» Fantasy » Jasper Rose, Scarlet Bay [android e book reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Jasper Rose, Scarlet Bay [android e book reader TXT] 📗». Author Scarlet Bay

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and smiling, whispering so only I could hear, "I was waiting till you'd show up."

He turned to my father leaving me to puzzle over what his words meant. I shook my head, we were probably a bit late or something. Matt began talking to my father and I as he showed us inside, "I'll start introductions with myself, well, you know I'm Matt, I'm a shifter and an elf. I'm 186 years old. And am a wolf and leopard." He smiled and laughed at my shocked expression. "Welcome to the Lūnae pack!"

We walked through the house, him telling us what each of the rooms were. We walked into the kitchen and dining room and were greeted by a plump wrinkly lady with violet eyes and a young intelligent looking girl. They were studying an old leather bound book and laughing. "Sarah, Yasmin? This is Xavier and Jake, they will be joining our pack."

The girl smiled up at me and my father, "Hey, I'm Yasmin! I'm a shifter and a witch. I'm a wolf, by the way."

"And I'm Sarah, I'm a witch. And practically a house maid." The plump lady grinned up at us.

"Oh, hey, I'm Jake... ah shifter and fae." I shifted on my feet and shook their hands.

"Ignore him, he's just a bit nervous," my father chuckled patting me on the back. "I am Xavier, Yasmin, a shifter and an old friend." He kissed Yasmin's knuckles; he'd worked for royalty or something a while ago. Suddenly Sarah plucked him away from Yasmin, crushing him in a warm embrace, "Xavier, dear, I haven't seen you in years!"

"Miss Anty!" I let out a short laugh, he sounded like an embarrassed little kid.

"Oh, Xavier, darling, your son must be feeling left out!" Sarah chuckled and trotted up to me, squeezing me hard as she wrapped her arms around me in a strangely comforting hug. I hugged her back and she chuckled, "Go on now boys, finish with you tour! You will be having morning tea with us!"

We laughed and followed Matt into a dark room. There was a guy playing video games on the big TV. "Hey, Drake! We have visitors, would you care to bless them with your attention?"

I heard a familiar voice groan and practically shout at our host, "Oy, dude, you made me lose! You got me killed, old guy!"

"Dracob?" I stared at the pissed guy as he stared at Matt.

His head whipped around to me and he jumped up, "Dude! Haven't seen you since Cairns!" we bumped fists and half shook hands then whacked each other on the side of our heads; our handshake. "That was like 7 homes ago."

"I feel sorry for your poor foster parents bro. You got some new tats, aye? Did you get adopted by this pack?" I grinned patting him on the back.

"Yeah, one of the families in this pack adopted me, pretty sweet family, got a kid your age." He chuckled, Drake was a nice person, he'd been bullied as a kid and now beat up anyone he saw bullying anyone else. That got a bit awkward when his foster parents had ditched him and I had to pretend to be 'Mr Jefferies' to bail him out; he'd beat up an 8th grader for calling some chick a whore and had ended up going to court himself. "Nah they're great. Sazzah likes them, so yeah. And plus, I like it here, you know? I have a pack. A family."

We said our goodbyes and dad and Matt motioned for us to go, they'd been chatting while waiting for us to catch up.

We walked out to the back yard where a lot of members of the pack where lounging around; we would be having morning tea with them soon. Matt lead us around the table, "This is Robert and Joan Johnson, and their adoptive daughter Sarah."

They turned to us smiling, "Hey guys! Nice to meet you." Mrs Johnson smiled kindly at us and turned to Matt, "Is Drake inside still?"

"Yea-" Matt was cut off by a high pitched squeal. "Jakey-Joo!"

"Sazza-Wazza!" I spun Drakes little sister around as she launched herself into my arms.

"I haven't seem you since Cairns Jakey!" She giggled wrapping her arms around my neck.

I smiled at Sarah's new adoptive parents, they were staring at me shocked. Sarah is a pretty timid kid, the first time we met she hid behind the couch. I only coaxed her out when I offered her some of my chocolate. "Ah... hey." I chuckled, rubbing Sarah's back, "Me and Drake were friends when we lived in Cairns, I met Sarah there. She's like a little sister to me."

They smiled at me and Joan giggled, "Well I'm glad you've been reunited."

"Mummy, can I please stay with Jakey? He's just going to meet the pack! It'll be fun!"

Joan laughed at Sarah's hopeful expression, "Sure honey." She looked over at me, "Can you bring her back before it starts getting dark, please hon?"

"Sure Mrs. Johnson." I ruffled Sarah's hair and set her on the ground, grabbing her hand lightly.

"Thanks. And call me Joan" She smiled at us as began walking away.

My father smiled at me, he had met Drake when we lived up in Cairns and we'd helped him out a couple of times when he couldnt afford food or new clothes for him and Sarah. Matt grinned and lead us towards the barbeque, "Over by the woods is Ruby and Tony," As he gestured towards a couple holding each other romantically on a picnic blanket, my thoughts found themselves wandering to Jasper. Last night had felt so amazing. Holding her like that was like second nature. Matt continued, bringing me to the present, "She proposed a couple of weeks ago, it was quite funny, because she proposed the same night he intended to; he'd prepared the whole night and everything, then she proposed while they were walking in the park." he chuckled, pointing to the men by the barbeque, "That is Jim, he's not usually a loner - his wife and four kids are at school-"

I cut him off, "His wife's at school?"

"Yes," Matt laughed, "she's a teacher."

"Oh, okay." I grinned at him.

"And with him is Neal, he has a younger brother and sister who are at school."

We continued on and Matt lead us over to three people sitting in lawn chairs, holding beers and laughing at each other, "This is Chris, Garth and Jacky." he pointed to the two blokes and the lady in turn. "Guys, these are our new pack members, Xavier and Jake."

"G'day. We hear you come from England?" the first guy, Chris, stood and shook my father and my hands.

"This was my old pack, actually." My father grinned, "We moved up to England when Jake was 4, but got sick of the rain."

"Well, good to have old pack members back then, mate." Garth shook our hands, grinning, "Is it just the pair of yous?"

"No, also my wife, but she's busy looking for a job." He shook his head, "We'd be fine to get settle for a couple more weeks, but she's always making sure we're all good."

"Well, hope we'll be meeting her soon. Have a seat." Garth sat back in this chair, "Jacky, there's only one other seat, I guess you'll have to come sit with me then."

She stuck her tongue out at him, but stood up anyway sauntering closer to him and waving at us, "Hey guys, I'm Jacky, his girlfr-"

Garth pulled her down onto his lap, nuzzling his head into the crook of her neck, "His mate. His amazing mate."

I shot a quizzical look at my father, but he either didn't see me or ignored me. Was a mate just a girlfriend? I glaced over at them and noticed their marks, they came up their necks and where partly matching, like two parts of a puzzle. Strange, weren't a wolf's marks supposed to be individual? Matt spoke up, "Well guys, that's the pack. The only others are the kids at school, I'll get Carrie to drive you and introduce you to everyone. She'll still be sleeping, well, she mightn't be but she won't be at school."

"Okay. Hey, one thing, what does Lūnae mean?"

"it's rising moon in Latin." he smiled before going to get the mysterious Carrie.


"So you're English, ay?" The mischievous looking girl next to me flitted her gaze over to me, she was wearing simple short shorts and a oversized tee; she evidently didn't care much for the crappy dark green uniform I was wearing.

"No, I was born here, we moved there when I was 4 and only moved back here last year."

"Hmm, well, I love your accent." She whipped her head around to me suddenly, "Hmm... you don't have a girlfriend, do you?"

I chuckled, before frowning, "Well, no, not really..."

She giggled, I wasn't sure whether he was coming onto me before, but now she seemed to definitely be in chick-mode, "Aww, so you're crushing?"

"No... yeah... I really don't know." I ran my hand through my hair. Whatever the situation with Jasper was it was confusing me out of my mind. I like her, but I shouldn't, and I doubt she liked me.

"Well, whoever she is, she's a lucky girl. But one thing? I know 4 girls who would come onto a guy as hot as you first - one thinks she's all that, one knows she's all that, one's a slut, and one's the alphas daughter. Actually... no, she wouldn't, our good ol' alpha's a bit hard to explain, but you'll understand once you meet her." She looked back over at me and smiled, "So in other words, you better make it known she's yours, cos she won't think she's shit to you till you tell her."

I stared at her, and smiled slightly, "Thanks."


"YO LULUS COME HERE!!" Carrie shouted over the noise of the courtyard, some kids looked up at her and rolled their eyes, a couple hopping up and coming over. She frowned over at the people who ignored her, "THAT'S ALL LULUS! WE GOT A NEWBIE!" She bellowed cupping her hands around her mouth and hopping up on a chair. More kids looked up, most of them staring at me. As they started walking towards us Carrie grinned, "Haha, see, I am triumphant!"

I shook my head and laughed at her, this chick was funny.

"Hello everybody! I have been sent to grace you with my appearance at school, and I bring a newbie in my wake!" The pack members cuckled at her as she bowed low. She straightened up, looking over at me, "So this is the teenage part of our pack." Looking back at the pack she smiled, "Yup, so this is Jake, he his father, Xavier and mother..."

"Aviary." I put in as he looked at me questionably.

"And his mother Aviary, are the newest memebers to our humble little pack." She grinned and stepped aside as the members of my new pack introduced themselves.

"Hey, I'm Justin..." A brown haired guy put out his hand for me to shake.

"And I'm Lucy." A petite girl with the same hair and similar facial features to Justin shook my hand.

"We're twins." They both said at the same time, grinning.

"We're in your math class with Mrs Grey, -" Lucy perked up.

"We saw you there yesterday." Justin continued.

"She's a part of our pack too-"

"She's a shifter, and a weather fae." The pair of them grinned at me. "We're shifters and elves."

"We have a telekinetic bond." Lucy grinned.

I scratched my head, they had finished each others sentences flawlessly - must be a strong bond. They stepped back as a group of four kids stepped closer to me. The smallest of the four of them spoke up first, "Hey, we're Mrs Grey's kids, I'm April. I'm a shifter, fae, and an elf. I'm in ninth grade in case you're wondering."

The oldest looking girl waved, "I'm May, I'm a shifter, elf and slightly fae. I'm in twelth grade."

"I'm Miley!" A girl who was slightly taller then April hugged me giggling, "I'm a shifter and an elf! Oh,

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