» Fantasy » Dominic's Lady, Shia Naawl [ebook reader with internet browser txt] 📗

Book online «Dominic's Lady, Shia Naawl [ebook reader with internet browser txt] 📗». Author Shia Naawl

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Pack house.


Dominic looked at the road sign before he drove past it. 

Welcome to Lady Farrah's City. Enjoy your stay.

Dominic snorted. Enjoy your stay. That was a sick joke but then again, he wasn't here on a holiday trip but on a job. The only thing he'd be enjoying is cleaning his toys after his job was done and leaving this City and move on into another one. It was almost repetitive, his lifestyle. There was a routine. Do the job. Get the money. Move on to the next. 

Dominic considered about getting a hobby but who had time for that shit. Dominic ignored the voice in his head saying LIAR and got back on to brooding. His gut was saying it was a bad idea. Hell, he knew it was a bad idea but the money was good. Yeah, that didn't even sound convincing. Maybe he should do a pre-killing before the main event. God knows, he needed to fight and beat the shit out of something to take the edge off. Dominic was so tightly curled up in knots that where his control was concerned, it would give him a mental fuck you. 

Violence. Blood. Alcohol. That's what he needed. 

Dominic checked his watch; it was close to midnight. He knew who would be up and about to give a call to. Grabbing his phone from the seat next to him, he dialled Ben's number. A human who customised in weapons but he also knew 'special' events that weren't exactly legal but then again, what he did wasn't legal either. He ruled the underground of Lord Raphael's City but he always had connections with other undergrounds in different cities. Ben was a greedy little fucker and when money or power is concerned, it was shit he didn't mess with. Connections with other undergrounds meant it was good business.

He held the phone in his ear and let it rang until its reached voice mail. He knew Ben.

"Pick up the phone Ben." 

Dominic instantly heard Ben's voice. "Jeez Dom, would it kill you to ask instead of demand?"

"Would it kill you to answer the phone?" 

"You know it would. I'm on Lord Raphael's hit list, which reminds me, care to help out a friend?"

Dom shook his head. "What did you do to piss Raphael off?" 

"You mean aside from hosting illegal underground fights or selling food?" 

Food were drugs but not normal drugs like weed or heroin. It was a type of drug that not only got you high but gave you abilities. Makes you stronger, faster and heal quicker. Like the latest news case was a kid jumping off the top of a fifty story building that should've killed him but it didn't kill him or even injured him. Though what did kill him was that the drug backfired and killed him. You needed a drop of that liquid on your tongue and it'll do a solid on you but more, it would kill slowly -you just wouldn't know it because the high feels too good. On the street market, the drug was worth millions.

"Yes, dickwad, aside from that."

"I sold weapons to the Resistance."

Dom cursed. "What the fuck were you thinking?!"

"I was thinking how the money was good. I have a family to feed, man!"

Dom shook his head at Ben's stupidity. The Resistance were a group of anti-vampire ruling. It was the most wanted group in all Cities. Going against the Vampires were stupid because all it would do was piss them off. The group held a mixture of humans and others -all for one purpose, kill the Vampires. The group thought themselves as Vampire Hunters but Dom met the Vampire Hunters who were legal executioners of the Vampire kind. They worked outside the Vampire law, living by a code to uphold the law -that meant that they were within their rights to kill a member of the council if they were deemed law-breaker. They were vampires who hunted vampires but they were hunters of their kind for a reason and thats because they have a talent in killing and passing judgement. For vampires, the hunters were judge, jury and executioner.    

"You stupid fuck, you got yourself in this mess, get yourself out of it and my price is too high for you to afford anyway. That wasn't even the reason why I called. I'm in Lady Farrah's City, wheres the underground here?"

"Like most undergrounds. The Blood district." 

Dom gave a sigh. "Figures."

"Want me to make some calls?" 

"No. I'll see what my mood is when I arrive."

Ben laughed. "In that case, I'll make the call." 

Dom hung up and dropped the phone onto the seat next to him and started to drive to the Blood district. The Blood district was where the nightlife usually took place. Blood Whores, Fur Fuckers, Demon Bangers and any other type of being that isn't human, humans wanted to fuck. There were pubs, clubs, brothels and other entertainment that ran down the Blood district. That meant fighting too.

Passing through the buildings and people, Dom needed to find a place to rest first before he cleared his head. Dom drove further into Blood District in hopes of finding a place to crash for a week or so, which surprisingly enough, lacked. Blood District was one of the hot spots for tourists to visit. Reading the buildings, Dom turned his car to the first inn he saw. Papa Bear's Pub and Inn. Dom turned off the engine and looked at the building, it seemed decent and didn't look like the place that as soon after he left, they'd break into your room and steal your shit. Thank god Dom was hunting that day, so the only thing he left behind was his duffle bag of clothes. The Building wasn't that big, figured it only held no more than six bedrooms. The design of the building reminded him of old-fashioned England, with the walls white and black wood criss-crossed each other that made the Building authentic in a way.   

Dom got out of the car, and grabbed two black duffles, both in his left hand -his weaker hand. One for weapons and one for clothes. There wasn't much he packed because Dom didn't own much. He wasn't a man who kept things -even in his own home there wasn't much. No homely objects that made it look like a home and definitely no pictures of loved ones.  Come to think of it, it was just a small square box that had the necessities. A clean bed, food and a bathroom. Dom wasn't even a TV guy.

Dom walked through the doors. He knew instantly what this pub and inn was, a place where anything not humans came to have some downtime. It was all beefy men that looked like they were trouble, the majority dressed in all-black and the minority dressed in almost all-black. Dom made a quick sweep of the place. The pub was filled with wereanimals -not exactly sure what type of animal but they all had the same characteristics; the eyes. Their eyes were close to animal than human and if he didn't see their eyes, it was just his instincts going DING! DING! DING!. The ones on tables were mixed; demons that could be spotted because of their skin colour and if not, their horns on their heads and their tails, a few vampire minions and other wereanimals.

And all those eyes turned to Dominic.

Dom stiffened. He didn't like attention to him -especially those that could snap his neck. No matter how good he was, he was human and he wasn't stupid. One against all of them that has super strength, speed and power -yeah, no thanks. His finger twitched for his machetes attached to his back. Dom contemplated whether he should drop his bags so he'd have both hands free but quickly pushed the thought away. There wasn't a need to start something. Dom tried to look non-threatening and non-violent as he plastered a smile on his face. 

Dome slowly walked to the bar with eyes still on him. A huge man that was 6 ft 9 was behind the bar stared at him. The guy was a pale brown colour and his hair jet black. The intensity of his amber gaze meant if Dom was an enemy or not. Dom really hoped he was the latter. He needed a place to crash or at least put his shit in and leave to go to the underground.

The huge bulky man stared a few more minutes before he spoke. "What's your motive?" His voice was deep and his whole bulky tall frame reminded him of a less exaggerated version of Hulk. 

Dom didn't even falter. He dropped the smile and allowed the predator to show through his eyes. "A place to crash for a week. 

Hulk looked Dom up and down. "Why?"

Dom shrugged. "Sightseeing the City."

Hulk didn't seem to want to drop it. Well, to damn bad. "A human male that came through my doors past midnight is not a tourist in this City." 

"Well this one is." Dom didn't flinch as he stared back. He allowed the numbness to seep in and let the darkness spread through his body. Dom held to halves inside him. One a killer and the other Dom. The ability to separate yourself was something he had to learn and learn quick. 

Dom dropped the bag to the floor. If he needed to fight, he would but he needed both hands for it. 

Hulk's eye narrowed dangerously. Wereanimal. Dom was right. By the size of him, he was feeling towards a bear. His gut clenched. No, he was sure it was the animal of the bear he possessed. Hulk flashed his big teeth at Dom. My what big teeth you have. The better to eat you, my dear. Dom didn't know why he was quoting red riding hood -maybe he should be quoting Goldie Locks instead; it had bears.  

"No one speaks to me like that."

Dom shrugged. "It's none of your damn business what I do here. I need a place to crash, if you don't have a place for me then I'll be on my way."  

A demon laughed. "The boy's got spunk, PB." 

Dom felt something shift and his instincts took over. He drew one of his machetes out while he swirled to see his attacker. Before Dom knew it, the machete was on the male's neck. He studied the man who stood still. He looked very similar to the man behind the bar. Son, Dom assumed. The son had the same hair and colour of Hulk's eyes. The son was slightly smaller but his body was the same bulky frame and he was very sure he was a bear too. He was the spitting image of Hulk. No matter, Baby Hulk would become a dead bear if he came any closer. 

Baby Hulk starred at Dom before he crossed his hands over his chest. He cocked his eyebrow. "You do realise I could kill you from here, right?"

Dom shrugged. "Just as fast as the machete would remove your head from your body." Dom's voice never wavered. He was used to threats but the outcome turned out the same, he'd be the one alive and they'd be headless bleeding on the floor in front of him.

"Be careful who you're pointing the knife at, Human. You don't wanna die here." This time Daddy Hulk intervened. 

Dom coaxed his head. His gut was telling him he was close to Dom. Now, that just won't do, will it? 

"I'm just fine who I'm pointing at, Asshole. Take a step further and I'll kill your son."

"And I'll kill you." Daddy Hulk growled out every word. 

Dom shrugged. "But he'll still be dead." It didn't really matter to him where his life came to play. 

Baby Hulk stared at Dom and something flashed in his eyes that Dom caught. The kid just realised he wasn't bluffing.  

"You'll do it won't you?" Baby Hulk sounded as if he was surprised. Maybe he was but then, who was he to judge.

It was his turn to lift his eyebrow.

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