» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [reading tree .TXT] 📗

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little power you think you have?” Damian laughed, turning to greet them. “Get them, Ladies.”
Shenara and Albrath attacked. Shenara went to Aimee, who shielded herself with Unicorn Magic. Unknown to her, Aimee had been practicing.
Aimee smiled innocently as the beam from Shenara’s palm hit the shield, bouncing back at her. “A little power goes a long way, Dominionite.” She replied.
Shenara recovered quickly from the shock, standing. “I’ll kill you, Over-Seer!”
“I’d like to see you try.” Aimee countered. Something from within made Aimee fearless.
Deep inside Aimee’s system, the Unicorn Magic wanted out. She let it have reign over her very soul, allowing it to be free for the first time in years. Shenara noticed the green glow from the vicinity of Aimee’s heart. Eyes closed, Aimee took a deep breath. When she opened them again, her brown eyes were green, deep and determined.
“I dare you.” Aimee announced, ready to pounce if she got the urge.
The urge came when Shenara was fed up. “I will teach you!”
Using her own power, a silver ring of magic tried to wrap itself around Aimee’s body, but the shield devoured it.
Shenara was shocked. “You are no Ancient Mystic to have their powers!”
“Surprise, Shenara! I am a powerful Ancient Mystic.” Aimee supplied. “Maybe not by birth, but by blood.” She showed Shenara her wrist. “Blood ties are just as powerful as any birth line, especially when it comes to Ancient Mystics. Will you go away or will I have to get nasty?”
“Aimee, behind you!” Came Claudia’s voice from a distance.
From behind, Aimee was attacked by Albrath. She was tackled to the ground of the cavern, unable to move. Both Albrath and Shenara had her pinned.
Meanwhile, Kelly and Meredith were trying their best to use what Unicorn Magic they had to reduce the Dragon Magic hold on the bars. It wasn’t working, and the girls were getting tired.
“Don’t exhaust yourselves, girls.” Anna remarked. “You’ll only make yourselves sick.”
“Especially after our battle, Kelina.” Ariana warned. She looked up, seeing her almost-sister pinned to the ground by the Dominionites she’d Exiled not too long ago.
Damian saw a drained Kelly and Meredith by the bars. “Careful, Child. You may lose yourself in the Dragon’s Magic.”
“Bite me, Damian.” Kelly said wearily.
“Let them all go home and you can have me.” Ariana announced, ready for anything.
“Ariana!” Claudia was exasperated. “What are you doing?”
“You don’t think he’d fall for the same thing she did, do you?” Luna asked.
“No matter how noble your cause may be, I am certainly not my sister.” Damian replied. “For each of you has different distinct powers I need to become one of you.”
“You’re already a Ancient Mystic, if that’s what you mean.” Mary Ellen supplied.
“No, not that.” Damian looked at Young Guardian. “You know what I want, I know you do.”
“You want to be Earthbound.” Ariana deduced. “Why? So you can bug us there?”
Luna laughed sarcastically. “You wouldn’t be able to handle it.”
“Which is exactly why I need your powers. So I can.” Damian remarked. He took the blade from the twins, making them relax. He began to walk away. “Do you realize just how boring it is in the Unknown? There are no Dreamers to keep me busy, and no one ventures here but the insane Dominionites and lost souls.” He turned around, facing them again. First, he saw Aimee, being held by Albrath and Shenara. He smiled. “You might as well give up. Even your precious Over-Seer is finished, once I give the word.”
“Leave her alone, Damian.” Luna commanded.
“Who is going to stop me? You?” Damian laughed. “No, I think not. You are much too frightened of me to try anything.”
“I am not.” Luna lied, trying to keep her composure.
“Dear Aluna, you cannot hide your feelings from me.” Damian remarked. “You may be afraid of the Empathy, but I am not.”
“Leave my Mommy alone!” Meredith tried to shout, only it came out a whisper.
Damian only laughed.
That’s when the cavalry arrived.
“You heard the girl. Leave Luna alone.” It was Shane, disguised as his Shadow persona. The necklace at his throat glowed.
Damian and the sisters turned to see them all standing there. Derrick, Shane and Craig were in the lead while Aaron and Jake helped a delirious Michael walk. The Reading twins, Andrew and Mark were with their father and Caleb.
“How did you escape?”
Aaron grinned. “I believe it’s called Unicorn Magic.” He said. “Would you like a second demonstration?”
Derrick shared a look with Aaron that made Ariana wonder what they were up to. Aaron nodded, leaving Jake and Michael in Craig’s hands. He grabbed Derrick’s and Shane’s hands, linking them together in a Magical bond nothing would break.
Ariana and Luna both noticed how Derrick’s and Shane’s Protector’s Pendants were glowing. In the Dream Realm, it meant they were tapping into their own kind of Protector’s powers. What would it do in the Unknown?
“On three.” Aaron replied. “One, two,”
“Three.” Aaron chorused with Derrick and Shane.

“The powers of one, the powers of mind.
“Link us together, form magic that binds.
“Unicorn to Dragon, I urge you to break
“The spells that hold the magic that takes.
“Protectors of one, Protectors of all
“Release these Bindings upon my call!”

From the Pendants and Aaron’s necklace came different-colored Magics. Aaron’s was his own, the green magic of the Unicorn to smother the bindings that held Ariana and her sisters captive. With help from Derrick’s and Shane’s Protectors’ Pendants, the bars to the cage began to change, from Dragon Magic red and dangerous to Unicorn Magic green and calm. Soon, the bars had all but disappeared and the girls were able to escape.
Damian and the sisters could do nothing to stop them.
Aimee came up with an idea to use a little of the Invisibility part of her magic to disappear, confusing her captors. She reappeared next to Aaron, just in time to catch him when he began to falter.
Shenara and Albrath were disgusted, so they left. Seeing how he was outnumbered, Damian followed.
Each Woods sister ran to her Earthly Protector, hugging and kissing them. Mary Ellen saw how distressed Michael was and disappeared back home with him. Craig and Claudia left next, then Jake and Anna. All that were left were Ariana, Derrick, Shane, Aaron, Aimee. Luna, and the five children.
“We did it!” Caleb cried.
“Let’s go home.” Shane remarked. “See you in the Outer Realm, everybody.”
He took the hands of Luna, Caleb, and Meredith, disappearing.
The Schmidt twins looked almost dead.
“Are you guys okay?” Ariana asked them after healing Kelly and her boys.
“Yeah, you used a lot of Unicorn Magic back there, Aaron.” Derrick supplied. “I didn’t know you had it in you.”
Aaron shared a look with Ariana. “I’d do anything for her, you know that.” He said. “She’s my best friend.”
“Aaron.” Ariana started.
Derrick stopped her. “Not now. Let’s just get home and rest up. The boys used a lot of their own Magic trying to rescue us.”
Ariana looked to her sons. “What exactly happened before you barged in to save us?”
“Uncle Aaron had us help him with the Unicorn Magic.” Andrew replied.
“Yeah, we remembered what you said about polarity, Mom.” Mark said. “We just used the knowledge and applied it to help Dad and them escape.”
“It was Aaron’s idea, Ariana.” Derrick said. “Shane and I could both tell he didn’t have enough energy after fighting whatever guards were at the door. He insisted in using his Magic to reverse the hold on the bars, but he was weak. The boys held each of his hands while he chanted to use it. After that, we had to wait until the right moment to crash Damian’s party.”
“I am very proud of you, boys.” Ariana said, hugging and kissing each of them. “You, too, Kelly. If it hadn’t been for the three of you, Aimee and Aaron never would have been able to stand up against those three.”
“Really, Momma?” Kelly asked.
Ariana nodded. “Really. Derrick, take the kids home. I need to do something about these two.” She stood beside Aimee and Aaron.
Derrick smiled, knowing what she had in mind. Holding onto his twins’ hands, he and Kelly disappeared, returning to their beds at home.
The Schmidt twins exchanged looks before meeting Ariana’s eyes.
“You used great Magic back there, you know that?” Ariana asked, hugging each of them. “Allow me to help you restore your strength.”
“I have one question.” Aimee said.
“Go ahead.”
“Can we get out of here first? This place gives me the creeps.”
Ariana laughed lightly. “Certainly.” She held her hands out for her almost-brother and -sister. Once they grabbed hold, Ariana called the Dream Chant and returned to the Dream Realm’s Ancient Mystic Palace.


“How could you be so careless!” Gloriana yelled at her daughters. “And you!” She pointed at Damian. “I would have expected something better from you, Merchant! You used to lead hundreds of Dominionites. Now you cannot even handle a bunch of misfit Ancient Mystics! What do you three have to say for yourselves?”
“If we meant it, we would apologize.” Damian supplied. “As I recall, all you did was hang on Father’s every word. You did none of the work yourself, sending us to do it for you.”
“You promised power, Mother!” Shenara cried. “I want it!”
“Too bad, brat! You lost your chance.” Gloriana replied. “Not to worry, I am sure the Maiden has something up her sleeve this time.”
“We do not even know where she is, let alone what she has in mind.” Damian said.
“Rumor has it she is Earthbound.” Gloriana said. “Soon, we will be Earthbound as well.”
“Let me guess, you stole the Outer Realm Spell from Father’s book?” Damian asked.
“There is no such thing.” Gloriana supplied. “I looked. But, there is something else of interest to me, and your stingy sister Sabrina.”
“Do tell, Mother.” Albrath said.
“As with everything, we wait.” Gloriana said. “We will have our revenge on the Ancient Mystics. After that, Orthos will destroy O’Dell and all will be as it should be.”
“A bit sure of yourself, are you not, Dominionite?” Damian asked. “We have been dealing with them for eons. It would seem nothing can destroy them.”
“Maybe nothing here, but what if we altered the very fabric of existence?”
“Are you thinking what I think you are?” Shenara asked.
“The Resurrection Spell in the Outer Realm would work.” Damian announced. “Just tell me when and where.”
“Not so fast, Damian.” Gloriana said. “Only the most powerful of Ancient Mystic blood can call it and survive.”
“Father is no Ancient Mystic. He is like Uncle O’Dell. A Wizard.” Damian said.
“Are you so dense not to see the very nose on your face?” Gloriana spat. “Your sister and yourself are Ancient Mystics.”
“So we have been reminded.”
“Use that to your advantage, Merchant.” Gloriana said. “Get my drift?”
Damian smiled a secret smile, sharing mischievous looks with Gloriana, Albrath and his lover Shenara. “Crystal clear.”


At last, the sisters and their Protectors returned home to the Outer Realm, where they belonged. Anna and Jake were so happy to see one another, they waited until they knew it was safe to make love in their tiny apartment. Claudia and Craig had to relay what happened to Andrea and Kevin, who were worried sick. Of course, Cara listened in to every word, amazed something like this could happen to their little family. Mary Ellen took Michael home with her, healing his mind with a powerful potion. She debated giving him the Forgetfulness Spell to make him forget the horror of facing his darkest fear. In the end, she
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