» Fantasy » Scarlet's City, Shia Naawl [ebooks children's books free .TXT] 📗

Book online «Scarlet's City, Shia Naawl [ebooks children's books free .TXT] 📗». Author Shia Naawl

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between Carmine’s bedroom –I mean my bedroom. I kept glancing back at Christopher and all I saw was his face smiling at me amusingly. Brian was trying very hard not to smile in the fucking first place.
‘Thank you Brian for being the adult in the fucking room.’ I muttered.
Christopher didn’t look like he gave a flying fuck. Fucking vampires –heartless, I tell you.
‘Oh my, is the big bad wolf nervous because of a bunch of vampires?’ He said amusingly.
‘A bunch of Master vampires that control the counties of my City.’ I corrected. It was true; I alone can’t control the whole City alone, so I had my generals to keep my City in the people in my City in check –my Master vampires.
Would they instantly slit their wrist to make a blood oath before me? Fuck no. Would they challenge my every damn step and command? Fuck yes. This ‘meeting’ or whatever the fuck it is, was the only time to win their respect. The thing that got me more nervous is the fact that they’re bringing their entire bloodline (those who are still undead) with them. It was simple etiquettes. There is actually a book on this type of shit to keep us monsters from killing each other. I have to say, it was a smart move for the Supremes to do. Without the etiquettes, I wouldn’t even want to think about what would happen. The general rule is that if there is the claiming of the Mistress of the City title, all of the bloodlines have to be there. Each bloodline gets to pick their champion to represent his Master/Mistress if they were to challenge me. in return, I could pick a champion too but why should I? Anyways, I love proving the fuckers wrong. It’s nothing but petty play.
The bedroom door open and Mircea walked in without a care in the world as Brian and Christopher was in kill-mode. Mircea wore a turquoise shirt that had ruffles in the front this time and deliberately left a couple of buttons undone –showing his smooth white chest. He wore his suit pants and very expensive shiny shoes. His curly black locks framed his masculine face, which made his blue eyes stand out. He had nice strong cheekbones and was the only one that had given me a blood oath. Mircea was the owner of Le Cirque de Monstres –a place where we show how much of a big bad monster we are.
Mircea was the one who called in the Supremes to force me into the fucking position in the first place. How did he get in touch with them in the first place? I had no fucking clue but the bastard managed to fucking do it, somehow.
‘Hello, Scarlet.’ Mircea said.
‘Ain’t you just fucking peachy?’ I said sarcastically. I still had a grudge for what he did to me, damn it. If I had minded my own business, he would’ve been Master of the City but nooo, Mircea didn’t want this honour bestowed upon him, he didn’t want to fucking rule. What did he think I wanted? To be the fucking Mistress of the damn City? Damn his fucking internal soul.
‘Still bitter, are we?’ Mircea said plainly.
‘No shit, Sherlock? What do you think?’ I said.
‘Well get over it, we have something bigger than your emotions right now.’
‘Never trust a vampire, let alone a master vampire. They only fuck you over –not once but fucking twice.’ I said to myself.
‘If I fucked you over, why would I give my blood oath to you right then and there after you killed Carmine, huh?’ He demanded.
‘I don’t give a flying fuck about the blood oath you’ve given me! I don’t want to be in this position! To rule every-fucking-one in this damn City?’ I yelled.
‘Fine, leave then. You don’t have to do this but know this, when you leave, this City would burn to shreds and don’t even get me started on what the Supremes is going to do with you.’ He yelled back at me.
‘Why the hell did you think I’m here in the fucking first place, huh? If the Supremes weren’t involved, I wouldn’t be in this fucking mess!’
‘Fine.’ He said quietly and before he left, he looked over his shoulder and met my stare. ‘But if you don’t get yourself together, you’ll damn us all.’ Then he left.
‘Cryptic fucking bastard!’ I yelled and threw my knife, in my knife thigh holster, at the door.
The tip of the knife landed in the wooden door and made a wobbling sound. Damn fucking him.
I turned to see Brian and Christopher looking at me with a hard face. Oh, fuck. Now what did I do?
‘Not all vampires are honourless. Damned yes but honourless, no.’ Brian said quietly.
Are you bloody shitting me? Their hurt because I said vampires can screw you over even though they do but he was right. Not all vampires are honourless –just damned.
‘I’m sorry, it’s just I keep getting screwed over by vampires every fucking century.’ I said quietly.
Chris on the other hand, didn’t say a word. He just crossed his arms and looked back at Brian.
‘I’ll guard the door outside.’ He said. Then he walked out and he didn’t even look at me. Great. Fucking great.

Chapter 6

I walked in the hall in my get-up dress and my four inch black open-toed heels. Brian and Christopher followed behind me, wearing from head-to-toe leather and weapons surrounded most of their body. Even though my dress was all shiny and shimmery, it didn’t mean I didn’t have a few weapons here and there myself. On my thighs there were my thigh knife holster and my new shiny jewellery armbands, that was actually wrists blades, was covered in different colours of diamonds and followed intercut patterns like a Persian rug. It was beautiful and sparkly –what is there not to love about it. It’s pretty and lethal.
Every single master vampire of my City arrived along with everyone in their bloodlines –and surprisingly it wasn’t a lot. There was eight master vampires in total and each one of them sire no more than thirty vampires, which was pretty narrow since I imagined them to have sired hundreds and hundreds of vampires. All vampires were descendents from the seven Supremes –even me. Dragos, Dasolini, Astroga, Xeviar, Velarius, Balthazar and Dracuis. They were the seven bloodlines of the Supremes. They were all equally scary and all equally at the same power-level –why do you think they banded together instead of killing each other? There was one simple reason; because they can’t. If they try, all of them will just die side-by-side because they sure as shit won’t let the other one live if they beat them. Fuck, I wouldn’t even do that. I’d take the fucker down with me.
By law, when the new Mistress/Master of the City announces the title to the vampires, the Supreme of my bloodline must be there to bond the City and its Mistress together. My bloodline on my Vampiress side was of Dragos. This meant I get to be the lucky one and meet Supreme Dragos face-to-face while he ties the City to me. Humans may rule the world instead of the supernatural kind but the vampires ruled the supernatural kind. Don’t know why, it just is. Weird, right? It was probably the fact that vampires are always made out to be Edward Cullen and sparkle every time the sun hits them. Yeah, what a load of bullshit that is –oh, and bad pun was fully intended. It’s a real ego boost when a human ask them, ‘Hey dude, do you sparkle?’ Humans always tend to get the impression that vampires are a lot more human-friendly –which, again, is a complete and utter load of shit. Werewolves could be civilised –I mean, check out their teeth. And hey! Don’t forget the Feys, they’re great at tricking you. Why stop there? Hell, our local Archdemon are just about fuckin’ A when they own your soul.
Mircea went instantly at my side to show that he had alliance with me. His hand neatly tucked behind his back, he walked with no care in the world. The bastard had my protection as his Mistress. I had to protect him by the fucking law but the rules do say that I can punish my subjects –that was out of the question. I don’t punish for no reason. Unlike my sister, humanity actually means something to me.
Dragos was in one of those hooded robes. His was in the shade of deep red. His hood shadowed his face so I could only make out the outline. He had strong angular shape and pale pink lips. The pale complexion I can see was flawless. The other thing I saw except from the dramatic robe was his hands. It was fairly large with long strong fingers. A ring with a big blood-red diamond on it was wrapped around his middle finger. It looked medieval and plus the robe, it was just tackily melodramatic. Dragos radiated of power and age. It filled the room and intoxicated it.
‘Scarlet.’ He said pleasantly. His voice was deep and masculine.
I took his hand and kissed the ring. ‘My Supreme, it is an honour.’
‘I hope I didn’t dress a bit too melodramatic for this occasion.’ He said amusedly.
My eyes widened just a fracture but I regained composer quickly. ‘How...’
‘I’m a Supreme, child. My powers go beyond your wildest dreams.’
Which was true. They were the only vampires who could dematerialize and materialize from nothing but thin are. If that was only the tip-of-the-iceberg, I don’t want to know the rest of it. Quite frankly, power like that tends to leave me going apeshit paranoid.
‘I have no doubt.’ I replied.
‘Not going to lie about it? Or how you say, ‘ass-lick’ me?’
‘Lying would be a waste of breath since everyone in this room can smell a lie and as for the ass-licking? No. I get that already from those who aren’t trying to kill me. I have to say, I’m not liking it.’ I said honestly.
I could hear everyone in this room holding their breaths (not that they need one) of what I said to Dragos. Oh, fuck me. I should’ve just shut the fuck up. At least that won’t be entirely as fucked up as this. Shit. Did you know, the Supremes can torture you and make you last for at least a decade?
The room was filled with inquiring silence. Great.
‘Two decades actually. For an immortal, we could make the torture go on for eternity but since I find you amusing, I won’t do that.’ He said.
Who knew a Supreme can crack a so-not-funny joke?


Text: All of the mistakes that are in

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