» Fantasy » Midnight Rose, Shannon McGovern [online e reader txt] 📗

Book online «Midnight Rose, Shannon McGovern [online e reader txt] 📗». Author Shannon McGovern

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for the answer."I'd love too."I said, feeling a bit more safe."Great."She said, smiling hugely.She tugged on my hand and ushered me over to her and her friends.Why would she ask me to hang out with them?I dont think they would hurt me.Would they?No, Josh would have said I had other plans if he thought they would.I glanced back at him, he was leaving.I watched him grab his stuff and walk out the entrance.I didnt feel sorry I had ditched him.I always hang out with him."Hey, Rose."Elliot said.Jamie glanced at me."Hey."He said."Hi."I said.After going through small rounds of small talk I finally decided to ask the question that had been bugging me."Why did you want me to come over?"I asked.They looked a little suprised."Well, we have really never had the chance too.And really would like too."Said Megan."Yeah.You always seem so busy at school.Besides it must get boring just hanging out with Lily and Josh."Elliot says."We see you hand out with other people too.But mostly them.Its nice to have a change.Isnt it."Jamie says."Definitly."I say smiling.I know they wont hurt me.If they wanted too, they would have already.Thats probably what Josh was thinking."Be right back.Gotta tell my mom Ill be home later then I expected."I said, getting out of the pool.I go over to my bag and pulled out my cell.I texted my mom, then after placing in back in my bag, I jumped back into the pool."So, Rose."Megan said."Yeah?"I say."How have you been?Has anything unusual come up lately?"she asked.The question brought me up short.Does she know, that I know?What is she going to do?Are one the people right in front of me, the person that was outside my window?"No, anything different with you?"I say.Megan dropped her smile slightly."No.Everything is exactly the same."she says, answering to counter question.After swimming and chit chatting for about an hour or so, we got out.I went to my stuff and dried off.I sat on the chair.Grabbing my bag, I pulled out my cell.It read:ONE NEW MESSAGE.I clicked on the READ button.BE HOME FOR DINNER, it read.I texted my mom back OK.Then slipped my phone, back into my bag.I finished drying off and started putting my clothes back on.After I was finished I realized that Megan, Elliot, and Jamie were waiting for me.I grabbed my stuff, and hurried over to the entrance."To my house."Megan says."We live about 7 minutes away from here."Megan says.She strolls over to a Jet Black car and gets in the driver side.Jamie and Elliot follow after.I hurrie towards them.Elliot and Jamie take the back seat, that leaves me with the front."Hop in."Megan says.I jump in, and we start speeding off down the road.In a matter of minutes we are her house.I have never been here before, and I start wondering why I ever came.I wish Josh was here.Or Lily, but Im supposed to be staying away from her.Ugh.Should I even trust these 3?Why would I?I am beginning to have second thoughts on coming with them.If there even is anything supernatrual going on with these 3, now they have me in there clutches, unable to leave.I follow them inside, trying to show no fear.I am just overthinking things.They wont hurt me.Josh wouldnt let them.Or would he?No.Well?Ugh.I have to stop over reacting.We entering straight into the living room, which was big with lots of furniture."This is the place."Megan says to me.
"Cool."I say."Come on, sit down."Jamie says gesturing to the couch."Yeah, sit down."Megan says, taking a seat of her own and patting the space beside it.I walk over, and sit."Do you wanna watch a movie?"Megan asks."Sure."I say.She leaned in closer to me."Sorry, no love stories.It just causes the 2 idiots to talk all through the movie."she whispered.I laughed."I heard that."Elliot said."Well, you do."Jamie says."Oh, like you dont too."Megan says, still giggling.We laughed.These are just regular teenagers.Nothing to be afraid of.Besides, im supposed to be forgetting the recent scenario and move on.But it might be impossible.No, I can do it.But I know one thing, if these 3 are un-human he is watching me, no matter how safe they are.Megan stood up, and walked to the movie rack in her living room."Okay, we have:Twilight,New moon,Eclipse,Breaking Dawn,Vampires suck,I Am Sam, Simon Birch,ZombieLand,and lots more."Megan says."Lets watch ZombieLand."Elliot says."Is that okay with you?"Megan asked me."Yeah."I say.Megan makes popcorn and we watch the movie.Laughing, and laughing.After the movie is over I realize its 3 o'clock in the afternoon."I gotta go,thanks for having me over."I say standing up."No prob.Bye."Megan says.I leave out the door with a wave of my hand.I arrive back at my house in no time, where I find Josh waiting for me."Oh, hey."I say to him."Have fun?"he asked, not even making eye contact with me."Yeah."I say, throwing my stuff on the couch."What did you do?"I asked."I found out who was watching you and why."He said.I had almost forgot about that."Does this person have a name?"I ask, impatiently."His name is Jackson.I was right, definitly vampire.He means no harm."Josh said.A guy vampire?Why would he be watching me if he meant no harm?"So, why was he watching me?"I asked."He was wondering why a human would hang out with a werewolf."Josh said."Oh.But....still.That doesnt seem like a good reason to be WATCHING me."I say.This makes no sense.Whoever this Jackson guy is, I wanna know what he was up to.And im pretty sure Josh knows.But hes not telling me."Well, ditching your best friend because the populars asked you to hang out, isnt a very good reason either."He says."Im sorry, but I spend everyday with you.And if you remember I didnt ditch you.You left."I say."Thats not how I remember it."He says."Well, thats how it happened."I say.I walk up the stairs to my room, and shut the door behind me.Screw Josh.He could have stayed if he wanted to.Almost as quickly as I had arrived in my room, I heard Josh pounding up the stairs.He began knocking on my door.I checked to see if my door was locked.It was.I sat down on my bed."Go home Josh!"I shout through the door."Not until you let me in."He says.Why should I?I looked to my window.Without thinking it through,I jumped out.It was only a few feet from the ground.Right before I hit ground, something came as fast as lightning and scooped me up.I looked up, only to find a pair or violet eyes staring back at me.Within seconds, I was screaming my head off."JOSH!!!!!HELP!!!!!!!"I screamed.I struggled, away from the man with violet eyes.He held me still.I continued to scream.Josh knocked down my door, and came to the window.I think I saw him smiling.Was he crazy?"Rose.Rose, calm down."he said in a calm voice.I fought back the urge to scream again.So, instead I bite my lip."This-"he began gesturing to the man holding me-"is Jackson."Josh said.I stared at Josh confused."The guy who was watching you."he said.Jackson set me down.I whirled on him."Why were you watching me?!"I half screamed at him.I was....angry and confused.Ugh, I needed to lie down.The past days events have really taken a toll on me.Jackson stayed silent."And more importantly why did you grab me when I jumped out the window?!"I scream-asked.Josh jumped out the window landing softly next to me."He just arrived here from California.He saw you talking to me and figured you were either an angry werewolf or a pretty peaceful vampire.The night he watched you, he found out you were niether because he whispered greeting through your window.And if you had been either of those two things, you would have heard him."Josh said explaining.I blinked at him.i turned to Jackson."What he says is true.I picked you up, because I was in the woods and I thought you were falling."He said."And the you started screaming your head off, but I didnt realize that I was the only danger."he said.I nodded."So, vampire?"I asked, Jackson."Yep."He said.I realized he had a slight british accent.Under other circumstances, I would have thought him to be cute, maybe even hot.He twisted his mouth into a smile, when he realized I was staring.I turned back towards Josh."Im still mad at you."I said."I figured as much."he replied.I turned back to Jackson."And just to annoy you.Im going to do what you accused me of doing."I said."And what would that be?"he asked.I walked to my window , and grabbed my purse though the slot."Ditching you."I said, not looking at him.I walked over to Jackson and grabbed his wrist."Come on."I said.Im pretty sure Joshs mouth was hanging open, but I didnt look back to see.I smiled to myself.Once we go to the road,I realized Jackson was watching me."So, where exactly are we going?"he asked me."To a friend of mines, house."I said."And what are we going to do once we get there?"he asked."Anything."I say.In my pusre, I pulled out my cell.Megan had given me her number.I texted her:CAN I COME OVER?.I realized i was still holding Jacksons wrist.I let go.I could see him smiling.A few seconded later I got a text back:SURE,ELLIOT AND JAMIE ARE STILL HERE.I replied:CAN I BRING A NEW FRIEND I MET?.I waited for a respond.I started walking to Megans house.Jackson followed.I got a reply:SURE.I walked on, and we arrived quickly.Megan answered the door on the first knock.She looked behind me to see who my"friend"was."Hey."she said to us, opening the door wider so we could go through.I walked in, followed by Jackson."Everyone this is Jackson."I said gesturing to him."Jackson, this is Megan,Elliot and Jamie."I said pointing at each one as I said there name."Hey."Elliot said."Hi."Megan said.Jamie remained silent."Hello."Jackson said."Well sit, sit."Megan said.We walked to where there were empty seats on the couch, and sat down.I for one, was getting tired of these rapid....changes,disturbances,and weird british guys.Oh, well.I wonder what Josh is thinking right now.Wait, I shouldnt care.Megan smiled and sat at down on the couch in front of us.Jackson looked at me."Okay, now that you've kidnapped me, what are we doing?"Jackson asked.Megan and Elliot laughed, Jamie remained silent."I wasnt the one that watched me through my window."I said.He only smiled."Wow, dude.You were watching her?"Elliot asked.Jackson shrugged."Misunderstanding."he said.I realized that nothing was going on in the room.No tv, no nothing."Are we interupting?"Jackson asked, before I could.Megan looked at Elliot."No, we were just talking."Megan said, still smiling brightly.Jackson seemed to just notice Jamie.He was still being silent, not even looking up, just down at his hand that were folded neatly in his lap."What should we do?"Megan asked.

Chapter 7

"Well, im not sure what you all are going to do, but I need to go."Jackson said, standing.Megan looked at me.I shrugged."Oh, come on.You were watching her, and you cant stay a few more minutes?"Megan asked."Nope."jackson said, going to the door."But Rose, if you were smart you would come with me."Jackson said.Megan frowned.Elliot and Jamie were being quiet."Maybe im not smart."I say.Megan smiled."But maybe it was a mistake to come here."I say standing.Im not sure why Jackson wants to leave, but it must be for a good reason."It wasnt a mistake, you should stay."Megan insisted.I walked to the door, by Jackson."No, my mom doesnt even know im here.I need to go."I say.Not only megan, but now Elliot and Jamie were frowning."Bye."I say.And before any of them could respond, me and Jackson were out the door.We started walking in silence."Why did you want me to leave?"I ask."Because im a vampire."Jackson says, as if I should know what thats supposed to mean."And?"I ask."And, those three back there are vampires too.The only difference is they were......hungry.And no matter who or what it is, when a vampire is hungry it gets blood.Megan was trying to keep me there so I could stop them if I needed too.Because it looked like Elliot was biting his tongue, and Jamie couldnt even move.They were so thirsty for blood.You have no idea what its like."Jackson said."Your right.I dont.So they were going to.... eat me?"I ask."Yeah.I suppose you could put it that way."Jackson said, drawing out his accent."Are you ever going to do that?"I ask.Jackson smiled."We'll see."He said."Well, that makes me feel so much better."I say.We get back to the house.Only to find Josh sitting on my bed."Any more mystical creatures stalking me, that I should
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