» Fantasy » Finding Dmitria, Lauren Hinch [classic novels to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Finding Dmitria, Lauren Hinch [classic novels to read TXT] 📗». Author Lauren Hinch

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A note from the author


I remember the first time I had met Dmitria: I mean really met her and talked to her. Now that I look back on it, I assume that we had met when we were either nine or ten, that was so long ago that it is hard to recall…

Thinking of our first meeting now, I probably would either start laughing or crying, possibly both. Regardless, I loved Dmitria very much. She meant everything to me, everything completely. I know that may sound wrong, I should love my children or my husband more; however, in the beginning, she was all I had. Much had happened in the years between when we had met and when she had died. I must tell you though: this story has nothing to do with me: this is in her memory and she would have wanted it this way.

You must note that this is not a story for the faint hearted; death, pain, and suffering lurk in these pages, as well as happiness, love, and joy. I have had to recollect most of these events from the back of my mind, some of which I do not wish to remember. For your sanity, as well as my own, I have decided not to tell you everything that has happened, for some of these ‘details’ are better off left untold. Also, I have chosen not to tell this story in my view, for I have a need to keep my sanity (though you may not mind either way). However, In order to fully grasp all that resides within the pages of this book, I pray that you withhold your judgment of Ekaterina and all of whose stories are told here.

- Aria-Isabelle Delano Risaka



Delano Kallahan stood outside the main thrown room, pacing back and forth. It had been four hours since his wife, Larraine, had enter the thrown room to discuss what would be done about the Raucous clan and their recent attempts at the thrown.

From just outside the doorway, Delano could hear the muffled, but furious, sounds of Larraine and her council members attempting to find a solution. ‘How much long could they possible take…’ Delano asked himself, finally ceasing his pacing. He brought his hand to his forehead, rubbing the newly forming wrinkles in frustration.


Delano turned around to seen Elena, the caretaker of his two young daughters, standing before him. “Oh, hello Elena. I terribly sorry – you startled me. How are my darling daughters?”

“Dmitria has been put down for the night, Sir.” Elena smiled at her master. “I was not able to settle Aria Isabelle down, however. She is incredibly fussy this evening.”

“As if she can sense the tension.” said Delano, leaving his post at the entrance of the main thrown room. “Come; let us see if we can ease my daughter.”

Elena nodded and followed Delano Kallahan down the long hallway to Aria Isabelle’s nursery.


Larraine Risaka sat angrily at the head of the great wooden table placed at the center of the main thrown room. “What you propose is not good enough, Ronan. We must be precise – no mistakes.”

“I understand, my Lady.” Ronan bowed towards his queen, his blonde hair falling into his eyes. “However, we are not in the position to waste time. Every second we discuss is another second closer they are to breaking down our very walls!”

“You will hold your tongue in her presence, boy!” snarled a man at the right of Larraine.

“It is alright, Haden. Ronan is right, regardless of how I would like to admit it.” Larraine nodded towards Ronan, hushing her trusted aid. “We must stop our fighting for the evening, it is late, and I have a husband and children to attend to. Jonathan will not risk coming so soon. We will have the night to think it over.”

Haden nodded in agreement with his queen. “Yes, come sister.” Haden rose from his chair taking the hand of the young girl at his right. The young girl of only twelve rose from her chair as well and followed her brother, tears lining her unearthly yellow eyes. Haden turned and looked at his sister, wiping a tear from her cheek. “Do not cry, Eudora. All will be well in the end. We must do what is right in the end.”

Eudora nodded and followed her brother from the thrown room.

* * *

Larraine walked down the dimly lit hallway to her bed chamber. She smiled to herself as she entered the nursery adjacent to her bed chamber to see her husband laying her newborn daughter to bed. “Delano, I thought you would have gone to bed by now?”

Delano turned towards his wife, “I was waiting for you darling. Have you made a decision?”

Larraine sighed. “No, nothing has been decided. We will convene again tomorrow morning.”
She walked over to the chamber door at the far wall, peering in. “How are they this evening?”

“Dmitria is sound asleep. Elena helped her to bed hours ago. Aria Isabelle was not so easy, however. She has been fussy all evening. It is as if she is warning us of something.” Said Delano, leading his wife into their bed chamber.

“Dmitria would recognize such a disturbance before Aria Isabelle ever would.” Larraine slid into her side of the bed.

“Darling, I thought we had had this discussion before. Aria Isabelle will be just as capable as Dmitria. Do not choose one daughter over the other.” He slid in next to her.
“Head your own words, my love.”

With that both Larraine and Delano fell into a sound sleep.

* *

Delano was thrust awake by the sound of yelling and a loud banging on the bed chamber door. He awoke his wife just as Ronan thrust though the door.

“Sir! You must hurry, the Raucous clan is descending upon the castle!”

Larraine and Delano leapt from their bed.

Delano looked to his wife. “Darling you know what we must do.”

Larraine nodded sadly, a crystal tear falling down her cheek. She turned to Ronan. “Ronan, run. Run as fast as you can from here, and take anyone you can with you. You must protect Eudora and her brother at all cost. Flee to our palace in the east if you must. Go!”

Ronan nodded sadly and rushed from the room.

“I will take Aria Isabelle and you Dmitria.” Delano said to his wife, kissing her on the forehead. Suddenly Elena rushed into the bedroom. “Larraine go!”

“Elena, please I need you to do something for me. I need you to find Serena and tell her to meet Larraine and I at the cottage at the edge of the woods. Hurry!”

Elena nodded at Delano and fled from the room to find Serena.

Delano rushed into the nursery to the crib where his daughter was screaming violently. He took her in his arms, wrapping a small blanket around her. “Please darling, hush now. You must hush.” With that he ran.

Outside the chamber, the sounds of screams and the smell of smoke filled the air. Delano rushed down the marble hallway, attempting to save his daughter’s life.

He stopped suddenly at the entrance to the palace as the door were thrust open, allowing Jonathan Raucous’s army to breach the palace’s grand wall.

Suddenly Delano was spotted by Jonathan. They locked eyes. “After him!”

Delano ran through the servant’s entrance at the right of the palace. After a few moments of running, ahead of Jonathan and his men, Delano reached the tiny cottage at the edge of the forest. He burst through the door.

Before stood Larraine, her cheeks stained with tears and Dmitria in her arms. “Oh thank the Gods.” She said in a shriek.

“Not yet, darling. I was spotted. They are on their way here now.”

Larraine gasped looking towards Serena at her left.

“What do you expect us to do now?” asked Serena, fear in her eyes. “We will not all make it out of here alive.”

“I will distract them. You and Larraine will take the children to the mainland.”

Larraine looked at her husband. “No. I will not leave you.” She said taking his hand. Larraine

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