» Fantasy » My Personal Hell, D. Richardson [ebook reader browser txt] 📗

Book online «My Personal Hell, D. Richardson [ebook reader browser txt] 📗». Author D. Richardson

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over the phone.”

“Do you think you could find out who he is?” I asked uncertainly. She shrugged.

“I could do some snooping on my dad’s computer. He keeps everything on there.”

“Do what you feel you need to do,” was my answer and she nodded as though I had given her permission. I really didn’t know what was up with her. Most of the time she hated me and then she does things like this, as though she’s looking for my approval. I looked at the time and nearly had a panic attack. “I have to go.”

“But we just got started here,” she complained.

“I know, but I have a date with Asher.” In retrospect I probably shouldn’t have divulged that to his ex, but she didn’t get angry, just apprehensive.

“Look, I know you don’t want to hear this from me, and I’m not exactly the most trustworthy person when it comes to you. But be careful with Asher.”

“What do you mean?”

“Asher’s a good guy, he really is, he’s gentle and caring. But he’s also possessive, and isn’t traditionally a fan of equality amongst gender,” she shrugged. “It’s fine if you’ve been raised as pack, it’s the way it is, but you weren’t. All I’m saying is that you need to be careful, and patient.” I eyed her carefully, but I saw no hint to indicate that she was trying to pull one over on me. So I decided to take her advice with caution.

“Okay, I’ll keep that in mind. But I really have to go. I’ve stood him up a few times already, and we can’t afford for him to find out what we’re doing.” She nodded and I waved a goodbye to everyone else.

It wasn’t until after I was already in my car that I realized exactly what I had just said to her. I couldn’t afford for my boyfriend to find out what I was doing. Because he would try to stop me. I couldn’t trust Asher to be on my side. At least not yet. I guess only time would tell if that changed.

By the time I had gotten home there was a dress laid for me on my bed. I assumed it was for tonight so I took a shower before slipping it on. It was really pretty if not necessarily my style. Though I had to give props to whomever picked it out, it covered the scars on my back.

But it was a midnight blue color with sequins decorating the bodice. Though the back completely covered me the front was uncomfortably low. Not so low that my bra showed, but it was close. I would have to watch anytime I bent over. The skirt was too short for my liking as well. Showing way too much leg and making me hope that wherever we were going that the seats wouldn’t be leather.

Some strappy heels the same color as the dress had been left next to it, so I slipped them on, and took a few practice steps. After that all that was left was a light jacket and a little bag thing that was about the size of the palm of my hand and sparkly. It made me want to vomit, but since someone obviously had gone through the trouble to go shopping for me, I slipped my phone and what little money I had left into it. They barely fit.










I stood at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for her. She had gotten home almost an hour ago, and spent her time since then in her room. Hopefully getting ready. And then she appeared.

The dress fit her perfectly like I knew it would when I saw it on the rack. She was concentrating on the stairs so I got the chance to get a good look at her. Her legs were toned and smooth, the heels making them stand out even more than the exposed skin. The color accentuated her skin tone without taking away from it.

She looked beautiful. Though I had hoped that she would do something with her hair other than that plain braid. And I could tell that she hadn’t bothered putting on a scrap of make up. But she would catch every male’s eye anyway, so I would still be the envy of the place.

When she finally made it to the bottom she looked up and gave me a smile. I took her hand and kissed the back of it. I had aimed to make her feel flattered, though it seemed to just make her feel awkward, her smile becoming strained. So I just guided her to the car.

She had gotten some compliments from my parents and sibling as we made our way through the kitchen. But she just gave them that same strained smile and I had to work to keep from showing my frustration. Reminding myself that she wasn’t used to the royal treatment.

By the time we made it to the five star restaurant that inhabited one of the rare unclaimed areas between territories, the silence was killing me. When we were seated our waitress showed up. She was an old ex of mine. Though from a different pack. I had only dated her to try to get under my parents skin. Unfortunately they had just acted like I was being a rebellious teenager. I was but it was frustrating none the less.

But I recalled that she had been a lot of fun. Her vibrant red hair and voluptuous body had provided a lot of entertainment on cold nights. She wasn’t very bright, but that was during a time when I wanted my women dumb and pretty. She was one of the few that was in it simply to get the royal treatment and toss the sheets occasionally.

When she recognized me she turned on the old charm. I glanced over at Ailith, hoping to see a modicum of jealousy. She wasn’t even paying any attention. Her eyes weren’t even at the table, instead she was looking around the room. Her expression was that of someone who was extremely uncomfortable. And seeing her shift in her dress, trying to find some kind of comfort, was severely disappointing.










Asher was busy flirting with the waitress, from the sounds of it they had known each other for a while. So I occupied myself by looking around the room. After a few minutes I was starting to get bored, and then I saw Christine and Jake walk in. Followed by an older version of Jake and their mom. They walked past our table, glancing at me as they moved. Just as he was about to pass Jake pulled his tie out of his jacket and held it up in the air, as though he were hanging himself with it. It took a lot for me not to laugh.

Right before the waitress finally left to get our drinks I noticed Sadler sitting with two women. They looked familiar though I couldn’t quite place them. But I didn’t get the chance to really think on it, because Asher decided to try to talk.

I tried to pay attention to what he was saying. Really I did. But like I had feared, the seat was leather and my legs kept sticking to it. The front of the dress kept feeling like it was falling so I was constantly pulling at it. The place was too warm for the jacket, but too cold for short sleeves. I was just really uncomfortable. I didn’t even feel like I could laugh without being stared at. This place just wasn’t me.

After about ten minutes he finally gave up. We had gotten our drinks, but I had yet to see a menu. So I didn’t even have the excuse of eating to keep me focused. Finally, with a huff, Asher left the table. I watched him as he walked up to the waitress and started a conversation. I hated to say it, but I was relieved.

I just didn’t know what to do around Asher. It was like he was always expecting something from me and I was constantly disappointing him. It made me wonder why he was wasting his time on me. Which, if you didn’t know, is not a very confidence inspiring thought.

Luckily, I didn’t really have time to dwell on it. A movement caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. Sadler and the two women he was with were looking right at me. I turned to fully look back and Sadler smiled, gesturing to the seat next to him. I glanced over at Asher, but he was still deep in conversation with the red head so I did a mental shrug and stood.

Thanks to all of my fidgeting my skin wasn’t stuck to the seat. Though I was still pulling on the skirt, trying to make it longer than it was. And then subsequently pulling the neckline up. As I approached his table he pulled the seat out, though not without giving me an ironic look.

“Nice dress.” I scoffed.

“Don’t even get me started,” I answered as I sat. Doing my best to smooth out the skirt so less skin came in contact with the seat.

“Here,” Sadler said, sparing me a sympathetic look as he gestured for me to stand back up. I did as he indicated and he placed his coat on the seat. So I sat on soft material as opposed to the cold seat.

“Thank you.” I think more gratitude came out than I had intended, though to me he deserved every last bit of it.

“Hon, if you didn’t like the dress then why did you wear it?” the older of the two women asked. All I could do was shrug.

“I don’t have any other dresses and I didn’t know where we were going.”

“Not even one other dress?” the younger woman asked and I shook my head.

“I’m more of a jeans person.”

“It is nice though,” Sadler supplied. It looked like he was trying to be helpful. I gave him a sardonic look.

“My dance uniform is longer.” It seemed I picked a bad time to say it. He had been taking a drink of water, and most of it ended up on the table. I jumped a little, startled by his reaction. I didn’t intend on making him choke.

“Are you okay?” I asked, handing him a napkin. He nodded quickly, using the napkin to mop up the spilled water.

“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. Um,” he stumbled for something to say. “Oh, Ailith, this is my mother, Janet, and my sister, Kelsey. Mom, Kelsey, this is Ailith.” I nodded politely, and received the same response, though the older woman’s eyes lit up.

“Oh, so you’re the young woman we have to thank.”

“I beg your pardon?” I answered at the same time that Sadler spoke.

“Mom.” Though while mine was polite, his was a quiet warning.

“I was beginning to think that I would never see my boy again, except at a distance. You must be the new friend that made him think of getting a hold of us.” I looked to Sadler, confused. However, he wasn’t offering up any answers as his face was as red a tomato. Personally I thought that was an overused term but it did fit perfectly. But since he was obviously embarrassed I let it go.

“Ma’am?” I looked up at the young waiter, he couldn’t have been any older than me. “May I take your order?” I glanced down at the menu sitting in front of me and picked something random.

When the food arrived, I sat quietly while I ate. For the first time in a while I felt comfortable, despite the wardrobe malfunction. But I didn’t feel pressured into saying anything. Instead, I just people watched. That was how I noticed the dark headed young woman followed by an older male that I knew by face if not name. And a young man that looked a lot like her. She spotted me right after I saw her and made a beeline for me.

“Ailith,” she seemed genuinely delighted

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