» Fantasy » The Curse of the Berinstein Manor, Forest Ostrander [beach books TXT] 📗

Book online «The Curse of the Berinstein Manor, Forest Ostrander [beach books TXT] 📗». Author Forest Ostrander

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it was a sign of weakness and weakness in my life was not something that went unpunished.

"Did I say something to offend you?" I heard James ask which made me snap back to reality once more.

"Huh? No, I was just once more daydreaming," I said brushing off his worried look and finishing up my lunch, if I was going to go through with this kissing deal I was going to need all the energy I could get; I know that may sound weird but believe me, when you haven’t kissed a boy in your life before it builds up a lot of tension and tension uses a lot of energy, my main worry was not being good enough for him and have him totally brush me off to the side like trash. Well, if that happened I guess there is always Alexander right? I thought and once more kicked myself for thinking such a thing, there was a reason James warned me away from Alexander and I was intent on following that warning, why? I wasn't fully sure myself but something told me that I should listen to him.

After lunch James dragged me to a janitorial closet which seemed a bit strange to me as I have only seen this in movies before and from what I seen in movies, a closet means something more will happen. Locking the door behind us James had me pinned up against the wall, I could feel my heart racing and beating against my rib cage trying to break free as James lowered his face so that our lips were only inches apart.

"Are you sure this is ok?" He asked as if he was hesitant about doing this as I was. Turning off the part in my brain that was screaming at me that this was a bad idea I just nodded my head and in a heartbeat his lips were pressed against mine.

It turns out that I didn't need to worry about not being a good kisser, it seemed to have come naturally to me which amazed even me. Forcing myself to pull away from James both he and I looked at one another breathing heavily, both of us had obviously enjoyed it a little too much.

"More?" He asked and I could see he was pleading for me to say yes. Oh fuck it all, might as well enjoy this moment while I still can I thought to myself and nodded. James once more had his lips pressed against mine, his tongue darted out and licked my lips as if asking for entrance and I gave it to him, I knew what I was doing was probably a bad thing that will come bite me in the ass later on but at the moment I didn't care, all I really cared about now was the boy in front of me and the way our lips moved with one another as if we were in complete sync with each other. After a moment I felt James pull me closer to his body as he wrapped his arms around me and held me close, I answered him by wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling myself even more closer than what I would have originally felt comfortable with, I heard a low moaning and realized that it was coming from him which made me smirk inwardly; seems like something else was being stirred more by the kiss than what we had intended. Deciding now would be the best time to end it before we both did something that we would totally regret I pushed him away letting him know that it was time to stop.

"All ready?" He asked slightly out of breath, I too was out of breath so I just nodded and untangled my arms from around his neck, he of course didn't remove his arms from being wrapped around me.

"James, we're going to be late for class," I said trying to break free of his arms and after a moment of hesitation he gave in.

"Fine." When he unlocked the door we headed off to class, of course we had to check our appearance before we even left the closet so no one would suspect anything had taken place we went our separate ways.

***Jame's POV***

I was happy when I found out I had the same class with Forest but what really pissed me off was Alexander being there, I knew he had History class in the morning as well with me but I didn't like him making a big show and dragging me along with it on who would sit next to Forest; of course naturally I won in the end which pissed him off to no end. Giving him my best victory grin I was graced with him flipping me the bird as Forest totally ignored us and read the first few chapters of the book. I had never expected him to be so intent on this contest and something made me wonder what he had planned next. If he is going to be this aggressive I'm going to have to step up my game plan to make sure it is I who come out victorious in this contest that he had dragged me into again.  Of course I had been more than happy to partake in it; it was not above my nature to let someone like Forest slip through my fingers without me even having a go at getting her attention.

After the first class was over Alexander was in front of Forest's desk before I even knew it and had her bag thrown over his shoulder, I could see in her eyes that the act did not go over well with her which made me somewhat happier but if I was going to win this game between us I was going to have to join in.

"I can carry that myself you know," Forest said giving him a stern look.

"Why should I let you bother yourself with carrying your backpack when I'm here to help?" He said and I knew he was taunting me to say something, he wanted me to fight him right there in the classroom and in front of Forest but I wasn't about to give him the pleasure of the act.

"Fine, but don't ever carry my bag again, I can do it just fine," Forest said and I snickered lightly, if Alexander thought he was going to have an easy time at getting her he was sorely mistaken. When we had left the class room I was close on Forest's heels just waiting for my moment to shine and show her that Alexander wasn't the only one around here willing to help her out and when we came up to her locker I knew it was my time to act; quickly getting in front of her I stopped her from going any further.

 "Allow me Miss. Ostrander, you should not bother with opening these things, allow me to assist you," I said smiling at her and opening her locker with ease, thank God I had bothered to remember her locker number and combination when she wasn't looking; of course I'm sure that must make me look like some creepy, over possessive guy but if Alexander thought he was going to be the only one doing anything for her he was barking up the wrong tree then.

"How...How did you know my combination?" She asked glaring at me but I could also tell she was slightly impressed.

"I looked at your schedule when you weren’t looking and mesmerized you locker number and combo. I also know you have lunch this period which I so happen to have as well," I said grinning but feeling like a total looser having to resort to sneaking around to figure out her things but I didn't care at the time. Taking the bag out of Alexander's hand I smirked at him.

"You're going to be late for you class Alexander," I said while placing my hand on Forest's back and steering her to the lunch room with a furious looking Alexander glaring after us. When I was sure he was gone I released my grip.

"What was that all about? What has gotten into the both of you?" She asked me with a slight glare to her eyes and I suddenly felt like one of those over possessive guys and instantly felt guilty but I knew I was doing her a good thing by keeping Alexander away from her.

"It's nothing, I just don't want you hanging out with that guy, and he’s bad news." I said brushing off her look and ignoring her question, what was going on between us was something she did not need to be dragged into.

"Bad news? How?" She asked in a persistent tone which was shockingly getting on my nerves all of a sudden. Calm down James, you're just worked up over Alexander, you don't need to blow off on her either and completely loose her trust in you I said to myself.

"Just trust me on this one ok?" I asked stopping her long enough to really make sure she understood what I was trying to get at. When she didn't protest I sighed and continued on to the lunch room with her close beside me, it kind of felt like we were a couple which sent a totally mixed feeling in me; why did I want us to be together but at the same time didn't want to? What is it that I really wanted from her? When we walked into the lunch room I instantly felt like a weight has been lifted off of my chest and I felt like I could be myself once more.

Taking up our seats, I gave Forest enough space so as it didn't look like I was trying to invade in her personal area but at the same time being close enough that it felt like we were there as friends.

After a while I noticed Forest had a distant look to her face and she barely even touched her food which worried me.

"Is something wrong Forest?" I asked hoping she wasn't getting sick.

"Huh? Oh no, what makes you say that?" She asked brushing off my worries and I knew she definitely had something on her mind.

"You were staring at your food and haven’t even taken a bite of it. What's on your mind?" I asked hoping she would finally open up to me and tell me something to put my worries aside.

 "What makes you think something is wrong? Why is it whenever I'm deep in thought someone always assumes that there is something wrong with me?" I was shocked with her blowing off on me, I had never suspected her to do so and it pained me when she did.

"Well sorry for disturbing you. I didn't think your thoughts were so important to keep to yourself," I said a bit angry and hurt at her shutting me out.

"I'm sorry James, I just have a lot on my mind right now and I just don't feel like talking about it just yet, please forgive me?" She said and I could hear the sincerity in her voice so I conceded and gave in to her, after all, I must have hit a hidden nerve so it was also my fault for making her blow as well but I might as well take this chance at showing her that I'm much better than Alexander.

"All right, I'll forgive you but on one condition," I said a bit evilly.

"What's that?" I could hear her hesitation at accepting my request.

"A kiss." I could tell my request had shocked her, her mouth dropped open as if a ton of bricks were weighing it down and her eyes were like saucers.

"What? Too sudden?" I asked hoping she wouldn't reject me.

"N-No, not really...well I mean actually ya it was, I was not really expecting that kind of request," she said so I decided to fake feeling hurt, after all for her sudden outburst she

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