» Fantasy » The Time Of Awakening, Miss Jina [free children's ebooks pdf TXT] 📗

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hour later, we finished in the kitchen and I was exhausted. Before I left the kitchen Camille gave me a great big hug, and kissed the top of my forehead, the way a mother would. She even said goodnight in a sweet tone. I couldn’t help but walk away smiling.

Once again, Devon was on the couch reading a book and when I entered, he stopped and looked at me.

“I’m going to bed.” I told him. He stood up and turned off the lamp on the small end table against the couch.

“Thanks for helping my Mom out.” he walked over to me with his book in his hand.

“I feel so welcomed here. It’s nice.”

“I’m happy to see that. Shall I walk you up to your room?” he asked. I nodded.

“That would be nice.”

“Do you have a Father?” I questioned him as we walked up the stairs.

“He died when I was 6, Mom’s been there ever since. She keeps me grounded.” he explained.

“Her good friend Charlie takes care of us the way a Father would. They wouldn’t think about dating though, they are so wrong for each other. It’s just nice to have a Father figure around.” I nodded.

“Will I get to meet this Charlie guy too?” I asked.

“He’ll be around soon. He went on a.. uh. Business trip type of uh thing.” We stopped at my door.

“Well I guess this is goodnight then.” I said. He smiled and nodded.

“I had fun today Sage.”

“You know I really could say the same thing, I mean after being kicked out and all the day didn’t end so bad.”

“Well goodnight” he held out his hand. I shook my head and wrapped my arms around his muscular body.

“Goodnight.” I squeaked as I pulled away. His face look flustered, but he still managed a smile. I waited for him to walk away and then I opened the door to my room.

I undressed and got into bed in just my underwear and a tank top. I curled up under the light green comforter and snuggled into my new bed. I felt like I belonged to a Family again, for so many years I felt left out and unwanted. Mom always seemed disappointed in me, in what I’d become. I wish I knew the secret as to why she felt that way, but I guess soon enough I’d find out. If I had my calendar, I would cross out the day and it would be down to 4 days. 4 days until I found out my fate, with a Family like Devon’s by my side I was confident enough that I could handle what was next

Part 2

I woke up refreshed the next morning, I stretched and yawned. I hadn’t slept that well in - well never. I smiled at the thought of being warm and comforted by my blankets. I pulled them off and cracked my back, twisting my body until I heard a solid crack. A knock caused me to jump; I couldn’t get my words out before Devon opened the door. His jaw dropped to the ground, and when I looked down I realized I had still been in just my tank and underwear. I felt my face flush red with embarrassment. I grabbed the pillow I had slept on and threw it towards him.

“Get out!” I yelped covering myself with the blankets. He slammed the door so fast and hard I thought that it would break. I ran my hands through my messy hair and placed my head back on the wooden headboard. I cannot believe that just happened. I uncovered myself slowly, fully knowing he wouldn’t attempt to come in again, but still afraid that he just might. I scurried to the bathroom and shut the door. I leaned my head up against it and stood there for a few moments before recollecting myself and hoping in the shower.

After I was done, I quickly made myself up again and put pig tail braids in my hair. I threw on some of my new jeans that were left in the closet for me, and a plain black long sleeved shirt. I took one deep breath before opening the door, and then journeyed into the hallway. Sitting in front of the window was Devon. He sat Indian style with a reddish brown acoustic guitar in his hands. He was strumming quietly and humming to himself. He looked up when he heard my door shut.

“Hey” he said in almost a whisper.

“Hey” I said back, but it came out all gargled because my throat was dry. I cleared it and spoke again. It was awkward for the first few moments, and then I walked over to him. I looked out and noticed the sun was shining a bit, the snow had passed.

“Playing anything I should know?” I sat down next to him and brought my knees up to my chest. I placed my cheek on the top of my knees and looked over at him. He shrugged.

“Just fooling around, really. Tell me what you think.” he gave a quick smile and then looked down at his guitar. He began to strum the guitar lightly, switching chords so quickly I could barely recognize any of them. I remember taking guitar lessons in 8th grade, yah that didn’t turn out to well. For someone like me being tone deaf, it just wasn’t for me. He played a sort of jazzy tune; he plucked at the strings like they were nothing. About a minute in he began to hum along and nod his head. I watched him in amazement, he looked so content playing his guitar, it was like the hall was his stage, and beyond the big window was his audience. He stopped at looked at me.

“That bad huh?” he questioned. I shook my head.

“I loved it actually.”

“You’re just joshing’ me.”

“Nope” I said, stretching out my legs and placing my hands behind me on the floor.

“You ready for a real Family breakfast?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked. He smirked.

“Oh you’ll see.” He said motioning towards the stairs.

I heard loud noises from downstairs. Today would be the day that I’d meet everyone. I pushed myself off the floor and stood up. I don’t even remember falling but apparently I did. I didn’t fall to the floor; Devon caught me in his arms. I know this because, one minute I was standing up watching him get up, the next minute I was looking up into his green concerned eyes. He was holding me up with his one arm and brushing my hair out of my face with his other hand.

“Hey” his voice was deep with concern.

“I um... Why am I in your arms?” I questioned trying to stand myself up. He must have been worried because he grabbed onto my waste as I stood up. I pulled away and turned to him.

“You passed out. You shouldn’t have gotten up so fast you... You should sit.” he spoke faster than usual. I shook my head and ran my hands through my hair.

“I feel fine.” and it was the truth, I mean my head was a bit foggy, but I still felt, okay.

“Maybe I need some food.” I said about to walk for the stairs. He rushed in front of me and put his arms out stopping me from going anywhere. I looked at him and crossed my arms.

“Let me by so that I can eat Devon. I need food, that’s probably what happened.”

“Let me go get your food. I’ll bring it up for you to eat.”

“Devon, I am fine. Please let me go. Plus I have to meet everyone down there today right? Sounds like they are having fun, wouldn’t want to miss out on a big Family breakfast.”

“BRANDON STOP STEALING ALL THE BACON!” I heard a female voice yell.

A few other screams shot through the house. My ears started to hurt; I tried to smile to let him know I was okay. I placed my hands over my ears, for some reason they were sensitive this morning. He looked at me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

“I’m fine! Let’s just go get food.” I walked around him to the stairs. He just stood there and stared at me.

“Apparently some guy name Brandon is stealing all of the bacon, I don’t know about you but I’m a pretty big fan of bacon.” I tilted my head and smiled hoping that maybe he’d come around. I really wanted to just get on with the day. His concerned look turned to a smile and I breathed a sigh of relief. I tucked my arm into his and looked back into those eyes again.

“Just in case I fall, I need some guidance.” I chuckled. He nudged me.

“Just admit it you wanted to touch me.” he snickered.

“Yah, sure that’s it. I am almost as excited as I was that you saw me in my underwear this morning.” I rolled my eyes, and pretended to be chipper.

We both came downstairs and each step we took I got a little bit more nervous. For some reason I had been more nervous walking down those stairs this morning then I had been trotting through the snow with Mr. perfect. Wow, that fainting spell sure made me crazy. I squeezed his arm tighter not even realizing it until he pulled slightly.

“They won’t bite I promise.” he said as we got to the doors of the dinning room.

We walked through and the loud racket suddenly came to a halt, everyone stopped and looked at me. I felt myself tighten my grip around Devon’s arms, he laughed a little. One kid even had pancakes in his mouth, with part of it sticking out, he had stopped chewing.

“Guys…” Devon started.

“This is Sage. Sage this is everybody.” he pointed around to everyone. I moved my hand away from him and waved at everyone. The kid with the pancakes in his mouth smirked causing a few pancakes to plop back onto his plate.

“The pig over there is Brandon. He’s an athlete, but he eats like a pig. We have no clue where all of it goes.” Brandon smiled.

“Hi Sage” he said allowing more food to drop out of his mouth.

“Ignore him.” a dark haired gothic looking girl said.

“That’s Trish, she’s a newbie too.” she smiled.

“My cousin Tucker is the one who’s at the end of the table, eating silently. And well Bethany is the one who’s staring at his muscles as he eats.”

The blonde typical looking girly girl looked over at me,

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