» Fantasy » Unraveling Mordecai, Marisa Maichel [ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Unraveling Mordecai, Marisa Maichel [ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Marisa Maichel

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I had a girl try to convert me years, ago, but I ignored her."
Kole nodded, taking in all this information.
"There is a Vampire Council in addition to the royal family, and there are twelve members, the head of which is Bram Sterling. He hates us, because we overrule him. The rivalry between us and the Council is ongoing and constant, and it will probably end in death. I don't know all the Council members' names, but I know a few."
She nodded again, absorbing her lesson in vampire rules and laws.
"We used to have a Law of Secrecy, but it was abolished years ago. It doesn't matter anymore-most humans don't believe we exist, anyway. My family and I admitted on television that we exist, and we created our own vampire channel, called VStation. It's all about vampires. Shows, movies, news, and so on."
"And what about mates?" she asked.
"When you see your mate, you'll know it's them almost immediately. A mate is the most precious, worthwhile thing in our existence, and there are so many fewer females than males, which is why they are so coveted. Without a mate, a vampire will get depressed, isolate himself. He'll slowly be driven into madness by his loneliness and will eventually go off the deep end or commit suicide. If a mate dies, their death is mourned."
I paused. I looked at Kole; she was staring at me intently.
"Um, Kole?" I said nervously.
"Yes, Reese?" She fluttered her dark eyelashes.
"I'm in love with Sarah. Normally vampires only date other vampires or humans, but Sarah...she's not all human. We only recently discovered that she's actually part fairy."
She blinked. "She is? Well, she's very lucky to have you. I'm jealous of her."
If I could blush, I would have then. "I'd say I'm lucky to have her."
"How can I find my mate?"
"Just be patient. He'll come to you eventually. Fate always finds a way, and the Fates are hard to change."
I leaned back and watched as a turtle poked its head out of the water. It stared at me for a moment, then dived back down. I looked at Kole, who was stretched out on the dock, her legs spread out sexily and her elbows on the ground.
If I didn't have Sarah, I'd consider dating Kole. She was hot, for one thing, and for another, she was alone, and needed vampire company. Just like my Sarah.
Then I heard the flapping of gigantic wings, and Sarah landed softly between us, her purple wings spread out.
"Hello, Reese," she said, wrapping her arms around me and kissing me sloppily on the cheek. "Hi, Kole." Did I detect a note of jealousy in her voice?
"Sarah," Kole replied, nodding at her. Sarah sat beside me and folded her wings. I kissed her back on the lips, and she left a Divine Crimson lipstick mark on my cheek and lips. I was amused at her possessiveness. The girl adored me as much as I adored her. She practically sat on my lap, wrapping a wing around me and stretching out the other wing to keep Kole away.
For a while we just sat there, listening to the sounds of the woods and the lake. Occasionally a fish jumped or a turtle poked its head out. I saw snakes under the water and minnows. I watched as a turtle ate a minnow. Predator and prey. Me and Sarah. I kissed my girl's soft brown hair, smelling her favorite Aveda shampoo and conditioner.
"Will you sing to me, Reese?" Sarah asked, fluttering her pretty lashes. Kole scowled. Sarah turned around and smiled sweetly to the other girl. "Reese is extremely musical. He plays the guitar and the piano, and he writes songs, and his singing isn't bad, either."
"Flatterer," I said, and then I started singing "The Rose", which was one of Sarah's favorites. Both girls stared at me in amazement as my bass voice hit the low notes and the high notes. When I finished the song, they clapped.
"Well, girls, it's getting late," I said. "Do you want to go home?"
"Carry me," Sarah said, pulling in her wings and smiling flirtatiously. She held out her arms to me, and I picked her up. Kole's scowl got deeper, and we started the trek home. Along the way, I gave Kole tips on how to hunt safely and legally. Also, how to avoid vampire slayers. Sarah had already heard all of this, and she closed her eyes and purred, leaning her head against my chest.
When we got home, David and Louis were wrestling, Uncle Soren was working on his motorcycle, and my father was smoking a cigarette on the porch. Shadowfang lay near the lilac bushes, purring and twitching his tail.
When he saw Kole, David nipped Louis to end the tournament, and Louis conceded. He brushed himself off and smiled at her. Kole took his hand and he twirled her around, then kissed her knuckles.
Uncle Soren sat up, wiped his hands on a rag, and frowned at David and Kole. I knew he didn't trust either of them; frankly, I didn't, either, not Kole, at least. But they seemed to be getting along with each other.
We still didn't know that much about either of them, although Father tried to get David to open up.
"Oh, happy birthday, Reese," David said, looking at me. "Dad told me that it was your birthday on the first. How does it feel to be nineteen?"
"Same as being eighteen," I replied. "Sarah's birthday is in Febraury."
"An Aquarius?" David asked. Sarah nodded.
"Yep. I'm an Aquarius. Reese is a Libra."
"Sagittarius," Louis said, gesturing to himself.
"Taurus," Uncle Soren broke in.
"Cancer," Father said.
"What about you, Toby?" I asked.
"Leo," he replied. It was then that I noticed a gun on his belt.
"Why do you have a gun, Toby?"
He looked baffled at my question. "To defend you and Sarah, of course."
"Guns don't work on vampires."
"It doesn't kill us," Uncle Soren said, "But it can still cause injury."




Whatever I'd been expecting, it hadn't been this. So far, I'd nearly lost Sarah to vampires, werewolves, other males, her family, and herself. But losing her to our children? I could not make an impossible decision.



No matter how many times I saw her, I was still amazed at her Aphrodisian looks. Her selflessness, her kindness, her willingness to overlook my deepest flaws and see how much I loved her.
She was finally back after her summer in France on her family's farm. She was greatly tanned-even more tanned than usual-and her brown curly hair had been highlighted and cut to her shoulders. She had gained back much needed weight, and she had been working out. She had more musculature to her arms, legs, and abs.
What's more, she was finally happy. She was sad to leave her family, but happy to be back in front of me. She'd been taking her medication as prescribed, including her seizure and heart medication.
I blinked. Then I woke up from my daydream.
"Come in, Sarah," I said.
She threw her arms around me immediately and kissed my jaw.
"I love you," she said.
"I love you most," I replied. As I'd said before, she would never have any conception of just how much I loved her. I would take a bullet for her.
"I missed you," she said. "I'm so glad I finally got to see you. I haven't been feeling great these past few days."
"I know, love, I heard. Selena told me." My sister had texted me two days before, updating me on the situation. Sarah had had a bad case of sun fever, and had gotten sick. She was better now, after lots of water and cool air.
Now that our high school career was over, I couldn't wait to marry her. We had planned the day for the Winter Solstice, on the day that Mom and Alexander had gotten married. But she needed lots of rest first, and we needed to plan our new life together, maybe even buy a house. Not a big one, two or three bedrooms max, just a starter home.
One room for us, one room for the baby, and a room for the guests.
Suddenly, she ran to the bathroom, and I heard her retching. A few minutes later, she came back out.
"Can I borrow your sweatpants?" she asked.
"Of course," I said, walking up to my room with her following behind. I gave her a pair of my old boxers, and she changed, tossing her wet jeans and underwear in the laundry hamper. I'd steal those later. She changed into my old black sweatpants, and then she sat on my bed, holding her stomach.
"I must have eaten some bad chicken," she said. "Come to think of it, I've been eating a lot of bad chicken lately."
"Stop eating chicken," I said.
"That's probably a good idea. Even Zie, who normally cooks really well, hasn't been having much luck with chicken lately."
Zie Huang was their cook and housekeeper. She also babysat Cirino sometimes. Cirino was Sarah's first baby, the one conceived by Michael Nales, whom I had destroyed after he raped her.
She ran to the bathroom again, and this time I made her stay in there until her stomach was completely empty. I gave her an unused toothbrush to brush her teeth with. I was glad she had her hair in its usual bun, or she'd have to take a shower to get the vomit out of her hair. Not that I minded loaning her my clothes. In fact, she frequently stole my clothes. I had been looking for a shirt or a jacket more than once only to realize she'd taken it.
I loaned her one of my band shirts next. She laid on the bed next.
"Period problems?" I asked.
"No," she said. "I haven't had any period...well, I do still have cramps, but no blood."
"Ah," I said. "Would you like to watch a movie, or would you like me to read to you?"
"Read," she said. She produced a book from her purse, which she'd set on the carpet. "Read this one. It's the latest vampire hit."
"Blood Night, by Jamie Williams," I read off the cover. "When are you going to get over him?"
"Um, never," she said.
"A tale of intrigue, romance, passion, lust, and rivalry," I continued. "When Dirk Zoeller moves to small town Indrigo, cheerleaders' hearts get broken and football players plot a dangerous prank against the one person they shouldn't mess with. How very fascinating."
"Read," she commanded.
"Fine. 'It was a dusky night when I approached the graveyard. The stars were covered by the dark clouds, the graves crooked and cracked. I almost did not see the ghost girl until it was too late.' Sarah, this is dreck."
"'I approached the girl cautiously. She sat, staring ahead. She was dressed in old-fashioned clothing, closer to my time than this time. She wore a long grey dress with puffed sleeves and ruffled wrists. Her petticoat was visible under the hem. She wore old riding boots. Her hair was blond, meticulousy curled and pinned in a high updo. She did not react, nor stir, as I approached her. Then, as I stopped a foot away, her head slowly turned, and then I realized that her throat had been slit.'"
Wow, indeed. I would have never admitted this to Sarah, but as I moved deeper into the story, I grew interested as well. This was actually a decent story. When the ghost's skin melted away to reveal muscle and bone underneath, I actually shuddered. When she screamed for him to leave, to stay away, Sarah shuddered and climbed into my lap.
It was interesting, until we got to the part where he

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