» Fantasy » Finding Dmitria, Lauren Hinch [classic novels to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Finding Dmitria, Lauren Hinch [classic novels to read TXT] 📗». Author Lauren Hinch

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at Dmitria and Aria Isabelle. “Aria Isabelle, what are you doing?” asked Ekaterina, looking towards Aria Isabelle who was gazing off into nothing.

“What?” said Aria Isabelle, coming out from her daze, “Oh, nothing. I apologize. Ekaterina, you know you may call me Aria?”

“Oh, alright.”

“Do not worry much about Aria, she does that occasionally.” whispered Dmitria to Ekaterina as they continued to walk through the trees.

“There,” said Ekaterina, pointing to the small cluster of building not too far from where they stood. “Amore Perso stables.”

“What does it mean?” asked Dmitria.

“It means Lost Love.” said Ekaterina.

“And you know of this place how?” asked Aria Isabelle looking from the stables to Ekaterina.

“Well, I suppose you would say that my childhood was spent here.” answered Ekaterina quietly. “You see, Maggie was like a mother to me, since I never knew my own. Her son, Kaolin, owned these stables; we came down here many times over the years. Sadly though, he died in an archery accident a year or so ago.”

Then she paused for a moment, “After that, we never returned: it hurt Maggie to much. However, about a month or so ago, it was sold at an auction to a woman by the name of Seryna. Seryna Cartridge I believe it was.”

As the sun peaked over the tops of the snow capped mountains, the stable came into view. Amore Perso stable was not very large, considering how much money they obtained during its auction, but it made up for its loses in beauty. There stood a rather small cottage, only enough room for a body or two, which sat in the center of it all. It had ring of stables surrounding the cottage.

The windows were lined with rusted metal, shaped to appear as small fragile leaves covered in cobwebs, giving it an authentic appeal. Though obvious, no one noticed the intricate stone masonry that lined the walkways in an arrangement of browns, oranges, and rustic colors.

No more words were spoken until they reached the stable’s gates, exhausted from the previous night’s events. “I suppose we have lost this man for the time being, have we not? Atoka was it?” Dmitria smiled at Aria Isabelle and Ekaterina, attempting to lighten the mood.

“Dmitria I believe that his name is Akota, not Atoka.” answered Aria Isabelle. “How can you be so optimistic in a time such as this?”

Dmitria smile fell. “I am not trying to offend you Aria.” she shook her head at Aria Isabelle and walked though the large wrought iron gates. Dmitria paused for a moment, turning back towards Aria Isabelle, “In a time such as, I assumed you would need something to lighten your mood. I apologize, excuse me.”

Aria Isabelle crossed her arms across her chest followed Dmitria through the gates. Neither spoke again on the topic.

Ekaterina followed the two girls inside. Once inside, she turned to her left, facing a stall that held a chestnut colored mare. “This is Luce. She used to be mine.” Ekaterina stroked the mare’s forehead. “Look around; there are plenty of other horses to choose from. But hurry, we might not have much time.”

Aria Isabelle and Dmitria nodded and turned to opposite sides of the stable, still frustrated with one another.

After a few moments Dmitria found a black stallion by the name of Hans. And after Ekaterina had finished saddling her horse helped Dmitria saddle the stallion.

Aria Isabelle looked around the stable, attempting to find a horse for her own. Suddenly something caught Aria Isabelle’s eye. She turned her head towards the stall on her left. Before her were the two lovely green eyes of an old white mare.

“Her name is Elyah. If you were wondering.” said Ekaterina as she walked towards Aria Isabelle. “She is one of the older mares in the stable; however, she will not fail you.”

Aria Isabelle nodded towards Ekaterina and smiled, leading the mare from her stall and saddling her.
By the time Aria Isabelle had finished saddling her horse, Dmitria and Ekaterina had already mounted theirs.

Aria Isabelle put her foot in the stirrup, and hoisted herself up onto the horse’s back.

“May I ask, what you think you are doing?”
Chapter V

They turned around to see a small, fragile looking, woman standing before them. “Seryna Cartridge?” Seryna Cartridge was a beautiful woman. She had milky brown eyes, and slightly tanned skin. She had long black hair fell loosely down her back in a mass of curls. “I am terribly sorry that we had to meet under these circumstances. My name is Ekaterina; I was the daughter of the previous owner of these stables. My friends and I are in a great deal of danger. I apologize, but the horses that are boarded here were the only options I could think of to escape.” Ekaterina looked at Seryna Cartridge, pleading for her help.

Seryna froze when she heard what Ekaterina said her name, “Well,” said Seryna smoothly, looking at the three young girls before her. “There is quite a lot that you need to know before you leave. There is a harbor a half a day’s journey form here. I believe that if you leave now you should be able to reach it before dark.”

Aria Isabelle and Dmitria looked at each other and then towards Ekaterina.

“But first, please, follow me inside. I have a few things that you will need for your journey.”

Aria Isabelle, Dmitria, and Ekaterina followed Seryna Cartridge into the tiny cottage. Before them was a very tiny kitchen. On the stove, a small, copper kettle whistled. Seryna removed the kettle from its place on the stove and poured four glasses of tea.

“Here girls, please sit” she said, cutting a small loaf of bread into three pieces and handing them to the three girls.

They sat down in the dimly lit dinning room. “Thank you, Madam Cartridge, for all you have done. I must ask though, why are you aiding us?” asked Aria Isabelle, holding her cup of tea close to her chest.

"I am helping you for I was I the same position as you girls thirty years ago. I must tell you, however, you girls can not yet conceive the dangers that you will now be forced to face." Seryna was silent for a moment; it pained her to see three beautiful in such a position as this. “A simple prayer is all I can offer you girls. I am ashamed to say that I have no words of comfort for any of you." she turned away from them, not wishing to see their faces. Seryna Cartridge wanted nothing more than to reveal the horrors that they were soon to face; however, she knew that she would be killed in the process. “I feel that it would be best for you girls to leave now, before he discovers where you girls have been hiding.” said Seryna as Aria Isabelle, Dmitria, and Ekaterina finished their tea and bread.

Suddenly, Aria heard the sound she had been praying not to hear – the sound of the hooves of Akota’s black stallion contacting harshly with the aged cobblestones.

She froze, "Dmitria, we need to go. Now!" Aria Isabelle said as the sound of galloping horses drew closer. Pulling Dmitria and Ekaterina by the arms she headed for the door.

Ekaterina stopped short. “Madame Cartridge, are you not coming with us?”

"No, child: I have awaited this meeting for some time now. I will deal with him. Now you girl leave this place. Run as fast as you can and do not look back!” Seryna looked at the three girls sadly. “Do you hear me? Go! Run!”

They pushed through the old wooden door. As they ran, Ekaterina looked behind her to meet the sad eyes of Seryna Cartridge. She could not force back the increasing fear of dread inside her chest.

Aria Isabelle, Dmitria, and Ekaterina ran to the safety of the forest. They stopped, thankful to be concealed by the thick tree limbs.

Dmitria sighed heavily, secretly knowing that they would probably never see Seryna Cartridge again. Dmitria wished she could hide her expressions from the world and everyone in it. (Between Dmitria, Ekaterina, and myself, I would have to say that Dmitria was the most modest considering what she'd gone through, hiding her emotions from those who loved her. I will take much of the credit for this fact. Dmitria had to be strong for me. I had not been the strongest mentally at that period in my life.)

Aria Isabelle, Dmitria, and Ekaterina hid themselves behind a large piece of brush that lined the edge of the clearing, quietly watching the scene that was unfolding before them.

After a moment, Akota and his men appeared in the clearing, at the gates of Amore Perso stables.

Ekaterina let out a shriek as Akota demounted his horse and strolled over towards Seryna Cartridge.

Dmitria covered Ekaterina’s mouth with her hand. “Ekaterina, you are going to get us captured.”

“Hush, both of you! Now is not the time to spat.” said Aria Isabelle, not averting her eyes from Akota as he stood in front of Seryna Cartridge. She truly feared for Seryna and prayed that her life would be spared.

Chapter VI

Akota and his men descended upon the stables. Dismounting his horse Akota walked towards the entrance gates, “Dismount and search the grounds. They could not have gotten very far.”

Following their commander’s orders, the soldiers dismounted their stallion and divided to search the many stalls around the grounds. “Sir, no one seems to be anywhere around the stables.”

Akota growled with anger. “Argh!” he yelled, sending shivers down Aria Isabelle, Dmitria, And Ekaterina’s backs. He turned towards Celina and the remaining soldiers. “This is where you said they would go, hag!” Celina reached from behind one of the black stallions pulling Maggie to her feet; her hands were bound in old rope, her dress was covered with grass and mud, as if she had been dragged.

“I told you they would be here sir!”

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