Moonshadow, T.A Perue [books for 8th graders .TXT] 📗

- Author: T.A Perue
Book online «Moonshadow, T.A Perue [books for 8th graders .TXT] 📗». Author T.A Perue
There we go. You got this, see everything is fine, you've shifted.
Ella is that you. I thought
Yes, it's me.
Startled I jumped up and tried to speak with my mouth, there was nothing, but a low howl as I closed my jaw.
We can't speak in wolf form. I heard Jake laugh.
Don't worry Lu I did it my first time too. Emma laughed with Jake
Wait so you can read my thoughts? I asked
Not exactly. A voice chimed from behind. "Only when the thought is directed toward someone specific, or a group like now." Avaster said.
With that being said, Ella decided it was a good time to take a run through the forrest, so Jake, Ella, Tristian and I took off, embarking on our first journey with us all as werewolfs.
Chapter 5: Into The Unknown
As we ran through the forrest, the soft soil, seeping deeper and deeper in between my paws, feeling the earth so warm and soft, I stopped shoving my paws even deeper into the soil until they were completely covered. The feeling of just being in the forrest, made life seem so simple, but to tell the truth my life just got ten times more complicated. I was a werewolf now, I had no life before this, except the one I had with Ella and my family, and even with them I was reclusive. As my paws slowly pulled out of the dirt I looked up to see Ella staring at me with a giant black face and peircing blue eyes;
"You ok, Lu? Do you need ro rest?" her voice trailed in my head.
"No, I'm fine, just thinking about, how my life is going to change...I'm scared El."
I replied.
"Everything is going to be ok, it's really easy Lu, just try it out..."
I took Ella's words and really thought about them. She had already done this, she knew what she is talking about, and I'd always trusted her, why stop now. I let go of the thought that this was a bad thing, maybe it'd bring El and I closer and better yet my family and I closer. Everyone had already started running again, my paws still deep in the earth, I shook them out and began to pick up my pace to catch up, when I did Tristian slowed to be next to me;
"Hey, you holding up ok?"
"Yeah, still just putting all of this together ya know, it's kind of a lot to take in for someone thats only Six-Teen, well Seven-Teen now." I said.
"Yeah, I understand I honestly didn't believe my mother until today, when I shifted I never thought it would happen or even that it was really in the realms of possibility."
"Mhhhmm, I know I didn't think it was either, but hey now that I'm a giant wolf I'm conviniced." I laughed as I picked up my pace, racing past Tristian, Jake and Ella.
While I was running I felt so free so untamed, which was because I was, I am now an untamed wolf running free in a forrest that I now knew was free of anything bad, or I thought anyways. It was our forrest, it always had been since Tristians father was Alpha. My father told me to stay in our own terriortority, which I was certian that it ended soon. He said once you can see the clearing and a cliffe turn back. When we did reach the cliffe I wasn't too sure what was back there and I was curious to see, it looked so enchanting the big blue water, rushing against the cliffe, as I reached the edge I saw how vastly beautiful it really was. Ella, Tristian and Jake came shortly behind me. Ella made sure to let me know we were about to be out of territory, when a flash back of my dream sprung into my head, I could feel him Raine I could feel his presence. I turned to Ella and told her what I'd seen, and I now realised that my reaccuring dream had never been about Tristian, it was about his father Raine. My mind spun like a tornado whipping my thoughts around in my head, pain started to surge through my body as I fell to my belly lying on the ground. Ella tugging at my fur trying to lift me like a mother would her cub. All three of them dragged me back into our own territory, hoping that no other pack caught our scent. I layed there the pain slowly receeding, Ella cuddled up to me her voice repeating in my head; Your ok shhhh, calm down your ok." Shutting my eyes I drifted off into my dream trying to dipict what happened, possibly see if the fight took place at the cliffe. Then it came to me, that's the Half breeds terriorty, and we were just on it. I snapped out of my daze and everyone followed, running toward Ella's house. When we finally reached the clearing that led to the park and then to Ella's across the street, we slowed our pace, it was reaching almost midnight when we finally came to a stop at Ella's. We didn't know what to do seeing as none of the other wolves were around, I turned to the group;
"What do we do now?" I asked. "I was hoping my father would be here..."
"I don't know Luna, do you think they can trace you?" Ella asked.
"I'm not sure I'm new at this, you know more than I do..."
"Not about this!" she argued "I've never been that far into the forrest Lu.."
"I have though.." Jake replied
"You have!? Well, what do we do?"
"Can't you see that, no one has traced me."
"Soooo?" I questioned
"Soooo, no one is going to trace you either, so just calm down Luna, we will talk to Leim, I mean your father, and see what is going on, ok? But until then just stay calm."
As, I took a few deep breaths, I started to calm down, I knew we were still in wolf form so we couldn't go inside Ella's house. We all agreed to wonder the forrest, but not wonder too far, I was really hoping that I didn't just get all of our families in a shit storm. After the story my father told me aboout Tristian's father I knew what kind of threat these half breed shadow people or, whatever were, I had to do something to protect my family and all of my friends, and their families, I wasn't sure what but I knew it'd come to me. Earlier when I found out what I am, Ella told me that her father kept a Library full of books, that explained to new werewolves, what powers they have and what to look out for. She told me that is how her and Jake figured out what power they held. Jake had the power of whats called a Shade, I guess it's similar to a Shadow person, but not as powerful, it only shades Jake so he can still be seen somewhat, as with shadows you loose any trace of that wolf, espically their smell, which with out smell its nearly impossible to trace someone. Oh, and Ella she was a Telo, which ment she could control things with her thoughts, she hasn't gotten very far into it yet but she said she was learning fast, she told me she did her and Jake's entire science project with her mind, which was pretty good I thought, but Jake said when she hits her full potential she could possibily control people's minds. All of what they said made me even more egar to figure out what power I have, and Tristian's too. While we were wondering the forrest we decided to lay and rest, we all knew that we wouldn't change back into our normal selves until the moon was gone behind the earth and the sun arose, so we slept, most of us..
After everyone fell asleep and thought I was asleep as well, I got up and stared at the moon, I wondered a little ways away from everyone, and nestled my self up and layed there staring at its radience, and to think me of all people was named after her. I always thought about what it'd be like being up there isolated from everyone, looking down on them like she does every night, it made me happy the thought of being alone. My world was changing faster than I could even think, and I've still never had a boyfriend or kissed anyone but my parents. There were things I wanted to do, places I wanted to explore and people I wanted to meet, I couldn't do that knowing I'm a werewolf! I can't keep secrets, good thing my whole family and my friends were the same as I am... I didn't have a clue what to do other than read the books Ella had mentioned earlier, so I decided to dose off and worry about that in the morning, when I wasn't a giant wolf, and actually human... kind of. Why did I have to wonder this far into the unknown...
Chapter 6: Questions UnansweredWhen we woke up, I was in the same spot as I had been when I got up and moved last night. My clothes weren't shredded, as I thought they would be, everyone was still here and it was gorgeous outside, plus today was my Seventeenth birthday, and I'd already shifted, so there was nothing to worry about, except for my mistake last night... I was really hoping nothing caught my scent or anyone elses that I dragged into this mess,
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