» Fantasy » Scarlet's City, Shia Naawl [ebooks children's books free .TXT] 📗

Book online «Scarlet's City, Shia Naawl [ebooks children's books free .TXT] 📗». Author Shia Naawl

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Chapter 1

Could you believe most of our kind are very light sleepers? Maybe because of the fact that our senses are heightened a fuck-load more so that when someone tries to kill you, you can even hear their fucking knives unsheathe? Or the fact I can damn well smell their fucking essence? They sent amateurs, of all the damn people in their bloodline –amateurs were the ones they sent. Fuckin’ A. It’s just insulting –really.
I didn’t so much as lose a heartbeat when I snapped my eyes open while I grabbed the weapon that was the nearest thing to me. My Firestar. I aimed my gun at that the place where it hurt most –the groin. I pulled the trigger twice on imbecile no. 1 and then on imbecile no.2. They fell on the floor immediately and covered their groins with their hands. I dropped my Firestar on my bed and grabbed one of my Wakizashi swords that was leaning on the foot of my bed. With two clean slashes, both the heads of the imbeciles were severed and their body started to decompose into their true age.
I started to wipe my blade on my shirt when my so-called ‘bodyguards’ came in with fucking guns blazing. What greeeaaat timing.
‘You’re late.’ I said blandly.
Christopher and Brain looked at one another looking helplessly mortified. Christopher’s brunette hair wasn’t tied up in a ponytail this time. His hair mopped over his masculine face and brown eyes. Christopher had soft cheekbones and his face masculine. His body was well-defined in his simple black pants and black t-shirt. Brian had shorter hair but of the same colour. He stood tall and one of his best unique features was his chin that had a deep indentation that looked like a soft W. His cheekbones were more defined and his face more raw than Christopher’s. They were both overly-muscled that should’ve been to the point where it should be unappealing but it suited them. Not a lot of beings have that and flaunt it –but then again, most vampires flaunt many things –don’t they?
‘We didn’t know-‘Christopher began slowly.
‘I can take care of myself before and after the title of the Mistress of the City was righteously bestowed upon me.’ I said bitterly.
Five months have passed when I killed my twin, Carmine. In that time, I’ve made a deal with our local Archdemon, died, resurrected, did a couple of pro-bono work, found the murderer of the two deaths of the Evie George and some other woman (which was ultimately my twin, hence her death), two Supremes paid a little visit to me and forced me to take the role of playing fucking Mistress of the City (Mircea was the one that called them in the fucking first place). Isn’t life just damn fucking peachy?
‘Fuck. It’s the fucking tenth time they tried to kill you within this week and it’s only Wednesday.’ Brain muttered.
‘People tend to do that when the Mistress of the City deny the responsibility of the role.’ Christopher said and the fucker was even brave enough to look at me.
I met his stare. ‘You son of a bitch. I bloody didn’t ask for it, did I?’
‘No you didn’t but the Supremes that paid you a little visit –which is very rare for them to even bother a city, let alone you in the first place- gave you the role of it. Put your tail between your legs and get over it.’
Fucking Supremes. The Supremes were the first ever vampires on the earth -each had different bloodlines, seven in total. They were the Law itself among the vampire race and since I’m part vampire, I’m under their ruling. Why the fuck shouldn’t I just say no to them? One, because they were centuries older than me so the age-is-power rule applies and two, my Vampiress didn’t fucking want to say no. See my dilemma? At the time I could do nothing but be a good girl and obey them.
I let my power seep out of my body. I could tell that both of my so-called ‘bodyguards’ became very still. They felt it alright.
‘Wanna talk to me like that again?’ I challenged. ‘You can speak your own mind, I don’t really give a fuck but don’t fucking piss off a tiger when it’s already pissed –got it?’
‘Yes Mistress’ Christopher said softly.
‘Scarlet.’ I corrected, I didn’t need all this formal, you’re-stronger-than-me bullshit. But seriously, would you rattle a lion’s fucking cage when you know it’s pissed? No you wouldn’t, unless you’re a stupid fuck that should be the lion’s chow in the first place. Thing is, Chris was right damn it. I was neglecting it. Maybe my sub-conscious thought that if you ignored it long enough, it’ll go away. The damn City is sure as shit not fucking going away at the blink of my eyes any time soon, now is it? Wish there was some reverse spell or some shit that can make this go away but I found out that people don’t mess with the past because the ‘Fates’ would be a real bitch when it bites me in the ass later.
‘What do you suggest we do?’ I asked both of them. I figured that if you guarded the ex-Mistress of the City, you’d know a few things.
They both looked surprised when I asked them. I couldn’t blame them since the Mistress of the City never ask for help to those who are just muscle to them and not even at equal power stage as you. Brian recovered first.
‘You need to fully announce your position and let them know you’re not to be fu- I mean, messed with.’ He adjusted.
‘Why the hell are you suddenly changing your vocab? If you want to fucking curse then do it right. I’m not like my sister. I don’t give a shit.’
‘Nonetheless, it would be...wrong.’ He said.
I shook my head. ‘How do you think I should announce it?’ I asked.
‘You need the Masters to give their blood oath to you. Go to each kind separately.’ Christopher said.
‘Which is...’ I trailed.
‘The Feys, the packs, vampires and mages.’
‘You need their loyalty. Every single one wants the title and it’s up for grabs until you do it.’
‘Damn system.’ I muttered. If the system was never based on power and dominance none of this shit was needed but since we’re predators, territory comes with it. I was the unofficial Mistress of the City and being ‘unofficial’ can spark a few ideas in our supernatural community. Damn it straight to hell.

Chapter 2

I closed my eyes and leaned closer to the hot water that hit my neck first then trailed down my back. I let my forehead rest on the tiled wall in front of me. Even though the bathroom was first-class with a twin sink and marble floors, I missed my bathroom. My medium-size bathroom didn’t have a white couch at the centre of the room but had a sink, bath/shower and toilet. Since my house was too far away from the damn mansion and the fact it was too small for the guards to protect me (even though I sure as shit can protect my own damn ass) if it was an ambush –which is highly unlikely since my house was bulletproof and Magick-proof from anyone. I say bullshit to both but I couldn’t deny the fact that if I did live at my house, I would be bait and be seen as an easy kill –not so very wise for our world, so here I am –home sweet fucking home. Isn’t that that a bitch?
Since when have I ever wanted more power than I already have? Never. I don’t want to bloody rule. I don’t need it. I sighed. Life was so much easier when I was just my sister’s enforcer –her fucking assassin. Killing was my comfort zone; killing was what I know –not this supernatural politics bullshit. I had a feeling that things aren’t going to be the same but I weighed the options. Option one was to play the Mistress of the City till I damn well die or option no. two was to just keep the seat warm until another worthy enough Mistress/Master of the City would take up the opportunity. I say option two it is but in the mean time I had some important people to meet and to keep myself alive in the mean time –but that didn’t mean people won’t try to kill me first.
Who would’ve thought someone would try and attack you while you’re in the shower? And from the attack earlier, Brian stood outside the bedroom door and Chris was outside the bathroom door. Though who would’ve thought a fucking war mage that had a fucking arsenal just materialize right next to the damn white couch. Jeez! Can anyone not attempt kill me for more than ten minutes? Or at least after I showered?
The mage was purely in black. His head was bald that showed its smooth ivory skin. His face was particularly large like the rest of his body. His main stand-out look was his beard. It was jet-black and trimmed into the style of a circle beard. His moustache and goatee joined at the side of his pale pink lips. The guy was huge, no doubt about 6ft 8 at least. He had piercing bold blue eyes and his cheekbones sharp. He also had a small silver hoop earring in his right ear. I’ll be damned to say that the guy looked great with his muscular bravado. His black pants had multiple of pockets and leather straps to hold his weapons for easy access –is that a grenade? I mean grenades? They were strapped around his left thigh. His wore a black turtle neck and over it was a black leather coat that went down to the back of his knees. I saw the hilt poking out of the crook of his neck on his right side. His leather coat was unbuttoned so most of it covered his shoulder gun holsters but not all. I had no doubt that he had at least two back-up guns and extra ammo somewhere around his body. Two knives were in their black leather sheaths that were strapped onto his other thigh. I also didn’t doubt that smaller knives were in his Shitkickers and I’ll just bet that there’s more to it than meets the eye with his ‘leather coat.’ The first thing I thought of was, is half the shit his carries even legal? The second thing I thought of was, isn’t that shit heavy? Then it dawned on me with a –Oh, shit.
I was in the shower naked and wet while his was standing next to the fucking couch fully clothed and dry. He had the damn nerve to give me a once-over! Then he met my eyes. We stared at each other for a while. I didn’t make a move and I made sure my face was expressionless.
‘Can I at least put on a robe before you try to kill me?’ I asked blandly.
His didn’t give me that. He already had a gun in his hand and pulled the trigger. I was now grateful for my spacey shower as I lunged down, missing the silver bullet. The glass shattered. I didn’t miss a beat when I grabbed a sharp-tipped glass for a weapon. He was a mage which means he was a human with powers –and humans can get killed with even the slightest bit of

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