» Fantasy » The Crystal, Jones M [most popular novels TXT] 📗

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stared at her eyes as I willed for my powers to work.

Seconds later, nothing seemed to be happening.

"FUCK!" I yelled in frustration as I started crying. We could not lose Emery, especially not like this. 

The paramedics were soon rolling into the suite. My eyes slightly widened at their fast entrance. They quickly carried and placed Emery’s form onto the gurney before wheeling her off. The rest of us were trailing behind them. It was after a while of staring at her in worry that I noticed a stab wound had been healed.

People had crowded around the hotel lobby. They were shocked by the scene in front of them, but that was the least of my worries. 

We all followed the paramedics right outside the hotel where an ambulance was parked.

“Anyone who’s close to her?” one of them asked.

“I’ll go,” Ethan said before boarding the ambulance vehicle.

“We’ll follow you,” I told him. He nodded, and soon, he and Emery were driven off to the hospital.

Ethan’s P.O.V

The vehicle was moving at a fast pace, and I was glad it did. The wailing noise of the ambulance and the fast movements of the people in the vehicle were not my main concerns. I fixated my stare on Emery, who had an oxygen mask placed over her nose while the paramedics began setting her up for treatment. Her eyes were closed, but at least she was alive.

Ethan. I heard Emery weakly contact me in my mind. I grabbed her hand into mine.

“It’s okay, Emery,” I tried to calm her, rubbing a thumb over the back of her hand. “You’ll be okay.”

Bianca sent someone to kill me.

I processed the words she told me. It took a while for me to be shocked by what she had said. The events that had occurred less than an hour ago had forced my focus to my surroundings.

What? I questioned, but I gained no reply. 

"Sir, I would kindly need you to stay on the other side. We are reaching the hospital," a female paramedic informed me. I was reluctant at first, but I soon let Emery go and stood on the other side.

The paramedics continued doing their thing as I began thinking of what Emery had told me.

Bianca sent someone to kill her?

I doubted her words. It seemed impossible.

Why would Bianca target Emery? Why would she want her dead? There was nothing to gain for her from Emery's death.

My thoughts led me to replay the words Erick had told me, Selena, Justin and the rest of my bandmates. I was afraid that he was right about Emery possibly turning evil.

It made no sense. Emery was on the edge of dying. If she wanted to get rid of Bianca, wouldn't she have done it without putting her life on the line?

I was not sure of what to believe in anymore. 

The vehicle stopped moving. My focus was brought back to the present as the back doors opened. Seconds later, I was following the paramedics into the large hospital building.


Third Person’s P.O.V

Eva and Bianca were in Eva's castle. In the past two weeks, Zane’s girlfriend had been introduced to the world of magic. It scared Bianca, and she was certain it would take her some time to get used to it.

“Are you crazy?” Eva asked Bianca with a glare.  

“It seemed like the best solution for the both of us! You wanted her dead, and I was willing to do it for you,” Bianca defended her opinions.

“Not like this!” Eva boomed with a shake of her hand. “Do you have any idea of what you could have done?”

Bianca slowly shook her head in a manner of saying ‘no’. Eva ran a hand through her hair, sighing deeply in frustration as she walked across the small chamber before turning to face Bianca.

“This could have blown up in our faces! What would you do if they found out about what you did?” Bianca remained silent, thinking over what Eva said.

Although glad that Emery was in the hospital, Eva worried about what would happen as a result of that.

“Emery will know what you did to her.” The evil crystal knew that was a fact. If Bianca was found out, everything Eva was planning would be ruined. She wanted someone to enter Crystalia and infiltrate the rulers’ plans. 

The best candidate was Bianca since she had the trust of the boys.

“Isn’t there a way we can transfer the blame?” Bianca suggested after a moment.

An idea came to mind.

“Yes, we can. But I need you to follow my instructions this time. Don't go carrying out plans before discussing them with me. Are we clear?” Eva spoke.

“Yes,” Bianca replied.

“Good. Now," Bianca spoke as she walked towards a magic mirror in the chamber. With a wave of her hand, she exposed Erick, Selena and Justin on the mirror. They were in different places. Wavy lines of white smoke separated them.

"I need you to gain these people’s trust,” Eva explained. “Once you do that, we can proceed with our next plan.”


(A/N Next chapter is epilogue)

Emery's P.O.V

An annoying beeping sound had me stirring from my sleep. I thought it was an alarm clock, and so I felt around for the device. What met my hands was a large expanse of sheets. My eyebrows furrowed before I forced my eyes open. 

I instantly closed them due to the unexpected brightness of my surroundings. It took them a while to adjust to my environment. 

The brightness I had earlier seen was the white light being emitted from the bulbs on the white ceiling. 

Where was I?

I instantly shot up from what I presumed was a bed, turning my head to observe my surroundings. I was in a blue room. On my right was an annoying continuous beep from a heart rate monitor, and a couple of feet in front of me, there was a white door. On my left was a window that allowed some light to enter the room. Shutters had blocked the view behind the window, only allowing rays of sunshine to enter the room.

Oh no. Please don't let it be—

I interrupted my thoughts as looked at my form, noticing I had worn a white blue-dotted gown. White sheets had most of my form, and the bed squeaked with every movement. My right wrist had an IV stitched under a bandage, and my nose had an oxygen mask placed over it.

I wanted to cry.

I was in a hospital, again. What happened this time?

The memory of the events that led me to be hospitalized slammed into my mind, leaving a slight headache. The hair on my skin stood as I recalled Bianca had sent someone to do her dirty work. I recalled every visual thing that surrounded those events. That included the person who tried to murder me.

If Bianca wanted to get rid of me, why didn't she do it herself?

I began thinking about it, and the answer to my mental question was quick.

The bitch didn't want to be linked to my 'murder'.

Tears brimmed my eyes as I recalled the unjust events that landed me in a hospital bed. 

I still could not believe Bianca had the guts to send a hitman to murder me, and in the same hotel suite as she was! How dumb could the bitch be? 

In fact, how dumb could the killer be? I knew she thought I was dead, but when she removed her mask, I immediately studied her features. Her face was embroiled in my mind.

She was going to pay.

"Emery!" my cousin's voice pierced the room as she busted through the ward door. A smile appeared on my face, glad that she had been on the other side of the door.

She gave me an awkward hug since I was sitting up on the bed. Once she retracted it, I took my time to study her features.

She looked prettier. The pink lipstick she had applied stuck out, barely inconspicuous. Eyeliner and mascara accentuated her eyes, making them look big. A light blush covered her cheeks. 

"How are you feeling?" Selena questioned with worried eyes.

Like crap, I thought. I opened my mouth to speak, but I found it hard to utter a sound due to the soreness.

Water, I thought again. Selena heard my thoughts. She exited the ward for about a minute before returning with a white plastic cup. I took it and slowly lowered it to my lips, drinking the liquid. It left a weird aftertaste of pills, which made me scrunch up my face in disgust.

"I am so happy you're okay!" Selena said with a smile before taking out her phone. She called someone. Even though I could hardly decipher the words the person on the other line said, I could tell my cousin was talking about me.

"That was Justin," Selena said once the call ended. "I told him you woke up, and he was very happy for you. He said he would drop by later with Erick."

I nodded, excited to see them. I kept studying Selena as she looked at me. She had changed in a way. Maybe she had grown. But then, I noticed the smile she was giving me. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me because the smile seemed forced.

"What happened to me?" I asked, feigning lack of knowledge about what I already knew. I just wanted to see if Bianca was sent to jail.

Selena shifted in her seat with a look of nervousness.

"Someone stabbed you while you were sleeping," she said. I couldn't help but feel giddy about the thought of Bianca going to prison for what she did to me.

"Once I heard what happened, I didn't know what... I couldn't..." she trailed off, her voice wavering as she began crying. My thoughts were cut off by the sadness in her voice, and I felt bad for thinking of myself and not the others who were worried about my well-being.

"Selena, no," I tried to comfort her. "I'm here, and I'm okay."

"There was so much blood, Emery," she continued. "I wasn't sure you would survive! In the last four weeks that passed--"

My eyes widened at what she said before interrupting her.

"Hold up. Four weeks? I have been in the hospital for four weeks?"

Selena remained silent for a while as I digested the piece of information.

I lay back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I was having a feeling of deja vu. 

Wasn't that what happened after my ex-bullies had beat me with metallic rods? I couldn't believe I spent a month or more in a coma!

"So," Selena stretched the word, wiping her eyes. "There was an investigation that was done to find out who tried to kill you."

I was giddy again. I couldn't wait to hear about Bianca being arrested.

"They couldn't identify anyone, so we all believed it was erwiches."

Wait, what?

"The investigation was dropped--"

"Erwiches? What would they have to do with it?" I interrupted. Selena stared at me in confusion. How could it have gone to erwiches and not straight to Zane's bitch of a girlfriend?

Hadn't I told Ethan that Bianca sent some bitch to try to kill me?

"We believe they sent someone to try to kill you while you were asleep. On the day after you were admitted to the hospital, many of them were around Crystalia. It was like they wanted war to begin on that same day. Everyone was scared and thought it was the end. Then suddenly, they teleported. We all thought they found out their plan had failed."

My eyes widened in disbelief.

What. The. Hell?

"We even had to assign two guards right around your ward just in case they decided to strike while you were still recovering."


It did not make sense. How could someone try to kill me on the same day erwiches were close to declaring war on Crystalia? It just didn't add up! 

Or maybe... was Bianca being helped by the erwiches?

I quickly shook the thought off. Bianca was bad, but I did not believe she would be bad enough to hang out with evil witches. 

"I don't believe what I just heard," I spoke after a while. "The erwiches had nothing to do with me."

Selena's facial expression contorted into one of confusion before saying "What?"

"It wasn't them. Bianca tried to kill me," I replied. Selena shifted on her seat, digesting what I was telling her with a bewildered expression.

"What?" she asked again.

"She sent some blonde woman to try to kill me. Then the blonde said something along the lines 'this is for Bianca' before stabbing me repeatedly in the chest."

Selena looked troubled. She wasn't reacting the way I expected. She wasn't gasping or getting angry; she was just looking at anything but me.

My cousin was silent and still, looking at me with uncertainty.

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