» Fantasy » The Curse of the Berinstein Manor, Forest Ostrander [beach books TXT] 📗

Book online «The Curse of the Berinstein Manor, Forest Ostrander [beach books TXT] 📗». Author Forest Ostrander

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kind of owed it to me.

"Oh. I'm sorry if I come on too aggressive," I said faking my down expression; it must have worked because she took the bait.

"No it's ok, just one kiss you wanted?" She asked and I felt bad at having to guilt it out of her but this was probably my only chance at protecting her from Alexander so I had to take it when I could.

"Why? Do you want more than one?" I asked grinning, I was probably enjoying this a little bit too much.

"I think one will do just fine, we did just meet today you know. I don't want you to think that I'm one of those sissy girls who you can kiss any time you want, from now on you have to earn that right like anyone else, “she said and I was ok with that; I didn't want to push her past her comfort zone any more than what I had just done so I guess just one kiss for now was good enough for me.

"All right, that sounds fine with me," I said smiling at her.

After a while she once more slipped back into that thoughtful look of hers which I had to admit scared me a bit and I hoped that I hadn't said anything to offend her.

"Did I say something to offend you?" I asked hoping she would say no.

"Huh? No, I was just once more daydreaming," I knew she was brushing me off once more which irked me that she wouldn't open up to me but I wasn't about to press the issue seeing as how she was not ready to truly open up fully yet to me, I guess I had a lot of trust earning to do.

After lunch, I dragged her into one of the janitor closets. All the staff here gave me an extra key to their rooms since I always stayed late to finish up some sort of projects, the janitors gave me spares of their keys as well so that when I was done I could clean up when they went home. I could feel her tense up as I dragged her into the closet and locked the door behind me but I didn't care, I knew a girl would loosen up eventually and she did agree to give me a kiss for payment for her blowing me off and me accepting her apology. Pushing her up against the wall I leaned in leaving a few inches between our lips, I was hesitant about pushing her too far and scaring her away from me and right into Alexander's arms.

"Are you sure this is ok?" I asked and was pleased when she nodded her head and then our lips met.

I had kissed a bunch of girls before but I have never kissed anyone like her, she was a pure natural at it which shocked me since she said no boy touched her before. I actually found myself enjoying it a bit more than I had with the others and I dragged her closer to me and in response she wrapped her arms around my neck and I could feel her pressing herself even closer to me. Though a part of me was enjoying the moment we were having as our lips moved in sync with each other I had a nagging feeling of confusion. A part of me longed to have her as mine but another part of me didn't know if I was really ready to officially express my true feelings to her, how could I after we had just met? Yet here I was locking lips with her in a janitor’s closet. After a while I felt her push against me and we split apart, each of us breathing heavily, I sadly didn't want it to stop, I wanted to really test out that feeling I had before to see if I could really work myself up to telling her even if we just met today.

"More?" I asked hoping she would say yes. I was once more relieved that she nodded and we were kissing again, this time I really pinned her against me, I wanted more than anything to convey what I was really feeling for her but I lacked the ability to verbally say it so I was hoping my actions would do it for me, I was hoping that this moment between us would spike the same emotion in her as it did with me, moaning slightly at the sudden closeness of our bodies. After another long kissing session she pushed on me again breaking us apart.

"All ready?" I asked disappointed that she had stopped it right when it was getting to the good part.

"James, we're going to be late for class," she said and I knew she was right but at that moment I could care less, all I wanted was to keep her there with me and never letting her leave.

"Fine," I said giving in once more to her and unlocking the door, we left the closet and headed to class.

Chapter 3: The memory

                When my last class broke free I felt so relieved, not only can I get out and finally head to the library but it also got me away from the tension between Alexander and James, who know so much male testosterone was so overpowering? I swore I was practically drowning in it. Reaching my locker I sighed, if my friends had been around they surely would know what to do and how to repel such male hormones from overpowering ones atmosphere. Digging through my backpack I pulled out my sketch book and box of pencils and placed them in my back pocket, next to come out was my library card, I was glad the first time I arrived here I had opened up an account, though I knew the people who worked at the library and they knew me I felt like it was one of my civilian duties to still get a library card even though they would let me take a book out with or without a card.

                Once my backpack was in my locker as I would not need it, I closed it and made my way to the front doors, nearly making it out I stopped when my name was being called. Looking behind me I saw Alexander trying to make his way through the swarm of kids to get to me and I groaned inwardly. I do not need this right now I thought to myself, I had hoped that I would be able to slip out of the school without either him or James noticing me but apparently that was not going to be the case. I debated on rather or not I should wait for him to catch up to me or if I should make my break for it while he struggled through the other students. A part of me screamed for me to get away from there and not listen to his calling but another part of me wanted me to stay and see what the hell he wanted from me this time so I decided to let the curiosity in me take over and I waited.

“Hey,” Alexander said finally getting to me, I could tell the effort to split the sea of kids took a lot of effort on his part and I snickered inwardly, I was doing a lot of stuff on the inside but why let them see it? I never let anyone see me doing anything that I don’t want them to so why do it now?

“What’s up?” I asked really not wanting to be there but also not wanting to leave either.

“What are you doing?” He asked. Instantly sensing a hidden meaning behind his words I put the barrier up.

“Why do you want to know?” I asked eyeing him skeptically. It surprised me when my reaction took him by surprise and I felt the urge to apologize but held it back.

“I was just wondering if I could walk you home, that’s all,” he said holding up his hands as if surrendering. I didn’t buy it one bit.

“No, I’m taking the short cut home, I don’t need an escort from there,” I said quickly hoping he would leave me alone. I was trying my hardest to give him the benefit of the doubt but I was having a hard time believe he only wanted to walk me home, there was a reason James warned me away from him and I was going to follow it…at least for now. His face fell but I did not care, some might call me heartless but at that moment, I just really wanted to get away from him.

“Oh, ok then. See you Monday?” He asked giving me a small smile which lit his handsome face up and made me want to rethink his invitation to walk me home.

“Ya sure,” I said holding back the urge to accept his offer and was pleased with myself when that side of me didn’t put up a fight.

“All right then, see ya Monday Forest,” Alexander said waving goodbye to me and leaving. I stayed where I was and gave him some time to get a good distance away before I too left the school and made my way to the library. When I was just a little kid I had always enjoyed coming to the library, it was a place where I could get away from all the stress at home and at the same time disappear into my own little world where no one but me mattered. I had always felt more at home in books than I had anywhere else and even though that makes me sound like a total book nerd I could care less, people need to read more and then maybe they will find something else interesting in their life or in the world the book is displaying for you, begging you to come back to it and live the life of the characters as if it was your own life.

                When the library came into view I instantly felt all my worries slip away as if there was some invisible barrier holding them back and preventing them from clinging onto me any longer. Stopping outside the huge building I took it all in, it had been a long time since I was here and I wanted to take it all in once more. The huge marble stone pillars in the entrance held up a beautifully carved roof, the glistening marble stairs glinted in the light of the sun making them gleam and sparkle under its warm glow. The few trees that were planted there gave some shelter from the sun’s rays and the chirping of birds filled my ears. This place was something to enjoy, it brought peace and tranquility to me that nowhere else had besides my sketches. Finally heading up the stairs and opening the wide glass doors I stepped into a huge foyer with a beautiful mahogany carpet with floral designs sewn into it. Dark oak table littered the bottom half of the library providing sitting places for people to study or read books, a huge spiraling staircase led up to the upper

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