» Fantasy » Fallen Into Hell, S.K Nuanes [the rosie project .txt] 📗

Book online «Fallen Into Hell, S.K Nuanes [the rosie project .txt] 📗». Author S.K Nuanes

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me to the town a few men were out in coats and it was windy the sky was a dark navy blue stars were out they seemed bright enough to light the path.
A few carriages went past, we went to a bar it didn’t look like much, and it seemed like nothing more then a simple large shed.
It was a dark brown the roof was a brown or black, the lights outside flickered there were a few moths trying to get heat from the light.
The doors were double door it had stain glass Robert opened it there was dim lighting I could hear a band playing people were out on the floor dancing Robert lifted both of his eyebrows a few times and went over to a girl who was a vampire.
Yet he would flirt with any girl no matter what she was.
Of course she replied back to his flirting it sickened me the word love.
Love seemed a human word forgotten inside me.
It been hundred of years since I had it, Angel my ex (remember the blonde one…)
She tried to give me love, yet all it seemed as a snake slowly wrapping around your skin the feeling of the scales making you feel numb and weak.
Letting you drift off into some kind of odd sleep.
Then she would sink her fangs into you killing you slowly with her venom.
Family love was long forgotten for good, it seemed only a pile of ashes slowly decaying as ashes into nothing.
But I missed it the feel of my sister’s small firm arms around my neck.
My brother how we were known as almost one, since we were so close, some may think we are twins.
Mother’s love missed her how she would always make time for all of us her voice how she would comfort me into a peaceful child sleep when I was younger.
Then my father’s love it’s a missing puzzle piece I never knew him.
Partner love meant nothing to me, why give your heart to anyone.

I rubbed my temples hard then went over to the bar counter then said, “One Silverwood Pinot Rose.”
The bartender nodded and gave me a glass of it; it was a dark red it almost seemed like blood.
Yet it tasted good, not the best yet gave a strong rush through my body.
I sighed then heard a few voices coming from outside I looked at the other vampires who were inside they didn’t listen stupid vampires..
I went outside to look around then heard a woman screaming then gruff men voices yelling to get her and hold her down.
I went towards them then hid against a wall they were in a dark alley.
“Let me go now!” The woman yelled.
One of the men laughed then said, “Kill her.”
I barely peaked around the corner and saw the two men holding her right I could see fear over running her eyes, she was crying almost.
She wasn’t human…the men were.
I didn’t understand why she wasn’t attacking them she could kill them within seconds.
The man stabbed her in the stomach she coughed up blood then dropped to the ground.
“Well that demon is dead…someone is watching us.” The other guy said.
I went back inside the bar hopefully they would ignore me.
Robert came over to me then said, “So where did you go?”
“Well you know there are demon hunters around…they just killed a woman.” I whispered.
Robert said, “Ah well that isn’t good.”
I shook my head then turned away he didn’t get it.
Vampires were like a crow, demons were shadows consuming any innocent creature, even if it means killing a vampire.
“Brent…” Robert sighed.
I left him without saying anything I got back home everyone was sleeping, and if someone was I knew how to be really agile and not get caught.
I closed my bedroom door then let out a sigh I could remember when I woke up into this never-ending nightmare of hell…
I lied down on my bed I closed my eyes…

It seemed only a dream yet the pain the feeling I got when I first awoke.

I felt as if I just been able to breathe again, the rush of breath escaped my lungs so rapidly and violently.
My senses seemed to awake as if they all been born into the world.
My heart was pumping hard against my chest it almost was painful I sat up quickly my head wasn’t hurting anymore I could remember the man who attacked me.
I looked around the dark gothic room I saw a few chains hanging from the ceilings,
The carpet was black there was no windows there was a few curtains around where I was sleeping.
I lied on the bed it had black sheets with a dark red cover, I got up I felt so lightheaded I fell over but I caught myself.
I grabbed the leather wall and pulled myself up, my legs were weak as jello it seemed. My muscles felt numb and weak I saw the door open there was a woman there.
She had blonde hair dark purple eyes, flawless skin, it was a beautiful pale she came in gracefully she had her eyes on me.
She had on a black dress on with a velvet choker she came up to me somehow I was frozen in her eyes.
“Hello.” A dark yet beautiful voice echoed my ear.
“Who are you?
Where am I?” I asked.
The girl was about to say something then a man came in…
He was even more striking then the girl he had blonde hair tied back he had on a black cloak on with some ripped and blood clothes on under.
He had flawless skin, dark red eye eyes, he had razor sharp teeth.
As he walked he just seemed deadly not even saying anything.
“He’s finally awake.” The girl said, rubbing one of my shoulders.
I looked at her she had an innocent yet cunning smile on.
“Who are you?” I asked again.
The man had a dark evil laugh which seemed more demonic then human, “I am Satan, that beautiful girl is Angel.”
Satan the name sunk into my stomach painfully I was frozen with fear.
“What…” I said, in shock.
The man laughed again then said, “Yes, you are someone new…you aren’t Adrian DeLuca anymore.”
I was confused my head was hurting so painfully I couldn’t even stand straight.
Angel saw my pain then rubbed gently then said softly, “It’s ok, it will be better soon.”
The girl looked at Satan he said, “Yeah he’s lusting for a kill.”
I didn’t like where this was going killing…lusting…it will be better once I killed someone.
“What.” I said, my voice was trying to gather rage or any other emotion besides confusion.
“Well, first I am changing your name I don’t Adrian is so, I don’t know so maybe Brent?” Satan asked.
Before I could say something Satan said, “You are a demon…”
Demons were monsters from the flames of hell, they come out at midnight come and suck the life out of the most innocent then leave them to rot.
I felt my legs go limp almost; I said my throat really dry, “Demon…”
The word didn’t even seem real.
“No, no I am not.” I said, still with a horse voice.
Angel still had her small firm hands rubbing on of my shoulders.
Satan didn’t look like what they say they have many different Satan’s how he looks, so how could he look human?
Or is he just a drunk guy trying to make some huge joke?
He only had his evil grin on I could see a few white sharp canines in his mouth.
He was to perfect looking to be human…
That was it…he wasn’t human there was no way a human could have these perfect looks…yet I didn’t want to think this was Satan, or the Devil.
“Well, remember I came and attacked you that pain you felt I was taking your soul.
Then poison inside was causing so much pain, then when the poison made you pass out then when you were out the demon was there just awaiting for you to open your eyes and feel him inside.
Now you have opened your eyes with him inside just waiting for the kill.” Satan said, in a dark voice that seemed to ring in my ears.
I was in shock no this cant be real…no.
“Why me.” I said, in a horse shaking voice.
Satan only had a laugh as if I was just a fool asking the most stupid common sense questions.
“Brent, I only give this gift to ones who are worthy of it.
In other words you are dark inside, you hid it under all that goodie two shoes you so called are.
I watched you from the day you were born something dark was there.”
I didn’t know what to say I never did anything that a demon might do.
“No…what did I do.” I said, trying to yell.
Angel left leaving me and Satan alone he watched Angel leave once she left he had a laugh then looked at me then said, “Brent, you don’t know but I watched you.
In a father like a father would want to know why I turned you.”
I only nodded once Satan had on his evil grin then came up to me then whispered in my ear, “Like I would ever tell you.
You should look in the mirror and see what you become.”
He stepped away slowly then had a slight shrug then left.
My heart kept sinking in deeper I saw a mirror and looked at it I came closer I was shaking I saw my skin had become flawless no mistakes as if I was a stature.
My eyes were yellow cat-like my teeth were all razor sharp canines.
I sighed and put my hands on the table and looked down no…this isn’t happening to me…
I got on a white shirt on with trousers and ran out of the room with incredible speed everything I passed seemed a blur no one stopped me.
I ran home which didn’t take to long I stopped dead in my tracks I was shaking even more I thought I was so weak I might faint.
I saw my house was burnt to a crisp.
I covered my mouth I was on the verge of tears I ran over everything was ashes I looked around where my home was, I saw everyone who was at the party.
Burnt not moving covered in millions of ashes.
I saw a small body I knew whom it was…Aldabella.
I felt a tear run down my cheek I dropped to my knees I gently reached for her small body I held it in my arms her soft fair skin was burnt.
Her small face was covered in ashes; I brushed some of them off to so I could see her face.
Her little eyes were close, her thick blonde hair was lifeless, her ribbons fell out to easily.
As if she gave up all hope, if someone held hope in those ribbons it was gone once it touched the ground.
I saw my tears ran down and dripped onto her face.
I held her close to me I could feel my heart aching.
I was shaking I put her down gently I looked around I saw Jacob dead everyone dead…
“Why are you so emotional.” A voice said, while laughing.
I turned around there was Satan he was just standing there grinning.
“You killed them…” I said, in pain.
“Of course I did.
They were worthless anyway you have a new family.”
I don’t want this I want my life back!
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