» Fantasy » The Shadow King, Matthew R. Davis [read books for money .txt] 📗

Book online «The Shadow King, Matthew R. Davis [read books for money .txt] 📗». Author Matthew R. Davis

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forgotten about Pacco.

“Stay here Hamlock. You make too much noise, you know that right.” The man said
Hamlock nodded and sat on a large rock to the side of the road.
The man began mumbling something in a language that Hamlock didn’t know. His master had used the language on many occasions. He had associated it with magic. The man was good with magic.
At first, Hamlock didn’t understand what was happening to him. His face got hot and he began to sweat. His heart rate dropped and he felt weak. He dropped his sword and fell to the ground, gasping for breath. He looked around at the barren landscape. There was no life in sight.
“Don’t take this personally Hamlock, but it was either my life or yours to fuel the spell. I choose the better decision, do you not agree.”
Hamlock couldn’t breathe. His throat swelled and his eyes burned. He could no longer feel his hands. And he was cold.
“After all. I need to get out of this god forsaken valley. I’ve had about all I can handle. And this spell will put somewhere within ten miles of the boy.”
Hamlock couldn’t comprehend what the man was saying to him. He heard only muffled whispers. The arms of death reached for him, as darkness enveloped his vision. Then all at once. The flow of energy ceased, and Hamlock fell into unconsciousness.
“Hmm, the boy mustn’t be as far as I had assumed. Still alive. I’m surprised.”
And with that, the two disappeared into thin air.

Elva ran her fingers across Urie’s shiny blue scales.
“How much longer do you think they will be?”
“Not too much longer. They weren’t all that far from here. It’s best just to wait for them.”
“Maybe, maybe I could search for Apophis’s mind.” Urie said.
“No. Rien gave us strict orders. If we are going to stay here then we are going to have to stay hidden. That’s why I wouldn’t allow you to go into town. If people see you, they are going to raise questions. After all, there are not many riders left in the world. I’ll go in and try to get us a room for the night.”
Elva detected a sense of worry in Urie’s voice. She knew something was bothering the dragon.
“What is it Urie?”
“This boy. You love him, do you not?”
Elva felt her cheeks grow hot. She tried to hide her embarrassment.
“I forgot you knew.”
“I am a dragon, and being so I have senses. Though it does not take much to see the affection you two have for one another.”
Elva bowed her head and sighed. She ran her finger tips through her hair and leaned against the dragon.
“I and Pen can never be together. There is something that is going to happen, once we find my father. And I fear that I’m not going to like it.”
“Are you talking about your curse child?” Urie asked. Elva nodded in response.
“There is no way around it. The magic used was very precise. My father was very careful to examine every single last detail. No matter the circumstance, if he dies, my life force will replace his own. The spell was originally my mother’s, used to keep Methias from killing me.”
“But he turned the spell around to use it for his own profit.”
Elva didn’t answer. She slumped to the ground and buried her face in her arms.
“Oh I wish I knew what to say. “
“You don’t have to say anything. This isn’t your problem. It’s mine.”
“Have you told Pen?”
Elva nodded.

The man’s eyes burned red. Their gaze was enough to kill. Hamlock struggled to hold his sword as he walked next to his master.
“I can smell him.”
“Excuse me....sire? You can smell him?”
“Aye Hamlock, his dragon to. This is a problem.” Hamlock was confused. The dark master, afraid? Something was wrong.
“There are plenty of trees for me to sap from, but I dare not expose my mind to the dragon.”
“Why, sire?”
“Dragons have much more powerful minds than humans, even humans such as myself. Exposing my mind to it, it could allow it to simply immobilize me long enough for the boy to kill me.”
“Dragons can do that?” Hamlock asked.
“Anyone with proper training can manage that Hamlock. Exposing your mind in the presents of a magician is a foolish mistake.”
“Is there any way to block it from happening?” The man’s eyes narrowed as his head whipped around to face Hamlock.
“If there was a way to keep this from happening, do you think I would worry you fool?!”
Hamlock kept his mouth shut after that. Arguing with the lord of darkness, a death sentence. That is how Hamlock saw it.
“There is one thing I could to combat the dragon. If the dragon cares enough for the boy that is.” The man said
“What is that my liege?”
“If I injure the boy, he will have to heal himself somehow. If gets to the point that he no longer has the strength to battle, perhaps I could trick the beast into leaving the sanctity of his own body to assist the young lad. That would be the best chance I could have of defeating the dragon. I can easily overpower it outside its body.” the man explained.
Hamlock didn’t understand any of what his master was talking about. He couldn’t grasp the concept of leaving one’s body and contacting another’s mind with your own. The whole concept was a bit sketchy to him.
“But sire, didn’t you say that a dragon’s consciousness is much more powerful than that of a human?”
The man nodded in agreement. “But if the dragon leaves his body, his conscious weakens tremendously. Think of it as if I would yell right next to you. It would be loud correct?”
Hamlock nodded
“But the further I walk from you, the quieter my voice would become. The same concept applies to a conscious and a body.”
“Then how would you be able to overpower it? Wouldn’t your conscious weaken as well?” Hamlock asked
“It’s true that my conscious will become weaker as I leave my body, but I’m not going to test the dragon in a battle of strength. If I can manage to blanket the dragon’s mind with my own, he will be immobilized allowing me to go in for the kill.”
Even after the explanation, Hamlock still found it difficult to understand the process. But decided it best not to question his lord any further. He knew he would never fully understand it.

Elva sat down at the bar of the Unague hotel. It was a fairly busy hotel, though fairly bland as well.
“Can I do something for you dear?” The woman behind the counter asked.
“Yes, I need a room, drastically. You see my friend was injured while on the road. We were attacked by thieves.” Elva responded
“A pretty little thing like you traveling the road? It’s no wonder you were attacked. I am guessing this friend of yours saved you from them?” She asked
Elva nodded.
“Where is he now? Is he your lover? Or is this a female friend?”
“He’s on his way here with my other friend, and no we’re not lovers. I went ahead to see if we could get a room here.” Elva quickly answered. Too quickly in her opinion. She didn’t want to come off as nervous. Though she knew they didn’t have much to hide. Just their identities.
“What’s your name dear, mine is Elena.”
Elva hadn’t thought of coming up with fake names.
“Helen. My injured friend is named, Glen and the one he is traveling with is named Aran.”
Elena smiled warmly, oblivious to Elva’s lie.
“Well Helen, it’s nice to meet you. Would you like separate rooms?”
Elva took a moment to consider it. Then replied “Two rooms would be fine if you could.”


Chapter 6:
Moon Child

Bayona came into view just hours before sunset. The town was small and dark. No lights came from within it.
“Is that the town Elva is supposed to be in?” Pen asked Apophis. He scanned the town for signs of Elva’s mind. “She is un-doubtfully in there. She’s right in the center of it.” Pen took another look at the seemingly empty town. “Is she alright? Is she injured? “Pen asked hastily. Apophis again located her mind. “Why don’t I just channel you through to her little one? Ask her yourself. Apophis grabbed Elva’s mind and led it into Pen’s.
“Pen!” Her soft voice filling his head, made Pen excited. He hadn’t realized how badly he missed her. “It’s nice to see that you’re finally awake. I managed to get us a room! Get this, it’s free of charge.” Pen smiled for the first time since he regained consciousness. “I missed you Elva.” Through their connection, Pen could feel her happiness, and even though she didn’t say it, he knew she missed him as well. “That’s not my name, my name is Helen, and yours is Glen.” She said
“What are you talking about?” Pen asked
“We have to keep our identities as secretive as possible. In fact talking like this is probably very dangerous. I’ll talk to you once you get here.” Pen understood. He knew they were being followed. Opening one’s mind could attract the wrong kind of attention.
Rien helped Pen down from Apophis. “Sorry friend. But I think we will have to go our separate ways until Pen here regains his strength.” He said to Apophis.
With a low rumble, deep in his throat, Apophis nodded to Rien.
“Urie is waiting for you in the grove of trees a few miles ahead. Stay hidden until we come to retrieve you there. And also, do not attempt contacting us while we are in the town. Depending on how long this is going to take, I will come to see you myself.”
Pen could tell that Apophis hated taking order from a human.
“Then you will keep Pen safe until I am allowed to see him again human.”
The request sounded more like a threat to Pen.

The streets of Bayona were deserted when Pen and Rien finally made it into the gates of the town. The Unague hotel wasn’t far from the gates. Pen was thankful for this. Even with Rien’s support, Pen was still having difficulty walking.
“Will you make it there comrade?”
Pen didn’t answer. He had to concentrate to keep from falling.
After what seemed like ages, they were finally in the lobby of the Unague, where Elva was waiting for them. Her face lit up when the two of them walked through the door.
“Glen! Aran! You’ve finally made it! How are you holding up Glen? Are you feeling any better at all?” She said almost instantly.
Pen smiled faintly, allowing Rien to answer for him. “He will be fine after he gets some rest. Quick, come help me get him up the stairs.”
The three of them made their way through the hustle and bustle of the lobby and into the stairway. Walking up the stairs proved to be near impossible to Pen. Each stair felt like a mile. But he managed to push onto through the finish. The rooms Elva rented were right at the top of the staircase, and again Pen was thankful.
“How do you want this Helena?” Rien asked Elva.
She blushed slightly. “Glen can stay with you till he’s better.” Rien smiled “Helena, your better with magic so maybe you can help him recover better if he stays with you tonight.” She smiled and whispered “Thank you.”
Elva put Pen’s arm over her

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