» Fantasy » The Time Of Awakening, Miss Jina [free children's ebooks pdf TXT] 📗

Book online «The Time Of Awakening, Miss Jina [free children's ebooks pdf TXT] 📗». Author Miss Jina

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and then tossed some sausages at Devon playfully. Tucker was dark and mysterious; no wonder she was watching him. He had Devon’s face slightly, the same button nose, and some scruff. He looked up and did that half a smirk thing that guy’s do, when they don’t really care what’s going on.

“Some of the food was saved. You should have come down a little earlier, there would have been a lot more.” Trish smiled sweetly at me. She reminded me of a girl I had met at summer camp one year, my only friend in really my whole life. I liked that about this girl Trish, she felt friendly and relatable. She pulled the empty chair next to her away from the table and gestured for me to sit down next to her. I pulled away from Devon and walked around the table to meet her. Everyone’s conversation went back to full notch, it hurt my ears again. It was complete chaos, everyone yelling at each other, but for some reason it felt comforting to be sitting at a big table, kind of like a big dysfunctional Family.

“Where’s Mom?” Devon questioned.

“She went out for a bit with… to do some business.” Tucker spoke in a deep yet sexy voice. He seemed like the tough guy of the group, but still he was quiet and reserved. He looked all macho in his leather jacket, looking all biker like. I looked up and Devon was staring at me, he had that worried look on his face again. I hadn’t realized it but I had barely touched the food and was moving it around on my plate, just memorized by everyone.

“You okay?” he mouthed across the table. I nodded and then looked over at Trisha who was smiling at me too.

“He’s cute isn’t he.” she whispered into my ear. I looked at her funny.

“You mean him?” I asked pointing across the table at Devon. She nodded. I shook my head.

“He’s alright.” I said stabbing some eggs onto my fork.

“Are you kidding me he’s been watching you this entire time during breakfast. He’s usually much more talkative. But today he is fascinated by you.” she giggled. I was a bit confused, this girl was a completely Goth in her purple straight legged jeans, with zippers on the bottom, and high top converses. She didn’t look the type to giggle.

“We’re going to go ice skating today, your coming right Sage?” Bethany questioned. I looked down the table at her; she had finally torn her eyes away from Tucker.

“I um... Don’t know how to ice skate.” I felt embarrassed. Every winter I’d beg my Mom to let me skate on the pound out back, she’d always tell me that I’d fall through the ice. So she never bought me skates and never allowed me near the pound in the winter.

“Its okay, Devon’s an expert he can teach you.” Brandon chimed in, this time no food fell from his mouth.

“C’mon you can borrow my extra pair of skates, what size are you?” Trisha questioned. I looked at Devon with the help me look, but he just smiled.

I ended up with black ice skates that had skulls on them. I was sitting on the dock by the lake tying up my laces. The others were skating freely doing these double and triple turns, skating backwards and Tucker just did a back flip. I shook my head and wondered what kind of magic was at work here? Who could do a back flip on ice? Devon skated over to me.

“Nice skates.” he chuckled. I gave him the stink eye and continued to tie up the laces.

“I have no idea what I’m doing, and I will most likely crack my head open. Make sure you have 911 on speed dial.” I warned. He laughed.

“You’ll be fine. Here I’ll help you.” he held out his hand. I tried to ignore touching his hand, because every time I did some weird electric shock pulsed through my body. It happened this morning too, but I ignored it the best I could. I hadn’t been feeling too amazing after my fainting spell. But well enough to enjoy being with a big Family. I hesitated, but he wasn’t going to allow that, he reached in and grabbed me. I practically slipped and broke my ankle; I landed on my ass and slid right by him. He skated to me and couldn’t stop laughing when he reached down to grab me.

“Maybe I will try to get up on my own you jerk!” I yelled. He couldn’t hold himself together he was bent over with his arm around his stomach. I swept my leg underneath him and caused him to fall on his ass, but it didn’t matter he was still laughing.

“Shall we try again?” he questioned. I stood up on my own and watched as he got up as well.

“If you stop laughing at me!” he was still giggling like a little school girl. He held out his hand and I took it. I felt warm inside. We started to skate, and I wasn’t falling or slipping. It was slow and steady, kind of like rollerblading. I was getting the hang of it, when he twirled me around and into his arms. I spun in a circle and came crashing in.

“Are you dancing with me?”

“Yes, yes I am. Now just twirl out.” he said. I skated out of his grip and kept my hand on his.

“Skating like a pro already huh?” Trisha questioned as she zoomed passed us. I smiled at her, as she twisted around in the air and landed perfectly on her two feet again. I wasn’t really concentrating on everyone and what was going on, when I heard a deep growl from across the lake. I turned around or at least tried to that’s when Devon grabbed onto me.

“Devon, I can’t breath.” my face was scrunched in his chest. I heard the growling again, and my heart started to race. I wanted to see what was going on but he was covering me shielding me with his body.

“Trish, take Sage inside now!” Devon yelled. I felt another set of arms grab me.

“Just keep skating straight, don’t look that way.” she kept saying as she skated with me to the dock.

“What’s going on, was that someone growling?” I questioned.

“Keep looking this way Sage. You don’t want to see what’s going on.” This time I definitely heard a growl and I heard a sharp scream, almost like someone was getting murdered. I wanted to turn around, I almost got myself around but Trish was strong.

She led me back to the house, and by that time when I had turned around to look out the window everyone was gone. I saw a hat that Brandon had been wearing lying on the ice. A few ripped pieces of clothing as well.

“What just happened?” I asked Trish as we placed our skates on the towel sitting by the door. She shook her head.

“It was nothing.”

“Trish, I heard something growling. And look, there are clothes sprawled out on the ice. Something isn’t right I can feel it. I can smell …” I took a sniff in the air and something was off. I smelled something rotten, something dead. It wasn’t pretty; it made me kind of nauseous.

“What is that god awful…” I covered my mouth with my hands and jetted into the downstairs bathroom. It was just as big as my bathroom, except there was no bath tub or shower. I wrapped my arms around the porcelain bowl and emptied this morning’s breakfast into it. I could not believe that awful smell. I knew I had never smelled death before, but for some reason my body knew it was death. When I thought of it, I puked again. I felt all clammy and hot. A knock startled me.

“Sage. It’s Trish. I am going to get you some ginger-ale and toast. Okay?”

“Mm” I couldn’t speak, because I felt the urge to puke again. The smell wafted past the bathroom window on the other side of the room. I heard the bushes against the house move like someone had raced by them.

When I opened the door no one was in site. I grabbed the railing to go up the stairs; it took me a few moments to get up there. When I did I heard someone on the phone, it was in the room next to mine.

“Yes, she’s just beautiful Charles. Oh you’re going to love her. Yes just like you.” it was Camille’s voice. She was talking on the phone to someone, I was guessing about me? I listened for a few minutes longer.

“She hasn’t asked any questions. Yes she did. Nope no significant signs yet. I was informed she passed out in Devon’s arms this morning. Yes they’ve bonded already.” Ugh, I couldn’t hear anymore of this, the sick feeling came back and so did that smell, and I dashed into my room and back for the bathroom.

Part 3

The room seemed to stop spinning maybe an hour later. I was lying on my bed with a garbage pale next to me. I had to lay down I couldn’t sit on the floor anymore. My whole body ached. My bones hurt so much I thought for sure they were stretching inside of me.

Since I was slightly better I decided that now I should think, re-think this whole staying here thing. Everyone seems great, but something is off about this place. I can’t quite tell what it is. I suddenly don’t feel extremely safe anymore. First they hid something from me; someone or something was growling I know they were. Then I smelled death, I know it was death. It smelt of a rotting corpse, and the way flowers smell at a funeral. Maybe I should run, I tried to sit up but I felt too weak. Maybe I needed a nap. I was about to close my eyes when I heard a tap on my door.

“It’s Devon. May I come in?”

“I guess.” I murmured. The door opened slowly.

“You dressed?” he asked. I nodded, unable to joke about the underwear incident. He stepped inside, he was holding a tray. It had the toast that Trisha had promised me and ginger-ale. He shut the door quietly behind him. My head began to hurt. He pushed the puke bucket away from the bed, thankfully I had not puked it in, and how embarrassing would that be? I tried to sit up, but my body was not cooperating. He put the tray on the nightstand next to my bed, and rushed to help me. He placed his one hand on the small of my back, and the other he grabbed onto my stomach. He pulled me up into a

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