there may be some hidden information we can use . If we have to we will find Magi and bring her back her!"
With that Tontra walked out of the chambers. No book and no sword. She was angry.Her mind a whirl. What to do, She needed those spells to make sure she was the most powerful Wiccan in this coven and to help in the takeover of the rest of them. Tontra wanted to be Supreme Mother of all Wiccians and more. She wanted all magical beings to be under her heel. That Book of Spells and the key that would open it would guarantee that. But until she had it in her greedy little hands that dream would not come true. "What do I care of destiny or the Guardians. They chose that creature to hold the last vestiges of the magic left behind when one passes into the next life instead of me. But I will be the greatest of all!" she looked into the mirror in her bedchambers and saw her self in bright Blood Red robes and a ornate crown filled with Bloody jewels on her head. She laughed. It sounded like a schreeching banshee.
Bethra had returned to the hut to grab the papers she had thrown out. Outside there were a few members of the coven. They were doing a cleansing rite. If she didn't hurry all traces of those papers would disappear.So she snuck in the

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