» Fantasy » Purple Flames, Abigayle Barnes [little red riding hood read aloud txt] 📗

Book online «Purple Flames, Abigayle Barnes [little red riding hood read aloud txt] 📗». Author Abigayle Barnes

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Purple flames Chapter 1 - Prolouge ?

Chapter 1.


My hand slamed down on my clock. Pain shot up my hand, and i cursed the damn alarm clock for being metal and not plastic or anything you could smash into peices with you bare hands.I lifted the quilt out from above my eyes so i could look aound my room.

My rooms quite large, black painted walls with silver designs going all around, an indoor closet , a four poster bed, with black and blue silky sheets, and pictures of mum and dad hanging on the walls and my own bathroom, Thank god, dad takes ages in the bathroom, i swear he acts like a brother and not a dad, Its quite annoying.

My names Evangaline, but people call me Eva because i dont like my name, they ask and i say it makes me sound old. The only thing stopping me from changing it is because my mother gave me this name so i will stay with this name untill the day i die. My name reminds dad of my mother so he calls he me Night, because i was night baby, fasinated by night. I have no idea why but was and in fact still am.

I miss mum, she died when i was five and i have lived with dad ever since, i mean i have always lived with mum and dad but he never got over her and has stayed single ever since. I admire that about him, he still loves her after she died, People say she died in an accident. I dont think that though, i think she died in a diffrent way, i dont know why i think that, but i do.

I pulled the covers of the covers of my body and swung my legs over, a sile soon erupted on my face as i looked at the calander next to my bed.

I stood up and walked to my indoor closet and took out a MCR top out, Gothic pleated mini skirt Black and purpled tights, knee high purple converse, bra and knickers. I changed into that and started to walk into the bathroom.

My eyes started to burn like it was drying up and my throat went really dry, and my head started throbbing. My vision went blurry and i fell to the ground with a Thud ! blackness started to seep into my vision and i blacked out.

I woke up and looked around, i was still in my room but the throbbing in my head increased and spread its way from my head all the way to my right and left palm. I'll have some paracetamol later. I thought to my self.

I got up slowly and walked to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror. I gasped in shock. My eyes were Purple, i mean purple, thats not natral. I took in my new apperance and sqealed. I had Pale skin, when i usually have tanned, black hair, when it was usuallt blonde and i was tall than i was before.

My palms where the pain was intesified and i looked down to see purple flames had erupted along my arms and leading its way up to my shoulders. I started to freak out and screamed and kept on screaming. I mean this isnt normal. No way is this normal.

The bathroom door opend to see my father, he looked at my new apperance and smiled in delight and sut the door behind him and said. " Wow... Purple flames iv not heard of this happing, iv heard of green and blue but not purple, does that mean shes powerful or weak. Wow you look soo cute " He looked at me again and smiled.

" Dad what the fuck are you talking about this isnt normal !! " i shouted.
" well hunny, my family, is made up of Wizards, witches, demons,werewolves,faries and others" he said with a smile.
" What are you ? " i asked .
I wished it wasnt true but the look he had in his eyes said he was speaking the truth. " Im a demon."
I couldnt help it, i just burst out laughing. " What ?" he asked. "
" You.. Dont .. Act.. evil and all that." I said after i recoved from laughing.
" what was mum ? " i asked.
" she-- " he suddenly froze.
" dad...'no reply' daddy...'no reply' dad."
i snapped my fingers infront of his face, but got no answer.
I was about to talk again, but i heard the thudding of foot step on the floor and stop outside of my bathroom door.
" right, you know what to do men get the girl before she changes and get her to the facility." the burning in my hands stopped and i knew the flames had gone.
" dad " i wispered .
Still no reply.
He stood there like a statue.
" 3...2....1 ... NOW ! ! " boomed the same voice as before.
The door burst open and pain hit me in the arm, i looked down and saw a tranquilizer dart. Blackness seeped my vision with 1 thought in my head.

Happy 18 birthday Eva

Purple Flames Chapter 2 - Voices in my head !

Chapter 2.

All i could see was darkness.

Everywhere i looked darkness.

I started to hear the squeeling of wheels on the floor.

I tried to open my eyes, but they were to heavy to open, I could hear voices mumbling next to me, but i could also hear the same voices shouting. I desperatly wanted to open my eyes so i did.

It took a lot of effort to do it though, but when they opened i wish they didnt. sharp and bright light came into vision, i couldnt really see because my sight was all blurry like i was running to fast, all the colours mixed into one.

What shocked me most was that i could see the people thought. They were wearing gas masks and dressed all in white plastic. The looks they were giving me were scary though they were looking at me like i was an rare animal in a zoo.

I new instantly i didnt trust these people.

Blackness started to seep into my vision.

No ! !

Screamed a voice at the back of my head.

They'll do something,

Dont fall back into unconsincous,

Stay awake please !

I wanted to listetn to the voice in the back of my head, even though it didnt sound human, it sounded angelic, and lovable.

I wish the voice would of dared me to stay awake because i cant turn a dare down and i always win,
but the voice didnt and blackness clouded my vision and i blacked out.

Purple Flames Chapter 3 - Checking out the Enemy !

Chapter 3 .

Wake Up ! !

You have to wake up ther going to do something !


I jolted with a annoyence, that bloody voice has been nagging and nagg-

I told you they would do something you stupid brat, why would i have to be your bloody inner animal !

My eyes fluttered open and light flashed its way into my vision and i fliched. I tried to lift my hand up so that i could rub my eyes but i found out i couldnt. I looked down and saw that my hands had been strapped diwn to the bed i was on, i looked towards my legs and found the same straps there aswell.

I lifted my head and looked around.The room was boring, plain steel white painted walls, a large see through window, but only see through from their side, Big steel door, Bathroom and a small window with bars.

You cant see the sunlight ... said a sad little voice at the back of my mind.

Great! i thought. Im going crazy thinking there is more than 1 voice inside my head.

You really are an idiot, you would belive in what your family is but you wont belive there is more than 1 voice in your really are an idiot... said another voice.

Shut up ! Im not stupid, your stupid, stupid annoying weird voices.

You know we are you so you just basicly called your self, annoying, stupid and weird CONGRATS !

I stayed silent and so did the voices.

I looked out of the small window hopeisng to see something, but i saw nothing, no sun, not even the sky, i couldnt even hear the birds singing.

I knew they were watching me, i could hear the sound of pencil against paper, i could also hear them wispering. I dont know i could, but i was grateful that i could hear them.

I turned towards the big window where they sat on the other side, and kept looking.

I straind my hearing ability to hear what they were saying.

' Mike go get the telapathic one, whats his name..Dai..Dei..Dean thats it Dean go get Dean so he can read her mind and tell us what shes thinking.' said a rough voice.

Telepaths...Arghh i hate them... Said a demanding yet calm voice inside my mind.

I heard someone speaking.

' Shes talking to her inner animals. '

I heard about 6 Gasps all together. They all started talking say things like,

' She has more than one '

' I wonder how many she has '

'Probably two, the stupid girl couldnt hold that much power '

The last one ask,

' How many inner animals does she have '

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