» Fantasy » Providence, Dwa-vi Deslouches [namjoon book recommendations .txt] 📗

Book online «Providence, Dwa-vi Deslouches [namjoon book recommendations .txt] 📗». Author Dwa-vi Deslouches

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to creep up her spine as realization dawned on her. Karin knew what the bartender was.


         “Why didn’t I think of this of course there’s a reaper here” Mumbled Karin “you’re dying so it’s here to collect your soul”. Enoch stopped his movement so abruptly Karin had to sit down to avoid bumping into him. He sat down heavily and put his head in his hands.

         “I’m going to die,” He mumbled numbly. As soon as he completed the word “die” the bartender began to move, sliding across the wooden planks of the inn with ghostly silence.

         “We have to go. Now!” Karin yelled and yanked Enoch bodily from his seat. She placed both hands on the planks below her and began to chant the same prayer she had chanted before. The planks twisted and groaned as they obeyed her command and the entire inn shuddered.

         “Your time has come child,” the reaper rasped in a blood chilling whisper. Spurred by fear Karin pressed into the wood harder causing the stone to begin to follow her command. Slowly a trapdoor the size of a booth was forming beneath them. The reaper came to a rest beside Enoch and drew its scythe in agonizing slow. As the last few pieces of the door fell into place the reaper brought it’s scythe down. The door opened and the scythe whistled over Enoch’s head as he fell. A few strands of Karin’s long black hair were cut as she fell but she hardly noticed in her fear.


         “The day will come when there will be nowhere to run hero!” The creature wailed “And on that day your soul is mine.” This was the last thing Enoch heard before the world twisted and he passed out.

Chapter 6


Hobbling out of the cave entrance Xzander shielded his eyes from the bright of the sun as they adjusted. Chris had come out before him and was currently crouched beside Karin. Enoch was on his back in the clearing and Karin was leaned against a tree a few feet away. Xzander first inspected Enoch who was bandaged from his waist to his chest. The wrappings appeared to be mostly free of blood and the boy’s breathing was mostly normal. He then walked over to Karin and looked her over. She smiled back up at him and shooed an indignant Chris away.


         “So I see you’re not dead” Mocked Karin.

“Well, what can I say, I guess I’m a special person” Xzander replied coolly

         Chris snorted and said a bit bitterly “Yes very special indeed. More than you might care to know Karin.”

         Startled Karin looked from Chris to Xzander and started to say something before a groan from Enoch cut her off. The three moved to Enoch and watched him. Slowly he opened his eyes and looked up deliriously at Karin.


         “Salene?” Enoch smiled and whispered incredulously. The three looked concerned at him and Xzander touched his shoulder.


“Whose Salene?” Xzander asked. Slowly Enoch’s smile dissipated and the mad light in his eyes went flat. He looked over to Karin again and sighed before sitting up. His throat was burning and dry and he had a headache like… well like he had been beat down by giant spiders.


         “You should rest” Karin suggested before Enoch shook his head no.

“I need some water and my cloak” He replied softly. Chris nodded and set off to retrieve the cloak and his pack. Xzander looked at Karin’s left arm and noted the splint.

         “You okay Karin?” He asked. Karin nodded briskly and tried to think of their next move. “So how are you going to shoot a bow anymore?” Xzander asked. Startled by the question Karin stared at him before answering, “I can just use a dagger for now until I can get this healed.” Before Xzander could answer Enoch asked, “So how can I move right now. I’m fairly certain I got stabbed by a Stalker so I should be dead or close to it.” Karin looked at him glad to be on a subject other than her own injuries.


         “Woodland healing magic. I went into your subconscious and got you out so that nature could take over,” Karin informed, “I couldn’t have you resisting your own healing”. Xzander nodded and Enoch flinched slightly.

“So what did you see in my head?” Enoch asked tentatively.

         ‘That’s not how it works” Karin replied, “I can’t see your memories, only your thoughts.” Enoch nodded warily before turning back to Xzander and giving him a discreet nod.


         Turning briefly to Karin Xzander asked, “Could I have a second to talk to Enoch?” Nodding she pulled herself to her feet and moved over to her previous resting place. Once Karin had sat down Enoch looked Xzander straight in the eyes and asked “How are we still alive? That whole rescue was suicide. Was it that Chris guy who saved us?” Xzander held up his hands to slow Enoch before answering in a placating tone “Just a sec and I’ll tell you.” Xzander watched Chris stroll over leisurely and stop beside Karin depositing something in her hand before moving on and coming to a rest beside Enoch.

         “I got the water and what’s left of your cloak.” Chris announced holding up a jug and a bundle, “Do I get a prize now or are there still more items left in your scavenger hunt?” Enoch grinned crazily and reached greedily for his things. He drank the water in huge gulps gasping for air between drinks before settling back down and taking hold of his cloak. Rummaging through it he pulled out a purple-ish metal ball on a chain and threw it to the side. He then reached inside a pack that was strapped to his cloak and drew a pin, poking his thumb drawing a bead of blood. With the blood on his thumb he drew an inscription that was reminiscent of a crescent moon on the ball and threw it up into the air. As it descended it’s form began to change. The ball flashed a dark purple light before dissipating and leaving a large wolf in its place. Xzander and Chris recoiled from the wolf before relaxing as it lay next to Enoch.


         “He’s my pet shadow hound,” Enoch supplied “I’ve had him since…” his voice trailed off as he recalled some past tragedy before regaining himself and petting the dog softly. “He’s been mine since I was a little kid.” Xzander nodded his understanding before reaching out to touch the wolf.


         “Wait just a sec,” warned Enoch pulling the wolf’s head in close and whispering something in its ear. The wolf let out a low growl and examined Xzander for a few seconds before lying down. Enoch nodded and Xzander pet the wolf on the top of the head. Chris eyed the wolf before trotting over to Karin and sitting down.


         “It looks like we’ve got a little squad here” Enoch joked tensely “Now all we need is a girl with a cat and we can all have an arch nemesis.” Xzander glanced over at him with a confused look.


         “Dude I can tell that you and Chris have some bad blood,” Enoch explained “I don’t know why and I don’t care, just be sure we can trust him.” Xzander nodded and placed one hand on Enoch’s shoulder before helping him to his feet and moving with him, and the dog trailing behind them, to the tree where Karin and Chris were talking. Enoch sat against a rock beside the two and leaned slightly on his wolf. Xzander tapped Chris’ shoulder and motioned for him to follow. Obliging Chris stood flashed a smile and followed Xzander into the woods.


         Once out of the line of sight of the others Xzander spoke. “You need to leave,” he ordered forcefully. Chris laughed aloud and began to walk back toward the camp.


         “I mean now,” Xzander pressed, “You can’t be here and you know it.” Chris nodded with mock formality and gave a sly grin before turning away again. As he walked Chris unfurled two large doves wings from his cloak and launched himself into the air, flying away. When he was out of sight Xzander breathed a sigh of relief and began to trudge back to his makeshift camp deep in thought. When he reached the camp he thought, He may be gone, but he’ll be back.

Chapter 7


“So he said that he was going to go help another group?” Karin queried skeptically. Xzander bobbed his head in agreement as he industriously picked apples from the tree he had climbed.

“Makes sense” supplied Enoch “He seemed like the clergyman type.” Karin rolled her eyes and set back to work picking berries and mushrooms. Filling her pack with the last of her harvest Karin turned to Enoch.


         “Here sort these” Karin ordered.

Enoch chuckled slightly and grabbed the back saying “I’m glad to know that if I ever get hurt I can get some work from you as a botanist”. Sighing with exasperation Karin stood and stood beneath the tree Xzander was in.


         “How many apples do you have?” Asked Karin.

Taking a second to answer Xzander replied “About thirty. Is that enough?” he was answered with an unenthusiastic, yeah, and began climbing his way down the tree. Suddenly the sound of running feet came to them from the woods and from the sound of it the noise was headed directly for the apple tree. With a silent understanding the three quickly armed themselves and collected their valuables before waiting to encounter their opponent. As if the devil himself were chasing them three hooded figures exploded into the apple tree grove tackling Xzander and his friends to the ground. There was a short struggle before the most stocky built of the three shushed them and held his index finger to his lips. There followed a tense suspicious silence. As spontaneous as lightning a lion roared, not twenty feet away from the group, being answered by a multitude of other roars. Enoch went entirely still, blood freezing at the sound of the lions. The group sat for, what felt to Enoch like the longest minute of their lives, straining to hear the beasts before letting out a collective sigh of relief and separating themselves.


         All hell broke lose when Karin, who was the first to stand up, was tackled by a lion. With the reflexes of a cat (pun intended) Xzander dove into the lion’s ribs knocking it over and off of Karin. Rolling

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