» Fantasy » Purple Flames, Abigayle Barnes [little red riding hood read aloud txt] 📗

Book online «Purple Flames, Abigayle Barnes [little red riding hood read aloud txt] 📗». Author Abigayle Barnes

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κάλυψη και να με κρατήσει κρυφό από τους εχθρούς μου, εκείνους που θέλουν να με σκοτώσουν, με βασανιστήρια ή σύλληψη μου. Κρατήστε μου κρυφό.

I translated the words from Greek to English.

I command you the wood of this tree to seal up the Entrance hole which was made from someone unknown. Seal up the entrance to keep me safe, Please. I command you to provide me cover and keep me hidden from my foes, Those who wish to kill me,torture me or Capture me. Keep me hidden.

I watched as the hole sealed up.

The inside of the tree quickly turned dark, The only light was the moon's light that seeped into the tree through the holes.

I sat there quitely. All you could hear was my breathing, The sounds of crickets aswell as the other nightime animals. All of a Sudden, all the noises i heard just stopped.

The sounds of Owls Twooting.
The sounds of crickets.
The sounds of the bats Hunting.
All i could hear was my breathing .

And just when i turned around to look out of one of those holes. I heard, Screatching, Howling. Wails, Cries Of hunger. Flapping of wings.

I suddenly realized why the animals stopped making those sounds.
Then i heard a sound.

" Lets have a Game of hide en' seek my pets. Its Chow time. Hunt them down and eat them, If you cant you will get no dinner. If you do just make sure you injure the girl who has purple eyes. I dont want her dead. Not right now anyways. Lets test her Loyalty to a friend. Go and hunt my pretty Pets ". Said a voice from what i was guessing was an Intercome.
Chapter 10 - Purple Flames chapter 10 - Beasts in the moon light !

Chapter 10

There were creatures in the sky. I could tell by the moons light that leaked into the Tree. It was like things were blocking it . Fly past. I could hear thudding on the ground, as if animals were hunting on the ground. Which they were, You could tell by there growls and howls of hunger, By there heavy breathing, From breathing in diffrence sents.

I looked out of a hole in the tree on my right. My hand covered my mouth to hide a gasp.

There in the moon light .
Was a beast.

That kind of beast that scared children at night.
The ones that exsist in nightmares.
But Now the ones that exsist in real life.

It was horrible and ugly.
It was tall half the size of a tree anyways . It started making Noises. The sound hurt my ears. It sounded like an Alarm but gurgling and rough. Horrible. It opened it mouth wide, Its teeth were Jagged and sharp to the point. Its skin was was black and gray with rounded patterns on it. It had horn like things coming out of it shoulders and neck , and two Horns coming out the side of its head and cheek.

There were answering calls from the skies . They were as ugly as the beast on the ground . I could only see a glimpse of them in the sky because the sky was cloudy. They were dark colours. Horrible.

A growl came from behind the tree i was in. I froze out of fear. I nearly stopped breathing. I turned and looked into the peep hole on the right of me. There was another ground creature diffrent from the one before .

It was on all fours. Fire was coming out of its mouth and paws as it moved and breathed. There were patterns on its forehead. It was a Browny, black colour . It had spikes coming from its back, It growled at the other beast. They started as each other as if they were communicating . They stared for a while at each other.

Then they both made noises. The black-ish gray one making alarm gurgling noises and the other one howling and wailing at the same time as fire coming from its mouth.

Its going to be a long long night . I thought.
I looked up to the skies.

And saw it was a full moon.

Chapter 11 PART 1 - Purple flames chapter 11 PART 1 - Await My Fate...

Chapter 11 - Part 1

I watched with ragged breathing as all of the Vile creatures Gathered on the moutain. Surprisingly they acted a little ............. Human ? I heard them howling , growling, There bellys rumble in hungry Protest.

I watched as they all looked up to the moon, they howled at the same time .
They all suddenly ran to the West, Where Maka had run off to hide from them. I hoped she would be okai. Really hoped that she would be okai .

I stared hearing whispers in my head. You have to help her. Change. Help her. Shift. Do it now! Help your friend. Show your Loyalty. Prove yourself. Help... It just wouldnt stop. A sharp pain and a jolt made me shoot forward into the hollow wood of the tree making me tumble out. A loud crack was heard as heard.

I looked around sharpy and quick. Nothing was here. The pain came again and i had to bite my lip from screaming out. My muscles started spasming uncontrolably. It was painfull. Tears flooded my eyes. I blinked them away. Another pain peirced my skull and i screamed out. Suddenly i heard a thuddening. Something running my way. I stood up on shakey legs. And stared at the black, Terrifying, Creepy Forest.

I heard Growling .
I heard Snarling .

And i saw the same furry beastly firey creature as i did before.
I watched as the thing stoof on its hind legs and suddenly howled at me. I heard replying howls coming from behind it but further away.

I watched as its Heartless eyes turned and looked at me. Black pitless orbes looked back. It growled at me. I stepped back shakely. My legs suddenly becoming weak and painfull as if they were about to snap from pain.

Another Jolt of pain went up my back and i screamed .
Unfortunaltly for me.
The beast thought i was challenging it or something.

It growled louder at me and crotche.
It studied me.
It suddenly lunged as i fell to the ground .
My legs had given away .
As i awaited my fate .

Chapter 11 PART 2 - Purple Flames Chapter 11 PART 2 - The Change

Chapter 2 !!

It happened in slow motion.
It launched of its hind legs as a Sharp Line of pain went up my back .
A gut renching scream worked its way through my throut and out of my mouth.
Because of the pain.

I suddenly became Numb.
All i could feel was a Prickely sensation .
As if something was growing out of my skin.

I opened my eyes.
The world was brighter.
Sound Defined.
Smells inhanced.
Touch sensative.

I went to stand up and run, but ended up falling forwards ... On to Paws ...

I looked down and saw paws had Replaced my hands.
My fur was as Dark as the Nigh Sky.
I think i looked Pretty Normal.
I was as tall as a Human would be .
And i Could see a Red rim curved around my eye... I'd have to check that out later.

This all happened in slow motion to me.
When i fell over.
The creature went over my back and landed into a tree.
It looked kinda funny. The tree broke and the creature was stuck in the tree trying to wiggle its self free. I imagened the creature being frozen to death . From the inside out. And slowly but surely the creature started to free and bit by bit it broke away because of the flames on its skin.
I watched as it died.

I thought it was all over untill i heard a Ear Peircing Scream.
The Scream of my Friend ,

And the howls of beasts .
One of those howls was behind me.
And a few of those howls where were Maka was.

When will this Nighmare End ?

Chapter 12 - Purple Flames Chapter 12 - Maka's Past .... Revenge ?

( Maka's POV )

I had run into a cave. It was pitch black inside.
That probably would give me the Advantage against the Beasts.
I had been out here before with my older sister

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