The Destiny Of The End: The Unknown Princess, Ashley SIlvernail [summer reading list txt] 📗

- Author: Ashley SIlvernail
Book online «The Destiny Of The End: The Unknown Princess, Ashley SIlvernail [summer reading list txt] 📗». Author Ashley SIlvernail
It's been nearly two months and i think we are nearing the new planet. Isabel says to Lailah “so Lailah how are you feeling, it's good we got out in time you know before…” Isabel pauses looks at Lailah and says “almost everyone has made it on the new planet we are the last ones to get there our coordinates been off a few times and we had some hard times…. and we had some problems but we are okay now”. Lailah says “Isabel i know you're trying to cheer me up but please just stop you're only making it worse”. Isabel says “sorry…. i just…. don’t know how to help..”. Lailah says “their is no way you can help… it's useless to try to cheer me up”. Isabel is about to say something but stops herself so Isabel turns around and just reads a book that is on the ship. Lailah lays back on her seat staring at the blank lessness of space. Lailah asks herself quietly “will we ever get to the new planet? Most important how many problems do you think there could be? Corruption and psychos and killers could still be here. Killers will rise and problems will come, how are we gonna deal with it”? Lisa who is sitting next to her asks “so Lailah how does it feel to be back on the riding portion area of the ship”? Lailah replies with “it feels alright i guess but it's cramped here”. Lisa says “go to purple land you haven’t even been there yet”. Lailah replies with well okay but….. i thought that was for younger”. Lisa laughs and says honey you are only 6 have fun”! Lailah says okay.. But.. it's not my thing i think i will just stay here or something”. Lisa says “Lailah there is more than just kitty stuff there, their is a movie theater go and watch a movie, you aren't too young for that are you”. Lailah says “no i'm not…. what kind of movies are playing though, and i don’t wanna watch some stupid baby movie”. Lisa just laughs and says “but you're 6 you like that kind of stuff”. Lailah says “no i don’t just because i’m 6 doesn’t mean i like everything that every other 6 year old would like”. Lailah continues getting angry “i wish you would treat me by how i am, not according to my age, treat me like how i act, i don't act like a 6 year old so don’t treat me like a 6 year old, please, Lisa”. Lisa then speechless looks away from Lailah and looks at the ground. Lailah then kinda embarrassed that she made it such a big deal she says “i’m-i’m.. sorry Lisa i shouldn’t have freaked out so badly, its just i’m used to having someone who understands me, like my mom and dad.. and brother”. Lisa looks at Lailah and says “no… i’m sorry Lailah… i don’t know you very well i was just trying to help you...”. Lailah is frustrated with herself that she just hurt Lisa and she says “Lisa, i’m so sorry”. Lisa says “ am i..”. Lailah says “i-i gotta go i don’t wanna say anything else out of sadness and anger to you”. Lisa says “Lailah it's okay…. you didn’t mean it… right”? Lailah while walking aways says “...yeah..”. Isabel then hears Lailah walking away and she turns around and says “hey Lailah where you goin”. Lailah says “out”. Isabel then sees a vision of her walking out of the ship literally”. Isabel laughs and asks “what”? Lailah looks at her smiles and says “what did you see”. Isabel tries to hold it back and says slowly “nothing”. Then Isabel bursts out laughing. Lailah says “that's it you have to tell me”. Isabel says “when you said “out” i had a vision and you where you literally walked out of the ship into nothingness i was
laughing at the visions but i was meaning to ask you what as in like where”. Lailah softly chuckles at isabel's bad humor and says “ok well.. Ima be going now..”. Isabel laughs and says “wait wait, you still haven't told me where you're going”. Lailah says “oh, it's not important it's just that i just accidently hurt lisa… and i wanted to leave before i made anything worse”. Isabel asks “where you going maybe we can do it together”? Lailah says “i was thinking about going to tri land to see what movies are playing and what's all there”. Isabel says “well maybe i should go with you to make sure nothing happens and to keep you company”. Lailah says still kind of upset “if you want..”. Isabel says “Of course”. Lailah and Isabel both leave to go have fun at tri land. As they are walking Lailah asks Isabel “hay Isabel dont they call this tri land because parents thought they try to hard”. Isabel responds with “yes well know it or not we actually had tri land open before we made this ship and fled but this was the only ship with tri land, the people who made it didn't get much of a chance to have people enjoy it so they decided to have it be on the ship that you were on princess”. Lailah asks “why does it matter that i'm on this? Why does people always call me that, princess? In definitely not a princess so stop calling me that and treating me like this. I grew up in a normal home like everyone else i know, if i really was a princess i would have jewels and servants and anything i ever wanted but i dont so im not”! Isabel says “Lailah… i'm so sorry… but you are a princess… your parents died so they gave you a normal life… they gave you a family to take care of you.. They wanted you to be happy”. Lailah says “w-what”?! Isabel continues “you're royalty, you really actually can get whatever you please’. Lailah says “no… can't be…”. Isabel says “Lailah, ….i'm sorry” Lailah stares are isabel for a few moments confused and hurt “then… maybe if i knew sooner maybe i could of got me parents to come with me….”. Isabel says “you're parents were only useless peasants though honey”. Lailah screams “NO, DO NOT CALL MY PARENTS THAT ISABEL THEY WERE PRECIOUS AMAZING BEAUTIFUL PARENTS AND ANYONE WHO COULDN’T SEE THAT IS A FOOL”!! Isabel stares at lailah for a second knowing she is hurting and she says “someday it will get better lailah… i promise…”.
They finally arrived to the new planet and everyone excitedly splurged out of the ship. Lailah being the last to leave so that she wouldnt be ran over by feet. Isabel and Lisa paitently waited until it was time for her to get off. Lisa her new guardian slowly takes her out and holds onto her hand as she walks her out and when they get to their house with Isabel shortly behind her. When they get home Lisa stops lailah and says “Honey i have something to tell you”. Lailah looks up at her and asks “what is it”? Lisa says “i'm royalty too….”. Lailah looks up at her in a confused glare “you're what…..”?!!? Lisa says again “i'm royalty…. I'm not you're mom… but i am one of your aunts….”.
Publication Date: 10-04-2017
All Rights Reserved
This book is dedicated to god! who gave me this idea in a dream! i dont know what it meant but most of this i made up but there is a small part sent from god himself!
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