» Fantasy » Thirst for Vengeance, Victoria Sinclair [best love novels of all time .TXT] 📗

Book online «Thirst for Vengeance, Victoria Sinclair [best love novels of all time .TXT] 📗». Author Victoria Sinclair

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I was leaning against was at the end of the dirt road, both paths going on into darkness on either side. It made me uneasy that none of the cottages had any movement or lights on in the windows, of course that could be because it was night. Still, I felt like there should have at least been some kind of life going on, if not in the cottages at least at the tavern. Everything was silent. I was in the middle of mentally scolding myself when I thought I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. It was quick and brief but I swore I had just seen someone run across the street to my right.

Not wanting to person to know I had seen them, I decided to completely turn my head in that direction. Instead, I slowly tilted my head left, being able to get a somewhat better view of the street on my right. 'Why is everything weird happening today of all days?' I thought to myself as I continued to keep an eye on the street. After another five minutes I started to think that I was just delirious from the long ride and needed to get some rest. As I was about to straighten my neck to avoid cramping when I saw another blur of movement. Now I knew I was not delirious. Straightening my neck I decided to go ahead and fully turn my head towards that road where I saw the blur. Whoever, or whatever, it was not going to take me by surprise. It was then that Alex walked out of the tavern, making me jump. I had been so focused on the blurs I had seen I had forgotten all about Alex being in the tavern.

He gave me a curious glance and looked down to where my hand was touching my blade. I quickly pulled my hand up, but I knew it was too late. "What's wrong?" Alex said as he slowly looked around. "Oh, nothing. I thought I saw movement but it must have been my imagination." Alex looked at me for a long moment before scanning the village one more time. "It's too late tonight to begin the hunt, we will start first thing in the morning." He started walking down the path that lead to the entrance of the village. I quickly stepped in beside him. "So what's the contract? Why was that old man so upset with me being there?" I looked up at Alex, who had a grim look on his face.

"I will discuss the contract in the morning. We will sleep just outside the village tonight since they do not have an inn. You will have to overlook Jarvin. He is very old and in his time women were not allowed to hunt monsters because they were considered weak and a risk." The last part made me grind my teeth, but I kept my tongue. Alex put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm not saying you are weak or a risk, I was only explaining his thought process." I nodded and decided it would still be best to hold my tongue. As we made our way back to the outside of the village we went over and grabbed out sleeping bags from our packs and decided to sleep next to the rugged barn.

As we laid out mats down I looked over at Alex, a grim expression still showed on his face. "Alex, I know you said to wait until morning, but I'm really curious about the contract." I said. Alex looked over at me and sighed. "Would you like to know why all these people are barricaded inside their houses with no lights on?" I slightly raised my eyebrow, waiting for him to go on. "There is a pack of rogue werewolves running around. Not just one, but four of them. They have been terrorizing the villagers. They have already killed most of the livestock." Alex looked at me then and I understood why he had a grim look on his face. Rogue werewolves were rare in themselves. Usually werewolves kept to themselves and only killed livestock. It was even more rare to have two rogue werewolves together, but it did happen. Having four together? Is simply not heard of, that is until today. "If we can both get through this alive then I have full confidence you will be the greatest hunter alive some day!" Alex tried to lighten the mood. "Go ahead and get some sleep Aurora, I will take first watch. You will need the rest." I doubted I was getting any sleep tonight.


No Sense

 I tossed and turned most of the night, werewolves invaded my dreams all night. Ripping and slashing with their long claws. Alex woke me up just as the sun was starting to creep above the horizon. I stifled a yawn as I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair. Trying to sooth the hair back into place, I was sure my hair was sticking up everywhere. Before I stood up I slipped my boots on and looked around for where Alex was. He was already putting his rolled mat in the satchels the horses were carrying. I jumped up and started rolling my mat as well, not wanting to be a delay. As I walked over to where Alex was and starting putting up my matt as well I noticed that Alex had stiffened a bit and was staring at the ground next to the barn.

"Is everything ok?" I asked as I was trying to look over and see what he was doing.

"No, no it is not." He bent over and pointed to what looked like footprints in the mud. They were fresh. Alex had a troubled look on his face as I examined the footprints myself. They could only have been made less than an hour or two ago.

"I've been up all night and I did not hear a sound or see anyone." Alex said more to himself than to me. I patted Alex on the shoulder. "I wouldn't worry about it too much Alex, neither or us are harmed. That is what's important."

"No what is important is someone was watching us in the shadows and didn't make a sound. They could have taken us by surprise and killed us." Alex almost shouted.

"Alex, they didn't though. No one wants to mess with monster hunters. We kick ass." I was trying to lighten the mood. It didn't work.

"But do you know who does? Monsters." Alex huffed as he straightened himself and headed back to the horses. "We have wasted enough time. Lets make for the west mountains. That's where I'm told the werewolves are coming from." He hopped up onto his mount and looked around and me, not wanting to leave me behind. I mounted my horse as well and gave him a thumbs up, letting him know I was ready. As we started off towards the west I glanced back at the small village, it still looked like a ghost town. No one had came outside even though it was day break. I sighed and tried to focus on the task at hand. Although my mind kept creeping back to footprints beside the barn. I can't say I'm one hundred percent sure but I had thought I had seen a strand of blonde hair. Which could have been from anyone, I tried to tell myself my mind was just playing tricks with me. Or was it?

"Don't look now but I believe we are being followed." My hands tightened slightly on the reins as I tried not to immediately turn my head and look behind us. We had just started up the mountain trail, the sun was almost directly above us. "I said don't look." Alex said again. My head had started to turn without me realizing, I quickly drew my attention to the road in front of me. I wasn't sure how he knew we were being followed but I also trusted Alex's tuition.

Since our horses were only walking and not trotting or running I decided to try my luck and focus in on my hearing. After a moment of concentration it felt like someone turned the volume up in my ears. It happened so suddenly I slightly jerked in my seat. 'What was that?' I thought to myself. Something like that had never happened to me before and I'm not even sure what it was. I decided to try it one more time. I again focused on the road and shut my eyes, focusing on the sounds around me. This time when my hearing enhanced, I was ready.

It all hit me at once, the birds flapping their wings in the air above us, the slowly movement of the wind as it swept the leaves over the forest floor. The sound of our horses hooves beating the ground like a drum in perfect rhythm. I could even hear the sound of small animals moving through the forest. 'This is amazing!' A slow smile was coming to my face. Then I remembered there was a purpose I was doing this. Trying to focus on the sounds coming from behind us I caught the indistinct sound of hoof beats. I knew it couldn't of been ours because the sound was so distance. 'So someone is following us.'

"So Alex, what do you want to do?"

I was trying to be a quiet as possible but loud enough Alex wouldn't have trouble hearing me.

"I'm not sure just yet, I might just have us turn around and face him head on. If I'm not mistaken it is just one." Alex stated while stilling looking at the path in front of us. I mentally nodded as I tried to focus on not turning my head around. However, a thought kept coming to me, one I couldn't quit shake. 'How did Alex know we were being followed? Unless he had hearing like mine, there was no way. Was there?

"On my call we will turn around and face whoever is following us. If we are lucky it is just simply someone riding behind us unaware of who we are." Alex said.

As we went around and large bend in the road Alex quickly turned his horse around facing the opposite direction. I was a bit slow turning my horse around but after a moment I was facing the opposite way myself. My hands tightened on my reins as I heard the distant hoof beats get closer. Where we were in the bend the rider would not be able to see us until he was right on top of us.

As the rider came around the bend I saw that he was sitting on top of a beautiful brown and white horse, and he was wearing a black cloak about like ours. The stranger pulled on his reins before he collided with us. We all sat in silence for a moment before the stranger pulled down his hood.

"Jarvin, what the hell are you doing us following us like that?" Alex said with a scowl on his face. Jarvin gave him a a cold glance before turning his attention to me. He slowly got off his mount and dug around in

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