» Fantasy » My Personal Hell, D. Richardson [ebook reader browser txt] 📗

Book online «My Personal Hell, D. Richardson [ebook reader browser txt] 📗». Author D. Richardson

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wasn‘t usually more than one, and they certainly never talked to each other.

I listened harder, trying to decipher who they belonged to. It took a moment before I realized that I didn’t recognize these voices. A thrill of fear forced my stomach into a tight ball. I shared a panicked look with Lori. We were malnourished, weak girls trapped in a room of concrete. No windows and only one door with strange men baring down on us.

We both started moving as one. I grabbed Kadi under her arms and slid down to the floor. Lori lifted up the ratty blanket, just as I started pushing the little girl under the bed. Lori dropped the blanket so it hid her from view, and knelt in front of it. I sat back up on the bed, making myself the bigger, easier target, just as the door opened.

They weren’t even looking at us, walking into the room with their backs to us, talking to one another.

“I told you we should have just snuck out the back door,” one man whispered, but it sounded more like a snap.

“Oh, shut it! There’s bound to be a way out of here from the basement. There always is with houses this big.”

“Whatever. Did you see their interrogation room?”

“Sick, sadistic bastards those three. There was fresh blood on the floor.” I took the opportunity to gape a little at their size.

Our owners were unnaturally large, but these two were just as big, if not bigger. The first one had had to actually bend his head to get past the top of the doorway. I had no idea how we would survive an encounter with them. A moment of complete irony took me over.

After everything we had survived already. Our parents, Them, the punishment room, only to be finished off by men we had never seen before. Hysteria bubbled up into my chest and I had to take a deep breath to calm myself. It just happened to be what got their attention.

“Oh!” the second man had spotted us. He stared in shock as the larger one turned, jumping slightly in surprise.

As their eyes roamed over us I felt tremors run through Lori‘s body, pressed against my leg. Pity was enough to send us into shock. Their eyes were wide, taking in the pathetic sight we undoubtedly made.

I felt Kadi peek out from under the bed, and the larger one’s eyes widened further. Fully taking in the three of us. I pushed her back, and moved forward to make a better barrier. Yes, I knew he pitied us, but the wrong type of pity could get you killed.

He held up both hands as if to say that he wouldn’t hurt us, and took a small step forward. I stiffened and he paused, the ski mask he wore hiding his expression. A crash sounded from directly above us. All four pairs of eyes shot to the ceiling. The other man, who had been staring open mouthed, ran to the door. I’m not sure what he saw, but he spun back around, grabbing his companion’s arm.

“We’ve got to go. The distraction is wearing off.”

“When you get to the top of the stairs, go left. It’ll take you down an out of the way hallway. It leads to a side door of the house. You can get out that way.” They stared at me for a moment, nodded and crossed to the door. The big one turned and looked at me before leaving.

“Come with us.” It would have sounded like a command, but a pleading tone was buried in it. I shook my head.

“We can’t, we legally belong to them.”

“There has to be something we can do?” That was the same question I had been asking myself since we arrived here. The answer hadn’t changed, and I shook my head.

He stared into my eyes for what felt like eternity. But finally he caved with a nod, and rushed out the door.

I don’t know why I helped them. They just seemed like they were…okay. Decent even. The bigger one’s eyes haunted me with his need to help. A wave of depression almost overwhelmed me. I felt like I had just sent our only hope rushing out the door.

“Come on. Let’s get cleaned up and get to bed. We have another long day tomorrow.”

I helped Kadi wash her hair, and tucked her into her own bed. She would probably be back in mine by the time I got out of the shower. After Lori had done what she could for me and curled up in bed, I finally got my turn in the shower.

I stood under the shower head for as long as I could stand it. My tears mixed with the blood stained water as it spiraled down the drain. I was tired, over worked.

All I really wanted was to sleep. Sleep for days and let everything be as it should. But I couldn’t, because that would be giving up. So when the water turned to ice, I turned it off.

There was no use in wishing. I just had to deal with my lot in life.


The next day started almost exactly as the previous one had. I stood at the sink, washing dishes while They ate their breakfast. My back had healed a good bit while I slept, so the pain was more bearable. The girls were off doing their chores. So far there hadn’t been any misshapes. We spent the morning being ignored, like servants should be.

When there was a knock at the door, I stayed where I was. We weren’t allowed to answer the door. Someone might get an idea of what happened in the privacy of Their home. So I did what I always did when there was a visitor. I ignored it.

It was probably just another tramp that came over from time to time. I just hoped I wouldn’t have to wash any of their lingerie this time. That was just disgusting, and some of them were impossible to fold.

Van had been the one to answer. Whoever it was, judging by the annoyed tone I could hear, he wasn’t happy. An imperceptible sigh escaped my lips. The punishments always came more quickly when they were angry.

In a matter of moments Van came back, followed by three men. I allowed myself a quick glance, due to curiosity, and went back to the dishes. It wasn’t until one of them spoke that I truly started to pay attention.

“You have property we wish to purchase.”

Keeping my eyes on the counter top, I grabbed a hand towel to dry my hands. There was no telling what the stranger was actually after. But hope started to bubble in my chest.

The kitchen was clean and my next job was in the library. But I grabbed another towel and started wiping down the counters for the second time. There was very little entertainment for us in this house. I would most likely pay for Their anger later, but there was no way I was going to miss this.

The one that spoke seemed to be the spokesman of the small group. He was just as tall as Van, with broad shoulders. His light blonde hair was pulled back into a small ponytail at the nape of his neck. Just looking at him inspired intimidation. His bright hazel eyes were hard, and he held himself as though he expected a fight.

His gaze flickered my way and he caught me staring. My eyes dropped to the counter and I moved to wipe a different section. The last thing I needed was for any of them to suspect that I was eavesdropping. Even though I had no intention of stopping.

Chapter 3





I felt her gaze. As quiet and invisible as she tried to be she had a presence. There was a vibe coming off of her that I tried to ignore. In all honesty I had no idea what I was doing here.

I tested the scent in the room and the girl was human. Though I had been told there were three. I wasn’t sure if this one was whom Adrian had spoken to or if she was one of the younger ones. She had dark circles under her eyes, her dark hair hung in a single braid over her shoulder. Her clothing was old, baggy, and badly in need of being replaced.

When her eyes met mine, I saw nothing. Her entire expression was blank as if she were nothing but an empty shell. I was skeptical when Adrian told me of the girls. The Crudelis pack were known for their cruelty. But holding three girls in their basement as prisoners seemed a little over the top. Even for them.

But seeing this girl, I believed. The door behind the dining area swung open, a small girl, no older than five or six, ran into the room. She was carrying a basket filled with folded laundry, but froze when she saw us.

Her blonde hair was pulled into a neat ponytail. Her skin paled further, giving her a more haunted look. Her eyes snapped to the older girl. I watched as she gave the little girl an almost imperceptible shake of the head. It was a signal of some sort, though I wasn’t a hundred percent sure what she was warning her against. However, the little girl lowered her eyes to the floor, making her way out of the kitchen. Clutching the basket with white knuckles.

As soon as the little girl left, another walked in. This one was older, a teenager at least. Her short hair fell into her eyes as she hesitated for no more than a second. It was a short brisk walk for her to make it to the oldest. Their eyes met in some sort of silent communication, and the newest one went to work cleaning the windows.

In my peripheral I caught Adrian staring at the oldest. She gave no reaction, but my suspicions were confirmed. She was the one he had spoken to. This was going to be interesting. I turned my attention back to the alpha of a rival pack.

“As I was saying. You have property we wish to purchase.”

Van glared back at me, his beta and third flanking him. I hated them all, but it was Luscious I wished to see with his head on a pike. The others were cruel, he was sick.

“You wish to buy our property? Do you honestly believe we would sell you a piece of our territory?” I sneered at him.

“Your ‘territory’ is of no interest to me. It’s your servants I’m after.”

A whoosh of air came from the corner of the kitchen. I glanced over just milliseconds after the noise. The spray bottle had fallen from the younger girl’s hand. It was caught just as quickly by the older one. She handed it back and they went back to what they were doing as if nothing had happened.

“Our servants? What would you want with them?”

“That’s our business isn’t it? Name your price.”

“Which one do you want?”

“All three.”

“No! She’s mine!” Luscious snarled.

From the corner of my eye I saw the oldest stiffen. She looked at Luscious with narrowed eyes. Hatred that potent should have caught him on fire where he stood. It left me with

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