» Fantasy » Providence, Dwa-vi Deslouches [namjoon book recommendations .txt] 📗

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Bane of Heroes

Book#1                                                               By: Dwa-vi Deslouches



       “Xarus I believe we found it but the main force is still yet fighting.” Informed Varix “What do you wish to do?” Xarus looked back toward the walls taking in the scene. Four units of fifty men apiece were left to hold the walls and were engaged with two units of golems. The city, all in all, looked like a Neptunian temple complex boasting a large array of ocean themed buildings. The walls had a glittering magical wind-mesh type look to them and the source was obviously the large pointed building in the center of the town. The building where the eastern wind spirit was kept.


         The only reason Xarus and his men had breached the walls was a sneak attack in which the lower wind spirits carried them over the wall to help save their master. And now Xarus had a decision to make fight on and defeat medusa, or wait for backup and possibly let her escape.


         After taking a moment to decide Xarus replied, “We go into the lair, but first tell the men to dismount and mask both their scent and aura” Nodding Varix jogged back to where the men were resting in cover. The soldiers were settled in a fallen Tower sharpening weapons and tending to wounds.


         “The general says we’re to go after Medusa but first tether your mounts and complete a full mask. For you greens that’s, cover your scent and aura” Informed Varix. Looking out the door to his brother Xarus, Varix felt an overwhelming sense of pride. Xarus, being his older brother, had a head of locks, one for each battle won, and an impressive dragon plate suit of armor. His face was still young only hinting he was drawing near thirty-five years old, a stark contrast compared to the face of his three month old son.


         Varix himself was only about twenty three and had achieved the rank of captain at the second youngest age, bested only by his brother at the age of nineteen, on his twenty second birthday. He was shaven bald and wore no heavy armor. His only protection was in his craft as a master assassin. Wielding a wide array of weapons from a dagger to a crossbow he was an incredibly versatile opponent and so when he challenged the captain of his brothers unit it wasn’t long before he bested the man.


         Turning to face the soldiers Varix realized they were waiting for orders and gestured with a nod for his men to follow him. Meeting up with Xarus they continued into the city, on the hunt for Medusa.


         Crossing under a bridge they stopped to assess the path ahead of them. The street was barricaded about two blocks down but the barricade seemed largely abandoned but for five sentries to raise the alarm. Giving silent orders Xarus split his force in two, circling around the two blocks and hitting their opponents from the side. There was no battle only a quick massacre with but one noise. A sentry called out in pain for his comrades before dying on the pavement. Cleaning their blades the force didn’t notice the scaly green projectiles begin snapping at them from the sky. The first man to be struck called out before being pulled into the air. Two more were snapped up and one managed to cut the tentacle like bind from his waist before plummeting to his death on the streets below.


         In the sudden panic Varix instinctually dove toward his brother knocking him flat millimeters away from a tentacle.


         “Close call I owe you one less brother” grunted Varix as he rolled to his feet in cover. “Not now we must organize the men and retrieve the others” Replied Xarus gruffly. Jumping into the open Xarus then grabbed a rather large soldier and yelled something to him. The man drew in breath and bellowed “Form up on the general, shields up and unbuckled.” In response the men quickly built up around Xarus and Varix went about them unbuckling their shields. Once they were in a cohesive group Xarus called step and they made their way into the tower the attacks had stemmed from. Working their way up the stairs they encountered little resistance from kobolds other than the odd lightly armored sentry. Reaching the top floor the men built a shield wall and came around a curved half circle that protected the fires of the light tower from the wind.


         The sight they were met with was gruesome. A spinning ball of tentacles was engulfing a man shrieking in horror. The bones of their comrades lay bleach clean around her and only three men remained alive and unscathed.

         “We haven’t the time to waste advance with haste!” ordered Xarus. The men charged hacking and kicking at the beast until it released their men. Rounding on them it ceased spinning and showed it’s fanged maw. With grim determination Xarus faced the beast “Scylla face justice and you will be spared” He stated. The beast lunged and Varix stepped in front of him beheading it in one swift strike with his dagger.


         “That’s twice in one day I’ve saved your life brother.” Stated Varix happily “Another twenty years of this and I may be able to repay my debt to you.” Grimly Xarus nodded as he led his men toward a tall spiral in the center of the city.














Chapter 1



The Kahran Youth Battle School was a training ground for young warriors. The recruits in the vanguard program were to be the best of the best, becoming specialists and leaders. After second year graduation the recruits would go on to study at the Ten Schools Magical Academy.


     “Strike. Strike. Strike. Plant your feet and shatter the arm!” Ordered the drill sergeant to the recruits. A line of students struck wooden test dummies with short wooden clubs. The exercise was meant to build up muscles and aid in hand eye coordination by striking the dummies suspended by a noose so they swing when struck. Xzander, being a new recruit, already hated the pre-magic school for clerics. The instructors were burly soldiers whose sole task was to build up the initiates bodies and minds in rigorous and straining exercises. Every week any initiates who were not making enough progress would be cut from the group to try again the next year.


         For Xzander the classes were fairly easy. Being an athletic student he easily shattered the arm every time before pulling out the broken stump and replacing it with a new arm. His strength was matched only by two students, Jacob Saarzin and Malikay Rinkash. Some other students were managing the task in two or three strikes, but the average student either didn’t break the arm or it took them many strikes.


         “Stop. Drop your weapons and run to the dinning pavilion we set out from there in one hour!” ordered the Sergeant. The class broke away with the slower students quickly falling behind. Pulling ahead Xzander noted that he was faster than his two competitors. All of his extra running at night was paying off and he was ecstatic. After thirty minutes of steady running Xzander came into view of the dining pavilion. He jogged inside to the serving line and, being the first to get there, claimed the best meat and bread before sitting at the center table by himself and pulling out his travel bag. As the other students poured into the pavilion Xzander was already finished with his ground beef and was spreading silver-berry jam gingerly across his plate sized hunk of bread. Dropping herself next to him Karin greeted Xzander with her best smile. He smiled in turn before tucking into his meal with gusto.


         Stopping abruptly Xzander cut the bread in half turned to her and said “I promised I would share with you if I ever found some silver-berries” he offered, “Here try some”.

She shook her head politely and said “I’m sure you have more jam and I have my own bread I’ll just spread it fresh”. He nodded more assured and pulled out the jar.

         “Just be careful with it,” he warned, “If you have too much it’ll act like a nerve poison and you’ll be walking sideways for the rest of the day.” She nodded thinking to herself that it would be a welcome change from their daily grueling routine. Quickly the tables filled up and a few stragglers were left to pick out a table. Turning to see if there was anyone coming from the road Xzander jumped, caught off guard by a darkly dressed boy who ate silently next to him.

Leaning over to Karin he whispered, “How long has he been there?”

Before she could answer the boy said, “I’ve been here since around about when she arrived friend”. Startled Xzander turned to him and opened his mouth to speak. “I’m Enoch Spindlebroook but my friends call me, well nothing. I don’t really know anyone, but I do know you two. Karin Wildokin and Xzander Morinstar.” He interrupted. The two stared at the new arrival in stunned silence before Karin regained her composure and replied, “Who are you again ?”


         Staring at Karin for a long moment he replied in turn “One who seems to know too much. First year academy assassin.” She nodded not quite understanding.


         “So how do you know us?” Karin queried, “ I certainly don’t know you and Xzander here doesn’t really talk about me.” Enoch drew breath to reply being cut off by a large hand driving his face into the table. Bolting up Xzander faced the assailant ready for a fight.


         “Stay out of this Xzander!” Barked Malikay “I’ve been hunting for this one and if you get in the way you’ll receive the same” Karin realized the situation would soon come to a head as Malikay had brought his usual posse of cronies.


         “Malikay Rinkash meet Xzander Morinstar” mumbled Enoch through bloody lips. “I know who he is”, growled Xzander, and before anyone could react he sprang forward diving onto Malikay. Taking this opportunity Enoch exposed his two lead batons and dove between two of the boys who followed Malikay jabbing and swinging at them in a dangerous torrent of pain. The other three began to move to join the fight being stopped by Karin running between them arms spread wide. “Move, I wouldn’t want to hit a girl,” mocked the biggest of the three. Karin smiled coldly before jabbing him in the throat to crumple to the packed dirt of the dining pavilion.

         Wrestling Malikay to the ground Xzander pinned his left hand that had pulled a short dagger from his shirt. Subsequently he was caught off guard by the lightning jab his opponent threw and tumbled on the ground beside him. Now Malikay jumped on him pressing the blade down closer to his throat. Out of the corner of his eye Enoch spotted the grave situation but was in a hard spot himself, bobbing and weaving to avoid strikes. The

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