» Fantasy » Jasper Rose, Scarlet Bay [android e book reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Jasper Rose, Scarlet Bay [android e book reader TXT] 📗». Author Scarlet Bay

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My fingers wound themselves into Jakes shirt as fierce bouts of pains spread throughout my body. I whimpered again and turned my head away as I saw my nails fall of and small claws replace them. I tried in vain to stop myself from crying out as Jake put me down in the cool grass. It felt as though my bones were shrinking and changing shape. Tufts of midnight black hair were showing up all over my body and I had claws. Claws!

Jake caressed my face lightly, his touch bringing slight relief from the pain covering my body. I let out a small cry as he took his hand away, I could tell he was talking and could hear the sound but through the haze of pain I could neither tell who he was talking to nor what he was saying. I cried again as my ears began burning and began shrinking and changing shape, moving up to the top of my head. I watched the hand that was in front of my face as my fingers became smaller, the bones joining and breaking painfully, and I slowly fell into unconsciousness as the pain overtook my body, slipping into a state of half consciousness. The pain clear as day while my body shit down and I... slept.


I awoke with a pounding headache and my hair in my face. I reached up to push my hair out of my face, but it wouldn't budge. Rubbing at the hair on my face I paused, why did my hands feel... I whipped my eyes open and leaped to my feet, well attempted to, I ended up falling back down. Looking at my body I let out a loud scream, or rather, a loud meow. I am a cat! Why the fuck am I a cat?!

"Jasper! You're awake!" I immediately purred and forgot about my feline-form as I heard Jake's rumbling sleep laden voice. I turned to look at him and jumped gracefully into his lap; maybe I could get used to being feline.

Wait, what? No! I jumped back up and looked at him pawing at my face and meowing in distress. He has to know something! He was next to me when I... transformed. A sudden groan startled me and I let out a hiss at my... my father?! He's here?! So... I felt so confused and tired that I simply lay down. My father's deep, tired voice made me look up, "Jasper. I understand you must be confused, honey. You, and I, and Jake -- in fact, most of your school friends too - are shifters. But I can't explain yet. Your ability isn't limited to one animal, hon, I don't know how many animals you can turn into, but the cat that you are now is the weakest. You will change again soon. As soon as your body adjus-"

My father's rushed explanations were cut of by my pained yelp. I felt my small body being picked up and cradled softly, the tingles and slight relief making me aware it was Jake holding me. I shivered and yelped as I again felt my bones snapping and moving. Again slipping into unconsciousness...


The pounding in my skull woke me again. This time was different. I felt strong. I could hear the bush mice running around in the forest. I could smell the tang of my own blood from wear my new coat had reared at my skin. I opened my eyes. At risk of quoting twilight I won't describe it in detail, but I could see everything. From the details in the leaves 10 meters above my head, to the air molecules dancing around me. Sensing movement I whipped my head to my right. It was Jake. He was staring at me wide eyed. Is he scared? He should be scared. Maybe I could play a game with him...

I snapped out of the predatory thoughts and focused on Jake's eyes. I had never seen them in this much detail. They were truly amazing. The bright, forest green was splattered with darker greens and yellows, and a ring of dark blue wove around his irises. I sure do have powerful eyes. I paused, wait - what am I? I jumped to my feet and bent my head to look at my long feline body.

I was beautiful. My midnight black coat disappeared into the night air around me, splotches of a somehow darker shade covered my chest and back. I flicked my tail in pride; I was a panther.

I looked back up towards Jake and my father. Jake looked shocked, yet somehow... proud, and my father was grinning like a maniac.

I had begun to make a snorting-laughing sound, but it was cut of by my own scream. It was happening again. I felt Jake's arms encircle me and I leaned into him. I began to drift again. This time the pain was worse. I had begun to get used to it, but it felt like this was a lot worse then the two other times. I squeezed my eyes shut and for the third time that night, let the darkness take me.


I flicked my tail slightly and purred. Well, it was a purring-growling sound. Without even looking I could tell I was a wolf, and a very large one at that. I opened my eyes and got up, stretching quietly. Looking to my right I grinned wolfily. Jake was lying on the dew covered grass sound asleep.i couldn't really blame him as I looked up at the beautiful sun climbing above the trees. I trotted over to his unmoving form, stumbling a little at first, and stared at his creased eyebrows and taught lips. I bent my head and dragged my giant tongue over his face.

"Arh!?" His eyes shot wide open, his shocked expression making the situation even funnier. I barked out a laugh and he looked up at me, letting out an amazed sigh, "Jasper."

Sitting back on my haunches I cocked my head at him. Why was he looking at me like that?! Did I look like crap? My gaze wandered to my impeccable black coat and large yet lean wolf-body. No I didn't look like crap. I growled in frustration, all I wanted to do was shout at him! For fuck's sake, why are you staring at me like that?!

His lips twitched into a smile -- did he know what I was thinking or something? Well, Jasper, you just look so amazing.

I jumped back, looking around. I swear his lipss hadn't moved. I had been staring right at them, thinking of how amazing they would be to kiss... back to the point, it had sounded like he was in my head.

My eyes widened, the fuck, whenever I read werewolf books I always say how stupid it is of these chicks who have no idea whats going on. I mean, haven't they ever read a werewolf book?! So why the hell didnt I figure out what was going on 20 minutes ago! It is obvious, I am a werewolf... or a shifter I spose, seeing as I just turned into a heck of a lot of different animals, and Jakey-boy is in my pack, so we had a telekinetic bond. I rolled my eyes at myself, it was pretty obvious -- if you're into werewolf books, I suppose.

Woah, I've never seen anyone figure it out that quick. I turned to back to Jake, he was staring at me with a mix of wonder and humor in his eyes. It felt so normal to have his voice in my head. I walked toward him slowly, he looked so amazing, so... detailed through my wolf eyes. I stopped when I was a ruler's length away from him, cocking my head and exhaling, you're so amazing.

His cocky grin and I'm sure what would have been a cocky reply was cut off by my father's gruff voice, "I know you're excited, guys, and that you've all but figured out the gist of it Jas, but there's still more you need to know. You have to turn back Jasper, and then we'll all have a chat. Jake, you're parents are inside, your mum called a sicky today." he smiled warmly at Jake and turned to me, "Okay honey, turning back is sort of hard. Do you remember whe you broke your arm?"

I grinned wolfily at him, yeah, of course.

"And how you had to go to physio for weeks to learn how to use the muscles again?" He laughed at my expression as I pawed at my ear in distaste, "I'll assume so. Well, turning into and back from a wolf will be like that, learning to use the muscles. To turn back... well, just try and invision it, try and turn... I couldn't describe how to move your arm then, and I cant describe how to turn back now, you sorta just have to figure it out." He let out another short laugh and sighed, "Don't worry cat, there's no rush."

I smiled at him and sighed. I started envisioning myself as a human, my bones shortening and changing. Remembering when I broke my arm I tried using my muscles, though I didnt know what muscles to use. Suddenly it just clicked. I bent my paw out and into the shape of a hand, it turning fleshy and nails replacing the claws that were know on the ground. My legs reversed and spine straightened, my vision becoming blury with pain.

After 10 agonising minutes I sighed, I was human again, I sat up and smiled at my dad, before realising the obvious, "I'M NAKED!"

Fae Royalty


I gripped the blanket Jake had tossed me tightly around my body. My dad was shaking with laughter and Jake was grinning. I scowled at the entertained boy, "What do you find so funny?!"

"Oh, you know, nothing. You look great by the way." A smirk curled onto his face and I blushed slightly, lowering my head as I grinned. God I hate him!

Babe, no need to be so harsh.

I jumped back in fright and his laughs echoed off the trees. "God freaking damn, that's gonna take some getting used to." I shoved my hand through my hair, almost dropping the blanket covering my nudity. "Gah, dad, can you hold this up please?"

His deep chuckles made me stick my tongue out at him as I reached for my clothes. I was lucky I had changed into a cat first. If I had've changed into my wolf I would have completely shredded my clothes, instead of them just slipping off me.


I slouched on the couch as my father went to get Jake's parents. I didn't get why, but I s'pose he wanted them to help with explaining or something.

I groaned as two ginormous legs laid themselves in my lap. "Seriously, Jake?"

"Yep!" He grinned at me and I felt

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