» Fantasy » The Shadow King, Matthew R. Davis [read books for money .txt] 📗

Book online «The Shadow King, Matthew R. Davis [read books for money .txt] 📗». Author Matthew R. Davis

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be able to draw great strength from me at any given time. I am yours to use my child.”
And with that, the ghastly image of Narava faded into the air, leaving behind small fragments of energy in the shape of crystals floating in the air. The beauty that resonated from Narava was unmatched. Pen found himself crying in happiness as her feelings flowed through him. Never before had he sensed such a pure and honest joy. He knew that this was the energy he felt inside Elva’s conscious. “Thank you.” Pen said, more a whisper than anything.
Her voice surrounded him “You are most welcome my beloved child. Come with me. Let us return to Earth.”
Though he could not see her any longer, Pen could feel Narava. The Elder of life.

Chapter 10:
Fate Is Unkind

“As the world turns, life to, must turn.”
Pen had heard this phrase as a child many times. Though he didn’t understand what it meant. Only recently had the clues to Blodgaram’s phrase began showing. Life goes on. That’s what Pen got from the phrase, his grandfather’s final words in this world.

Elva’s voice was sweet and kind as it aroused Pen from his dreams. His eyes slid open and where greeted by the cover of darkness. She laid her head on his chest, listening to his heart.
“What happened to you? What, is happening to you?” she asked softly.
“What do you mean?”
Elva sat upright and stared deep into Pen’s eyes. Pen couldn’t see her face, but he knew she was crying. “There’s something inside of you, changing. I can sense it, Apophis can sense it, Urie and Pacco to. You returned from Moon without Apophis’s assistance. No human could ever do that. Are you, human?”
“I am. Or, I think I am.” He replied.
“Pen is destined to become an Elder, and as such is losing his body to the thing he cares for most in this world.” Narava interjected.
“Who? Said that?” Elva asked.
“I wasn’t sure if she wanted me to reveal her to you all, so I kept her a secret.” Pen answered.
“Kept who, a secret?”
“I am the Elder of Life. I have requested companionship with Pen on his journey. And he graciously accepted my request and has allowed my conscious to join him.” Narava answered for Pen.
“You have an Elder’s conscious with you?!” Elva inquired. Pen modestly nodded without speaking.
“What did you mean by Pen is losing his body to the thing he loves most Elder?” Elva questioned.
“Pen will die before too much longer. Once Methias has been defeated, there will no longer be anything left for Pen to do here. His body will vanish and his spirit will become bound to the thing he loves most of all.”
Elva jumped to her feat. “What do you mean he is going to die?!” she yelled. “Why does Pen have to die to save the world? It should be me! Kill me and my father will die also! Pen doesn’t have to suffer for this.”
“It is not my decision, nor my wish to make Pen suffer. He is like my own child. I gave him life and I value his over my own. But this judgment was decided long ago. Long before either of you existed. Back to the time before Methias ever came to power. The Five Elders all agreed that once the world was in need of an Elder on Earth, we would create one with all the repercussions that come along with it.
Sad to say that I got attached to the boy we so arrogantly chose. We should have spent more time planning, more time thinking about how we could stop this war without hurting any innocents. It is far too late for us to take this back. An Elder will always be an Elder. Nothing we do will ever change this. All of my power, and I can’t save the one person left in the world that means something to me.
I love all life, but I adore Pen’s. His essence, his wonder, his mystery, all make him unique. Try to understand Elva. It’s not a punishment, but it also is something I regret every waking moment.” Narava explained without stopping. Pen knew, and had accepted his fate. He knew his spirit would forever remain trussed to the thing he loved most in this world. And that thing was Elva. Pen didn’t view it as a punishment, having to spend eternity bound to this person.
He loved the idea. All the pain in the world was worth it.

By the time Narava had finished, the sun began to rise up from the horizon. Pen sat upright and stretched his legs. He was feeling much better, with the added strength of Narava.
His body felt like it was fully his once again.
He jumped to his feet and laughed. His strength had indeed fully returned. He broke out into a run towards the rising sun, laughing the entire time. The morning air was calm, the smells of Earth were all around him. He was truly happy to be alive. He stopped in a meadow of blooming flowers, the deep blues of the flowers playing a direct contrast to the reds and oranges of the sunrise before him. He knelt and plucked a flower, lifting it to his face, he filled himself with its sweet scent.
Elva and Pacco soon joined him. “Beautiful, is it not?” Pacco said, ending the silence. Pen stood and clasped his shoulder. “We should probably get going. It’s going to take us far longer than we had expected to reach the Resistance HQ.”
Elva nodded and followed the two of them back to the dragons, who were waiting eagerly to start off in the beauty of the morning sun.
“This day will be one I will be sad to see end.” Urie said as they ascended into the cloud speckled sky above.


Publication Date: 09-04-2011

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