Moonshadow, T.A Perue [books for 8th graders .TXT] 📗

- Author: T.A Perue
Book online «Moonshadow, T.A Perue [books for 8th graders .TXT] 📗». Author T.A Perue
Avaster cut her off;
"If we dont prepare you, worse could happen, unprepared a human may not be able to take the shift, with out their heart giving out, you have to learn to control your wolf only after you've shifted. If you don't it will control you, and worse strain on you and your being and your heart will give eventually. As long as you control your wolf with your human mind and let the wolf take over your heart, everything will shift fine."
"Wait so you're saying if I don't give my wolf control over my heart I will die? Now I'm really scared!" I said frantically.
"Don't be Luna, you'll be fine" Tristian said as he sat next to me.
"He is right Luna everything will be just fine, as long as you give your heart to your inner being, or wolf." Chimed in Ella, with a slight chuckle.
"I really just need to talk to my father, I'm sorry guys." I left my stuff on the couch and went outside to talk to my father, he was outside smoking a ciggarette, a bad habbit I'd always hated him having.
"Hey Bear can I talk to you, I really need to know more facts, about us."
"Of course sweetie, anything you wanna know."
"Why didn't you or mother tell me that I wasn't human, don't you think thats something I should know?"
"Of course dear, I know this is difficult but you have to understand, we didn't know if you'd shift or not and we didn't want to hurt you, by telling you, your parents are werewolfs. Not every child shifts honey, and until that night its best to keep it a secret, and since we know your charm works we know you'll shift."
"I don't understand, my charm, I thought was to protect werewolfs that can't shift?"
"Well no not exactly, it's basically there for the reason that, if another werewolf attacked before you were able to shift, touching you would burn their skin, so they can't attack a werewolf that has no way to shift to be able to attack back or defend them selves."
"Ok if that's true why did both Tristian and I feel the burn, why not just me since I have the charm?"
"Because Tristian wears the charm too, thats why when he bumped into you at school your charm came off. The jolt of energy between two charms that have yet to give a sign that they'll shift, surges through the body taking off the charm, which leaves no memory of what happened when you lost the charm, so that the werewolf you bumpped into's secret isn't reavealed, to a potential unshifted or you in this case."
"So that's why I didn't remember bumping into him?"
"Yes because you lost your charm."
"Why didn't it happen the second time?"
"Because your werewolf was aware after the first time that Tristian is not a threat, and so was your charm your charm knew that he was going to shift soon and so did yours. After the first connection of charms, the charm registers, if the person touching you is a threat or not, either burning them which will go after you've shifted or worse throwing them across a room with just a touch, which means their registered as a serious threat, and that goes away too after you have shifted. But see if Itouch you it only slightly burns, which is good, because it means your wolf and charm register every wolf as a small threat which means your concience is always aware."
"So what's going to happen to me when I shift, what if I can't gain control back from my wolf form. What will happen then, she'll take over me and I'll never be human again?!"
"Just relax Lu, let her have your heart but keep control of your mind, let her primal instinct come out, but not enough to where your not thinking clearly as a human. Embrace change, want it, want to be her, and if you do that there shouldn't be any strain on you or your heart. Of course shifting will still be painful."
"I scared Bear, what if I don't survive or I can't shift, what about Tristian, whose going to teach him all this, espically before the full moon?"
"Well sweetie, he doesn't have a father, so his mother with the help of all of us will teach him, just like I am you. I'm sure Avaster is giving him the run down right now."
"What happened to him Bear Tristian's father." I asked sadness in my voice.
"The Valcrie, a group of half breeds, half werewolf, half shadow people, attacked him. They tried tearing him limb from limb but Raine was too strong, all the got off him was his shoulder and they didn't even quite succeed at that. They got his left arm almost and just left it there hanging from his body. They left him in the pouring rain. Anna was with him and was running towards the forrest chasing him when she couldn't find him she ran for cover under the trees, and sat on a stump to cry. She said she felt breathing down her spine, as she turned around she saw Raine bloody and weak lying on the cold wet earth. Anna tried to heal him but couldn't, the shadow in the half breeds made sure of that. They shielded anyone from healing him, making it easy for him to die."
"Why'd they kill him? What happened that made him get attacked? Why didn't Kiayla fight back against the half breeds?"
"Well, she was pregnant with Tristian and promised Raine that, she would protect Tristian even if it meant letting Raine go, she knew the sacrifice, and she was willing to make it for her son. The reason the fight started, was because Raine had a dream about a girl that was supposed to be a half breed born, to a werewolf whose wife was a shadow. Well in his dream he saw a sign that the girl was different not shadow but not werewolf something only legend had spoke of. A Cracken, which is a werewolf, with the power of versitility. Most were wolfves only have one power, like Anna and her healing, me I'm stronger than any, your mother can track anything, and her speed it was unrealistically fast, but a Cracken has all of those abilities and the choice of which to use. Raine went to save her, the half breeds already knew he was coming, so they shadowed them selves and attacked Raine when he least expected, and shortly after that's when Anna found him and couldn't save him. Anna had not yet shifted, she was only Seventeen when Raine got her pregnant, and that slowed down her shifting, which ment she was still protected from the charm."
"Wow, I never knew, so Tristian never met his father? I can't even imagine what'd that be like.... So do you think that he and I both will shift tonight?"
"Yes, around the same time actually, not long after Anna lost Raine, Tristian was born, Anna had already moved to Avenville a couple towns over, when she delievered Tristian."
"Well with all that said, I think I'm going to find Ella, and try to prepare my self for my shift... I'll talk to Tristian and see if he'd like to join... I love you Bear, I really hope we'll be ok."
"I know, its hard honey but like your mother always says, we will get through this no matter what together." I took my stuff and started towards Ella's room.
I went up stairs to find Ella, Tristian, and Jake, I was confused, as to why Jake was here at such an important moment, I thought to my self; Does he know about us about Ella? But I decided if Ella didn't mind I shouldn't either, so I brushed it off. I walked in over to the bed where they all were sitting, I saw Tristian look up at me and pat the bed next to where he was sitting for me to sit. When he look at me he had a worried look on his face, and I couldn't blame him I was worried too, but his face changed when he looked up, his frown turned into a bright loving smile and his body relaxed as I scooted myself closer to him. Finally I looked up at Ella and Jake and I couldn't hold it in any more.
"Ummm Ella can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked as she leaned over to me "Uhh, why is Jake here, does he know about us?'
"Well, you know how Jake has always been nice to us?" Ella asked "Well he is ummm, a werewolf too... and he is also kinda my mate..." she said wide eyed at my response.
I gasped at her words "Your mate? Whats that, like a boyfriend?"
"Well the night I shifted, Jake found me in the forrest weak, with my clothes torn and bloodied, I had just hunted and ate the neighbors rabbit, so I went to the forrest to cry, when Jake found me and took me home. The minute he touched me after I had shifted I just knew, more so my heart knew, which is more wolf than anything out of us, your heart is controled by your wolf's impulse. That basically means, your heart will tell you when you've found your mate, and Jake is mine, after a few months of seeing eachother, we actually mated and now were insepriable..." she explained
I think she knew from the look on my face that I was too suprised to say anything, I'm sure my jaw was down to the floor, I still couldn't find words to say, I just sat there blankly blinking at her. Finally she realised I wasn't going to speak so she grabbed me and pulled me into a warm hug, knowing it would calm me, I embraced it and hugged her back tighter than I'd every had. It was a great feeling knowing we shared the same secret. When I looked outside the window I noticed the sun beggining to set and the full moon creep up onto the horizion. My nerves were high, and I could feel Tristians too. Ella saw it to and reassured me that it was okay. She got up and told Tristian and I, that we needed to head outside, her and Jake followed behind. When we got down stairs no one was there, they were all already outside shifting. As we walked out the front door I saw humans shifting into wolf after wolf, as they leaped into the air their skin shed and fur the color of their hair replaced it. I could see my father and mother in the distance leaping as everyone else, my father was huge and dark brown with a short coat, mother was slightly smaller with a strawberry blonde coat, and she was very furry unlike my father. I turned to Ella who shifted and then Jake following behind her, Tristian and I stood there normal, until I turned to see Tristian drop, I could here loud cracks as his bones slowly shifted into paws and a enormus body, I heard him cry out and wince at the pain. Finally shifted he rose up, standing taller than my own father.
I decided it was my turn, I let go of all of my human qualities as I leaped into the air as Ella and Jake had. But to my suprise
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