» Fantasy » The Crystal, Jones M [most popular novels TXT] 📗

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what she could be planning to do to us.'

Harry was right. I knew that what we did to Emery was not as bad as what Eva had done to her mother. We had once put her in a hospital. She was angry about it, but she didn't seem too angry to actually want to kill us. It had even taken us a while to actually earn her forgiveness. 

But then, what if it was her plan all along? To get us to trust her with everything before she takes her revenge on us?

My heart, once glad about the insults posted on Emery's twitter account, twisted in fear for us.

I turned to face Zane, but I noticed he was silently talking to Bianca with a smile on his face.

"I need to take a walk," I told everyone. They nodded as I turned to the hotel suite exit.

I needed some time to think.

I was outside the hotel in about three minutes. Afraid of being ambushed by my crazy but wonderful fans, I had worn a black hat to hide my hair and a pair of black sunglasses. I worried about the disguise I wore, feeling it was not enough, so I stood next to the elevator I had boarded to reach the lobby. If I was caught, I could go back to the suite.

A minute passed, and there was no reaction from anyone who entered or left the building. They just gave me weird glances before going on with their lives. Smiling with relief, I moved towards the exit and began wandering around the city.

My mind went back to the tweet Emery had posted about the boys and me. I was angry about it, but then I wondered what she would gain from saying bad things about the band.

Oh, yeah. Revenge.

If the time between the day she said she forgave us until the current one was all a plan of hers to destroy our image, then she needed to leave. In fact, I was planning on asking her to do just that when she got back. I worked hard to earn my image as a musician. It was a dream come true for me, and I would be damned if I let anyone ruin it.

I was forced to focus on my surroundings when I reached the side of a road that I wanted to cross. The street I was in was mostly deserted, and a few people were moving about. Nobody was staring at me, and I found it safe to cross the road.

I was in the middle of the road when a high screeching noise pierced the air.

I turned to my left, just in time to see a car coming right at me at a fast pace. It did not reduce its speed. The road I stood on was wide by about six lanes. 

I was trapped.

My eyes widened as fear gripped my form. I didn't have enough time to evade the oncoming vehicle.

In an instant, the vehicle collided with my side. I was thrown over it, rolling on top of it just as I got a glimpse of red hair and lightly tanned skin. The vehicle sped on once I landed on the ground in pain. I heard muffled shouts in the background before I blacked out.


Emery's P.O.V

I couldn't believe the nerve of those boys! How could they be certain that I insulted them on Twitter? 

Me, of all people?

I growled under my breath as I passed the city buildings and people who were busy with their lives, thinking over the events of the past two months. 

Everything had been great until Bianca joined me and the boys on their tour. It was like she was the devil reincarnate, the tornado that came unexpectedly on a sunny day. She wanted to get rid of me for some reason I did not know.

If that were to continue, things would just get worse. I realized then that I needed to get away. 

I needed to leave the tour, like pronto. 

Immediately after touring the city, I planned to head back to the hotel to pack my things and leave. Bianca could be planning something much worse, but I was not going to stay to see it happen.

My thoughts were interrupted by a hard slap on my butt. I stopped, turning to face the person who did that with a pissed off expression.

There were two guys who seemed about ten years older than I was. One was blonde while the other had black hair. The blonde had brown eyes, while the brunette had blue ones. 

Overall, they looked handsome.

"What the hell is your problem?" I asked. Even though they were hot, they did not have the right to do what they did. I was already having a bad day and I did not want to make it worse. 

The blonde smirked, and the other one looked me up and down.

"Bianca was right," the brunette said. "She is pretty and innocent. I wouldn't mind doing this one for free."

I was momentarily infuriated by the mention of Bianca's name, but that was quickly replaced by a bout of fear. 

I looked at my surroundings, noticing that I was in a deserted alley. The sun was still present and close to setting. Whichever part of the city I were in was shadowed. There was a large trash bin twelve feet in front of me that blocked the route out of the alley. Behind me, there was an empty parked car that blocked the view of the alley. 

That wasn't there when I was walking by.

[!-! ( A/N: You know what this means)]

I panicked, turning to run from the men. Before I could move more than three feet away, a hand grabbed onto my shoulder and I was dragged back. My back collided with a hard surface. My eyes rotated up, noticing that my back was pressed against a brick wall. I felt its surface bruise my skin, but I could hardly feel it because of the paranoia I felt in the presence of the two men.

One of the men began dragging his hands around my form. I was momentarily frozen, seeing that I was caged to a wall with the two guys. The blonde one grabbed my butt and squeezed.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled out loud, trying to sound confident, but I heard my voice wavering. 

I was instantly backhanded. The slap had my face turned to the side, bringing a throbbing sensation on my cheek and a slight headache as a result. 

I soon heard a ripping sound.

I looked down, seeing that the brunette had ripped my shirt off of me. Then he quickly got rid of my bra, exposing my breasts.

I was angry, but fear superseded that feeling. Then I felt fingers touch my thigh before wandering higher.

"Stop!" I yelled in alarm, earning another slap. That one had me momentarily disoriented. I felt a mouth on one of my nipples and fingers tugging on the other one. They pinched the uncovered nipple. I felt like weights were trying to crush them. It seemed rushed like someone was greedily looking for something.

I cried out in pain, feeling fingers unexpectedly enter my vagina. The agony was doubled when the mouth on my nipple bit hard on it. I thought I saw stars at the back of my head for a moment. If anything, I was worried I would bleed.

"She's so tight, Rich," one of the men said, moving his fingers in my channel. 

It hurt. It really hurt. The pain spread through my form, and it did not help that the fingers were about two or three.

A hand was then on my throat, choking and restricting the amount of air that was passing into my body.

"Don't make her pass out, Nick! Bianca says she needs to live through what we do to her," the blonde one, who was sucking and biting my breasts, ordered.

The fear and helplessness I was feeling quickly turned to anger. 

I forced my form to spring into action. Channeling my powers, I astral projected behind the men. 

My astral-projected form momentarily shook at the feeling of being there as two people and observing myself. The men were busy doing their awful things, and I tried not to look too much at my abused self.

In an instant, I had kicked the one who had his mouth on my breast. He harshly bit into it as a reaction, making me wince in pain, even though I could have screamed. Ignoring the pain, I punched the other one hard on his head. He passed out, releasing the hold he had on my throat. I felt his fingers leave my groin. I looked down at them, gladly seeing there was no wound.

Thank God.

The one I had kicked looked frozen as he stood before the two of me. In an instant, I used my telekinesis powers to raise him high into the air. He started screaming.

Not wanting anyone to witness what was occurring, I forcefully brought the guy back onto the ground. He lost consciousness on impact.

I looked at my hurt form, noticing that blood was trickling out of my groin.


The sight of my form had me momentarily frozen. My heart had been beating so fast ever since the guys tried to force themselves on me. It hadn't fully dwelled on me what had almost happened until then.

But then, it felt like it was already too late.

Two men had been forcing themselves on me. They had touched my breasts and placed their fingers in areas I never thought they would.

I was livid. I was sad, and I was disgusted with myself.

So filthy.

I felt the emotions that wanted to take over my form. I tried, and it was a miracle I even found the strength to hold them back. I couldn't think too much about what had happened. 

I needed to leave the scene.

I closed my eyes, willing for my astral-projected form to disappear. I also chanted a spell to fix the shirt I had worn and to clean me up before swiftly turning and running away from the alley. 

As I ran, my mind focused on one thing.   

Bianca was going to pay.

After a while, I found myself entering the hotel. I showed the hotel guards my suite card and they allowed me inside. I went towards the elevators, trying so hard to keep a lid on my emotions.

Once I was in one, I pressed the floor number for my suite. The doors slowly closed, and I was glad that I was the only one in the elevator.

No sooner had a second passed than sobs racked my form. I faced the ground, tears streaming down my cheeks as I thought of the day's events. 

I couldn't believe I was almost raped!

I felt disgusted with myself. All the while, I thought about the men's hands on my form. My cheeks still stung from the slaps I had received, but the pain had reduced in intensity. 

What would have happened? What could have happened if I hadn't channeled my powers?

The thoughts that followed after almost had me puking in the elevator.

Speaking of which, it dinged as the doors opened. I quickly wiped at my face as I made my way through the hallway to the hotel suite.

I reached the doors, but I stood. I had no idea of what to tell the guys.

It was a no-brainer that they currently hated me. I wanted to cry again, realizing that I had no one to talk to. My friends and those I considered family were angry with me; they had chosen to believe Bianca.

It angered me, but then, I didn't care at the moment. 

I wanted to leave. I had endured enough from Bianca. 

I was letting her win.  

With a tired sigh, I pushed the door open.

"Guys, I'm sorry, but I can't--" I cut myself off when I saw who was inside. 

Bianca the evil bitch was there. Apart from that, Justin, Erick, Selena and four members of the Ordinary Brothers were there. Three police officers were also there. 

And they were all looking at me.

"Is that her?" one of the policemen asked, and Logan nodded, not meeting my eyes.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Guys, what's going on?" I asked. I looked at everyone, noticing that Liam was not around.

"Emery Davis, you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Liam Payne," the police officer said as he approached me with a pair of handcuffs. My eyes widened, instinctively moving backward to the door.

What? Liam was in an accident? 

It didn't take me so long to recall the other words that the officer had said.

"What? That's insane. I didn't do that!" I yelled.

"Anything you say will be used against you in a court of law," the policeman ignored my pleas, reaching out for my hand. I had two options: run away and risk a search on me, or just go willingly.

I moved away from the guard, slowly walking around while the others tried to surround me.

It was then that I realized they were blocking every exit that I could have thought to use.

"Emery," Selena spoke with a neutral tone. "Liam had been in an accident four hours ago."

My eyes widened in disbelief.


Selena nodded, looking at me as if I knew about it. 

So it was true. But that didn't explain why the police were going to arrest me. The policemen decided to stand where they were, probably figuring out I had no ways of escaping their clutches.

"You're a good actress, Emery," Harry spoke with the same expression as my cousin. "Do you think we are

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