» Fantasy » Thirst for Vengeance, Victoria Sinclair [best love novels of all time .TXT] 📗

Book online «Thirst for Vengeance, Victoria Sinclair [best love novels of all time .TXT] 📗». Author Victoria Sinclair

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but I was at least able to save you."

I looked up at him, my emotions turning to anger. "You don't under stand! He was the only person I had left in my life! Now I am alone." I paused for a moment as the truth of the situation started to set in. "Truly alone." As I finished my sentence I leaned back again the bed and closed my eyes. Trying to avoid the inevitable tears that were to come.

I could feel my anger slowly turning into despair, I felt so weak and vulnerable. The emotions going through my I knew all too well, they made me think of the night I was orphaned, and now I was re-orphaned all over again.

I felt a reassuring hand fall on my shoulder, it was Bryce. "Where you stalking me?" My face reddened instantly as I realized I had said it out loud. Bryce through back his head in laughter.

"No, I really just happened to be passing by when I heard you horses going crazy."

"Where are the horses? I think they ran off. I don't remember, everything is so fuzzy right now." I heaved a sigh as I rubbed my temples. "How did you defeat that werewolf anyways?" I stared at him curiously. The werewolf has completely taken me off guard and had killed Alex. How had Bryce beaten him?

Bryce looked over at me thoughtfully. "I didn't."

"What do you mean you didn't? He was going to kill me, don't tell me he just saw you and left?" I muttered.

Bryce stood up for a moment and walked over to door, leaning over to grab a bag that was lying by the door. When he walked back over I realized he was carrying a quiver full of arrows. He pulled one out and handed it over to me. As I took it in my hands. The wood looked like it was made from birch, it was about 30 inches long and had black feathers at the end.

What I was interested in was the pure silver arrows at the top. The arrow heads itself where about 4 inches long with jagged edges. "Where did you get these?" I asked him. I had never seen silver arrow heads like this. They were usually about and inch in a half to two inches long and never with jagged edges.

"I made them myself, my dad was a blacksmith and taught me a thing or two." Bryce gave me a brief smile before taking the arrow back and putting it in his quiver. "This things really do the trick when you have an angry werewolf that won't go away! Sends them packing real fast." He chuckled again as he took the arrows back over and placed them next to the door.

He walked back over and sat down beside me. "Plus, that werewolf wasn't in his right state of mind. Those paper whites you all put on the ground not only attracts werewolves but it sends them into a frenzy as well. You being a monster hunter I figured you would have known this. Unless you guys where planning it that way." Bryce had passed and had a thoughtful look on his face.

As Bryce finished his sentence it took me a minute to fully process what he was saying, I could feel my blood run cold. "How did you know I dropped paper whites? I covered them."

Bryce paused and gave me another thoughtful look, it was starting to annoy me something fierce when he did that.

"Covering them did not cover the smell, plus, it was uncovered during the fight." Bryce said before looking out the window at the sun going down behind the hills.

"It is late and you should get some rest so your body can heal." Bryce said as he stood up and extended his hand down towards me. "Come on now, I wont bite." He said as he winked at me. I shot him a glare and ignored his hand as I painfully got to my feet. "I am not going to sleep without a bath." I said before realizing all of my clothes had been left at the campsite where the werewolves had attacked Bryce and I.

I groaned as I slowly sat down on the bed. "I have to go get my bag, it has my clothes in it." Bryce chuckled as he walked back over to the door. "You can wear mine, I think you would look cute." He turned back around and winked at me. I shot him another glare and looked for something to throw at his head. 'The nerve of this man!' I thought as I grabbed on to the pillow and turned around.

He had already left the room, and my chances of nailing him with the pillow. Although I highly doubt I could have threw it anyways, my entire body felt like I have been flattened by a tree. As I was about to lay down Bryce came back in the door with a bag in his hands. After a moment of looking a big smile crossed my face as I realized it was my bad full of my clothes.

"You got my bag! How did you manage that?" My excitement turned into instant suspicion. 'There is no way he went all the way there and all the way back, unless we are close by?' I was so troubled with this thought I realized that Bryce had walked over and was standing right next to me.

"I grabbed this bag when I saved you, I had been hoping there was some medical supplies in here but I see that I was wrong." He lifted one eyebrow at me. I groaned again as I realized I had been so excited about leaving that I had forgotten all about packing medical supplies for the trip. I was turning out to be a horrible monster hunter and it only added to my depression.

"No matter!" He said as he walked back over and picked up another bag by the door. "Your partner remembered to pack his." He said as he pulled out some herbs and ointments. "They will come in handy. You have some nasty gashes on your back from that werewolf. Need to get those cleaned and dressed before it becomes infected." He said as he laid aside some things I can only guess where going to go on my back.

"I wasn't kidding, I need a shower first." I said firmly as I slowly stood up off the bed. Bryce turned and looked a me for a moment. "And where did you plan on taking that bath? In the waterfall in my bathroom? Or the watering hole I have in there." He said with sarcasm thick in his voice.

I thought I saw something flicker in his eyes for a moment before he turned his head back, it had happened so quick I thought I was just imagining things. "I didn't mean to snap, its been a long day and I'm tired myself but I shouldn't have taken it out on you. There is a pound outside about 15 yards north of the cabin. You are more than welcome to take a bath out there. Just be care." He stopped and looked at me. "The sun is gone and that means most of the creatures are out and about. They shouldn't bother you here but you can never be too careful." He said as he started sorting through the medicine again.

I nodded and quickly looked through my bag, not that I really had a choice for clothing. I pulled out a pair of my black leather pants and a black cotton shirt, as I pulled out the shirt some small fell back down into my bag. Curiously I looked down and saw a small comb made from bone, it was mine that I had thought I had left back at Alex's cabin.

Thinking long and hard for a moment I couldn't remember if I had packed this or not. The more I thought about it, however, the more nervous I got thinking about what this meant if I hadn't packed it. Shaking my head I clasped the comb in my hand and slowly made my way to the door. Bryce stopped me before I left and handed me an oil lantern. Taking it greatfully I lit it and headed out the door.




The night air nipped sharply at my skin as I walked outside, I hadn't realized how cold it was getting until just then. I slowly made my way toward the pond Bryce had talked about, I could barely make out its shape in the moon light ahead of me.

My mind was jumbled from everything that had happened in the last 24 hours. At least I think it was the last 24 hours, with everything that had happened I couldn't even make sense of the time anymore. As I reached the edge of the pound I looked around to make sure I was alone. I looked behind me and could barely make out the cabin behind me so I was confident that I was not going to be seen by certain unwanted eyes.

Surveying they forest around me I could hear crickets and birds chirping, which was a good sign in my book. Looking down at the pool it looked like a giant black hole in the ground, nothing was touching the water to disturb it. I sat down and took off my boots, deciding I was going to try the water out first before I let my body slip in.

I slowly dipped my top toe in only to jerk it right back out, the pound was actually warm! Which was not natural in the least bit and put me on edge.

It didn't help when a figure appeared beside me suddenly, making me reel back and land on my back. Ouch.

A small child's voice filled my ears with laugher.

"That was fun! Who are you? Do you want to play?"

I blinked my eyes slowly and turned my head in the direction of the voice, I saw a small child no taller than my waist line. She had long auburn hair and striking green eyes. Freckles covered her pale face and she grinned at me. "What do you want to play first! How about, hide and seek!"

Before I could respond she disappeared right in front of my eyes. I could almost feel my mouth hit the ground as I looked around, assuring myself my eyes where just playing tricks and I did not just see a small child vanish into thin air. 'I am going crazy, that's all just simply going crazy.'

"Where did you go?" I manage to mutter as I looked around, my mouth probably still wide open. 'Yup, just crazy.'

Before I was able to get up and start looking around the small child appeared out of thin air right in front of me, her eyes as wide as dinner saucers.

"OH! You're a human!" She started giggling and dancing around me.

"It's been forever since I have seen a human!I was so surprised I didn't even realized she had walked over and was playing with my hair. "What are you?" I managed to stutter as she continued to play with my hair.

"I'm a forest faerie. I always come here

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